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Central Sponsorship Team:

One spons team for all events It will consist of 5 people chosen
Each acad club should have a flagship event and raise funds for it. They
should also raise funds for their imperium events.
The CST will help all clubs with their sponsorships and oversee it. The
ownership of raising money would be split among the central and cub
Spons teams.
The CST will be in constant touch with the prospective sponsors/companies
so that we can convert sponsorships later on for other events.
Each acad club and event club should give a fixed amount to the central
students fund from the money raised. This fund will be used for organising
farewell party, freshers party, giving mementos to outgoing students etc.
Thus, it will reduce the need for students to contribute for these things.
Council Agenda:
Coordinate with fellow council members
Contribute to the smooth functioning of the council
Actively participate in all student activities
Design the induction programme framework
Ensure smooth transition of juniors

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