UNIT: 02 Computer Systems: of Management Sciences

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Grafton College

of Management Sciences

UNIT : 02

Grafton College
of Management Sciences
What is Computer?
Is Computer intelligent?
What can a Computer do?
What is the Speed of Computer?
What is Computer?
Computer is an electronic machine,
which can be used to help you with
your work.
You may think that a computer is
very intelligent, but it really is not.
It is only a machine and, like any
machine, can only follow a set of
given instructions.
A computer is a digital, reprogrammable,
automatic, information-processing machine,
which inputs, processes and outputs data under
the control of a stored program.
What can a computer do?
A computer can
Carryout instructions a set of which is called a
Work around the clock without getting tired.
Store data in its memory and reproduce it whenever
Provide speedy global communication through the
Performs all kinds of control applications i.e. traffic light
control, stock control, missile launching control etc.
Carry out repetitive tasks accurately.
Changing the way of working
Manual Workers
Many Manual jobs lost due to
However, most of these jobs
are boring, repetitive, dirty and
often unpleasant and
Changing the way of working
Clerical Workers
The nature of clerical work has
been drastically changed by the
introduction of computers.
Today most large record systems
are stored on computers. On the
other hand, some office workers
say they feel the computer has
robbed them of their job
Changing the way of working
Professional Workers
Professional workers are people such
as scientists, teachers, engineers,
doctors, lawyers, accountants and
systems analysts.
They earn their living by offering
their clients a combination of factual
knowledge and practical experience.
As yet, very few professional workers
have lost their jobs to computers.
Changing the way of working
Creative Workers
Creative workers are people such
as musicians, painters, actors,
authors and poets.
Real creativity is one of those
mysterious human powers that are
completely beyond any known
computer technology.
No creative workers are likely to
lose their jobs to a computer, many
of them use computers as a
powerful tool to aid their work.
Computer Types
The range of different types of computers available
is enormous, but we can divide this range into only
five major sections.
1. Micro-controllers
2. Microcomputers
3. Minicomputers
4. Mainframe computers
5. Super computers
Computer Types
Micro-controllers, also called embedded
computers, are tiny, specialized microprocessors
installed in smart appliances and automobiles.
These micro-controllers enable for example,
microwave ovens to store data about how long to
cook your potatoes and at what temperature.
These devices are sometimes also called dedicated
1. Timer
List two tasks that micro-controllers perform
2. Temperature
in microwave oven.
Q No. 1: List four tasks that micro-controller 2.__________________________
performs in your mobile. 3.__________________________
Hint: (Watch the display Screen of your mobile)
Q.No.2: List three tasks that micro- 1.__________________________
controller performs in your Television. 2.__________________________
Hint: (Functions that you control through Remote) 3.
Q.No.3: List four tasks that micro-controller 1.__________________________
can perform in your CLI telephone at home 2.__________________________
or office. 3.
Q.No.4: List two task that micro-controller 1.__________________________
can perform in your digital wrist watch. 2.
Computer Types
A microcomputer is a general
purpose computer, which uses a
microprocessor chip for its
central processing unit.
They are small computers called
personal computers that can fit
on or beside a desk.
They are the type of computers
that are found in the home, in
small businesses and in schools.
Minicomputers are smaller and cheaper,
alternative to mainframe computers.
Capable of supporting from 4 200 users
They are machines midway in cost and
capability between microcomputers and
They usually found in medium or large
size businesses.
They can handle large amounts of data
and are costly.
Occupying specially wired, air-
conditioned rooms and capable of
great processing speeds and data
Capable of supporting hundreds
and thousands of users
Price rang from $40,000 to
$3 million.
Operated by professional
programmers and technicians.
Examples of such companies are
banks, airlines and insurance
companies, which handle millions
of transactions yearly.
Super computer are the most complex computers that
have yet been manufactured.
Typically priced up to billions.
Supercomputers are high capacity machines that require
special air-conditioned rooms.
The super computer used in the British Meteorological
Office completes over 100 billion calculations in order
to produce a weather forecast for the next 24 hours.
Supercomputer users are those who need to model
complex phenomena.
Examples are automotive engineers, aero-plane designers, oil
exploration, nuclear weapons testing and weather forecasting.
Computer Performance
Yotta 10
Zetta 10
Exa 10
Peta 10
Tera 10
Giga 10
Mega 10
Kilo 10
K Computer
(Words Fastest Super Computer)
The K computer named for the Japanese word "kei",
meaning 10 quadrillion is a supercomputer produced
by Fujitsu, currently installed at the RIKEN Advanced
Institute for Computational Science campus in Kobe,
In June 2011, TOP500 ranked K the world's fastest
supercomputer, with a rating of over 8 petaflops, and
in November 2011, K became the first computer to top
10 petaflops.
K Computer

The K Computer has 672 computer racks and 68,544

CPUs. This system achieved a LINPACK benchmark
performance of 8.162 petaflops (quadrillion floating-
point operations per second).
But this supercomputer isn't even finished. That
should happen in November 2012 when it is expected
to house more than 800 computer racks and exceed
10 petaflops
Grafton College
of Management Sciences
What components are inside the Computer?
Where computer think and store?
Components of Computer
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
Control Unit (CU)
input/output devices
Auxiliary storage

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