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Training and Development

•Corning was one of he first major U.S. employers to realize the

value of taking a strategic approach to human resource
management particularly in investing in employees relative to
•Suffered in the marketplace due to competition
•Reopened a new plant and reinvented the way it did business
•One hundred fifty production workers were hired from a pool of
8,000 applicants and given extensive training
•Training time for employees accounted for 25 percent of total
working time during the first year of operation
•The training involved workers taking on responsibilities
previously reserved for management and development of broad
range of skills that were to be utilized in a team centered
Training and Development
•Workers were required to master three different skill modules
within two years in order to keep their jobs
•New plant had only four job classifications as opposed to the
previous 47 classifications
•Training provided efficiencies in both flexibility of employees
•Decreased supervision costs, increased productivity
•Result $2 million profit as opposed to the expected $2.3 million
start –up loss
•The strategized training provided to employees was a wise
investment of organizational resources
Training and Development
•Training and development represents ongoing investment in
the human assets and one of the most significant investments
in an organization
•Training involves employees acquiring knowledge and learning
skills that will be used immediately
•Employee development involves learning that will aid the
organization and employee later in he employee’s career
•Learning implies ongoing development and continuously
adding to employees skills and knowledge to meet the
challenges the organization faces from external environment
Training and Development
•Training and development is increasingly becoming a major
strategic issue for organization
•1.Rapid changes in Technology causes increasing rates of skill
•2.Redesign of work into jobs having broader responsibilities-
self managed teams-requires assume more responsibilities-
develop interpersonal skills
•Third mergers and acquisitions have greatly increased-
integrating employees to different culture
•Less loyalty to a particular employer
•Globalization-requires managers to acquire knowledge and
skills related to language and cultural differences
Training and Development
•Benefits of Training and Development
•Training involves change for employees
•Changes in how they do their jobs
•How they relate to others
•The conditions under which they perform
•Changes in their job responsibilities
•Some employees may find change threatening
•Change that happens through training is a win-win outcome for
employee and employers
Training and Development
•Strategically targeted training in critical skills and knowledge
bases adds to employee marketability and employability
• Critical in the current environment of rapidly developing
technology and changing jobs and work processes
•Organizations continue to seek out and employ knowledge
workers rather than workers with narrowly defined technical
•Providing employees with broader knowledge and skills and
supporting on going employee development helps organizations
reduce layers of management
•Key strategic issue then becomes how to make training
Training and Development

•Planning and strategizing training

•There are two keys to developing successful training programs
in organizations

•The first is Planning and strategizing the training

•This involves four distinct steps
1.Needs assessment
2.The establishment of objectives and measures of the training and evaluation
Training and Development
Levels of needs
Organizational level
•How does the training relate to organizational objectives?
•How does the training impact day to day workplace dynamics?
•What are costs and expected benefits of the training?

Task level
•What responsibilities are assigned to the job?
•What skills or knowledge are needed for successful
•Should the learning setting be the actual job setting?
•What are the implications of mistakes?
•How can the job provide the employee with direct feedback?
Training and Development

•How similar to or different from the training needs of other jobs

are the needs of this job?

•Individual Levels
•What knowledge skills and abilities do trainees already have?
•What are the trainees learning styles?
•What special needs do the trainees have?
Training and Development
•After training needs have assessed objectives for the training
activities must be developed
•Objectives should be described in specific measurable terms
•Measures should be stated in terms of both desired employee
behaviors as well as the results that are expected to follow such

•Common problem - organizational objectives vague –success

in achieving them cannot be accurately measured

•Training programs that cannot be evaluated are of little value to

the organization in the long run
Training and Development
Design and Delivery
After objectives and measures have been set the next step is
the design and delivery of training itself
•Two critical issues must be considered
1.Interference-prior training or learning or established habit act
as a obstacle( to drive a automobile having automatic
transmission –later attempted to drive a manual transmission)

2.Transfer-the trainee or learner can actually perform the new

skills or use the new knowledge on the job(transfer the learning
to the actual job setting-on the job training)
Training and Development
After training has been delivered need to be evaluated
•Two critical issues must be considered
1.Interference-prior training or learning or established habit act
as a obstacle( to drive a automobile having automatic
transmission –later attempted to drive a manual transmission)

2.Transfer-the trainee or learner can actually perform the new

skills or use the new knowledge on the job(transfer the learning
to the actual job setting-on the job training)
Four Levels of training evaluation(Kirkpatrick )
Level Questions being asked Measures

Is the organization or unit

better because of the
Results training ? Accidents/Quality/
Are trainees behaving Morale/Costs/Profits
differently on the job after
Behavior training? Are they using Performance appraisal by
the skills and knowledge superior/peers/client/subordi
they learned in training? nate

Learning Skill and knowledge Written

acquired after training testests/Performance tests/

Did the trainees like the

Reaction training? Questionnaires
Training and Development

•The second key factor in strategizing the training programs is

to ensure desired results

•Integrating training with performance management systems

and compensation
Training and Development
The link between training and performance management and

Performance Management


Training and Development

•Training and development of employees is a key strategic

issue for organizations

•Organizations determine the extent to which their human

assets are viable investments

•Much of the return on investment in training and development

may be difficult to quantify

•Organizations to take holistic view regarding training and

development with regard to the skills knowledge required to
achieve organizations strategic objectives
Training and Development
What is a competency?
•A competency is an underlying characteristic of a person which
enables him to deliver superior performance in a given job role
or a situation

•This characteristic may be called an “attribute bundle”

consisting of knowledge skills traits social role self image and
•The “underlying characteristic” manifests itself in the form of
behavior which helps identification and measurement of the
Training and Development
Defining competencies in terms of behaviors/ outputs and

•COMPETENCIES–people have and acquire

1.We apply these (competencies) in the form of

BEHAVIOR(actions thoughts feelings)

2.Our behavior produces OUTPUTS(product and services)

3.How this is done yields RESULTS

Training and Development
Context for competency
Competency has two relevant meanings
•First-addresses the ability of an individual to perform effectively
in a job-relevant area
•Second is a definition of what is required of an individual for
effective performance
•These two are closely related but distinct
•The second meaning involves defining what is important to be
successful in a job
•The first deals with the degree to which an individual does what
is important for a job
•A competency model is a grouping of individual competencies
which describes all or most of he requirements for
job/function/organizational success
Training and Development
Competencies are combination of knowledge abilities personal
attributes and skills that contribute to individual and
organizational performance

•Knowledge-Information that is organized learned and applied

through experience study or investigation
•Ability-Innate potential to perform mental and physical actions
or tasks
•Personal attributes-Individual traits values motives and
attitudes that indicate an employee’s probable behaviour
•Skills-Result of repeatedly applying knowledge or an ability
Competency Model for HR Professionals
Change Agent
• Manages Change
• Consults
• Analyzes
• Uses Coalition Skills
• Influences Others
• Ethic a l Takes Risks
• Decisive
• Develops Staff
• Creates Trust
• Values Diversity
• Resolves Conflict
• Communicates Well
• Respects Others
• Mission Oriented
• Strategic Planner
• Systems Innovator
• Understands Team Behavior

HR Expert
• Knows HR Principles
• Customer Oriented
• Applies Business Procedures
• Manages Resources
• Uses HR Tools

• OPM Personnel Resources and Development Center

• Role Competency Demonstrates Activity
• · Organizational Awareness
• · Problem Solving
• · Customer Service
• · Stress Tolerance
• · Oral Communication
• · Understanding of public service environment
• · Knowledge of agency’s mission
• · Knowledge of organizational development principles
• · Understanding on client’s organizational culture
• · Knowledge of business system thinking
• · Understanding of business process & how to change and
• improve efficiency and effectiveness
• · Innovation & encourages risk-taking

• Interacts with customers in a way that demonstrates customer concerns and

• problems are heard, builds confidence and trust
• · Links HR policies and programs to the organization’s mission & service
• outcomes
• · Applies organizational development principles
• · Adapts HR services to the client’s organizational culture
• · Designs and/or carries out HR services that incorporate business system
• applications
• · Uses HR principles that change business processes to improve its efficiency
• and effectiveness

• · LEADER ·
• Decision Making
• · Planning & Evaluation
• · Conflict Management
• · Self-Management
• · Self-Esteem
• · Oral Communication
• · Analytic, strategic & creative thinking
• · Knowledge of staff & line roles
• · Knowledge of business system and information technology
• · Acts decisively
• · Manages resources e.g. human, funds, equipment
• · Applies conflict resolution methods in organizational situations
• · Uses consensus & negotiation coalition building skills to improve overall
• communication

• · Flexibility
• · Teaching Others
• · Learning
• · Interpersonal Skills
• · Oral Communication
• · Develops employee & agency’s relationships
• · Understands, values, & promotes diversity
• · Balances both agency’s & employees’ demands & resources
• · Develops other’s talents to maximize human potential
• · Mentors individuals to develop talent
• · Assesses & balances competing values e.g., policies & mission needs
• · Builds trust relationships

• · Technical Competence
• · Legal, Government, &
• Jurisprudence
• · Personnel & Human Resources
• · Information Management
• · Arithmetic*
• · Mathematical Reasoning*
• · Customer Service
• · Writing
• · Reading
• · Memory
• · Attention to Detail
• · Oral Communication
• · Knowledge of human resources law & policies
• ·

• Knowledge of work-life & organizational plans

• · Knowledge of information technology
• · Applies expertise in the full range of the HR arena to support agency’s
• mission and business needs
• · Uses surveys and other tools to provide information to help create an
• effective & efficient work environment
• · Adapts information technology to HR management

• · Teamwork
• · Reasoning
• · Influencing/Negotiating
• · Integrity/Honesty
• · Creative Thinking
• · Oral Communication
• · Stress Tolerance
• · Organizational development principles
• · Understanding of marketing
• · Representation of HR products and services
• · Understanding of team behavior
• · Assesses the readiness for change & identifies appropriate change strategies
• · Designs & implements change processes
• · Applies organizational development principles
• ·

• Applies innovative strategies including identifying and recommending

• solutions to various personnel & HR issues
• · Uses consensus, consultation & negotiation/consensus building
• · Influences others to act
• · Practices & promotes integrity & ethical behavior
• · Works in teams
• · Communicates well

The competencies are not limited to the particular assigned role. In reality,
competencies will be fluid among the various HR roles. This model is a
compilation of IPMA, NAPA, and OPM models. Also included are
concepts from Human Resources Champions by David Ulrich. Italicized
competencies are unique to this specific role; the other competencies are
applicable to more than one role.
The Emotional Competence Framework

• Personal Competence
• Self-Awareness
• • Emotional awareness
• • Accurate self-assessment
• • Self-confidence
• Self-Regulation
• • Self-control
• • Trustworthiness
• • Conscientiousness
• • Adaptability
• • Innovation
• Motivation
• • Achievement drive
• • Commitment
• • Initiative
• • Optimism

• Empathy
• • Understanding others
• • Developing others
• • Service orientation
• • Leveraging diversity
• • Political awareness
• Social Skills
• • Influence
• • Conflict management
• • Change catalyst
• • Collaboration and cooperation
• • Communication
• • Leadership
• • Building bonds
• • Team capabilities
*Adapted from the works of Daniel Goleman, Emotional Intelligence and Working
with Emotional Intelligence.
• Human ResourcesGeneralists
• StaffingSpecialist
• Labor RelationsSpecialist
• Employee DevelopmentSpecialist
• Classification Specialist
• PersonnelSystems Manager
• Personnel Support
• DoD Manager

• Business Management Competencies

• • Business Process Reengineering
• • Change Management
• • Contract Management
• • Cost-Benefit Analysis
• • Customer Relations
• • Financial Management
• • Marketing
• • Negotiating
• • Organizational Awareness
• • Organizational Needs Assessment
• • Outcome Measures and Evaluation
• • Project Management
• • Strategic Human Resource Practices
• • Strategic Planning

• Professional Competencies

• • Coaching and Mentoring

• • Communication
• • Conflict Management
• • Decision-making
• • Ethics
• • Facilitation
• • Interpersonal Relations
• • Problem-Solving
• • Self Management
• • Teamwork
• • Technology Application
• Technical HR Competencies
• Appeals, Grievances, and Litigation
• • Attendance and Leave
• • Benefits
• • Career Development
• • Compensation
• • Discipline and Adverse Action
• • Employee Assistance
• • Equal Employment Opportunity
• • Human Resource Management Fundamentals
• • Instructional Systems Development
• • Instructional Technology
• • Job Analysis
• • Labor Management Relations
• • Organizational Development
• • Organization and Position Design
• • Pay Administration
• • Performance Management
• • Personnel Assessment
• •
• Personnel Systems Management
• • Position Classification
• • Reduction-in-Force
• • Rewards and Recognition
• • Staffing and Recruiting
• • Succession Planning

Leadership Skills
Leadership abilities
Change advocacy

Core Business
Communication Consultation
systematic Influence Skills
HR Expertise
Knows best practices perspective Consulting Skills
Designs and delivers credibility integrity Change
HR Applies Negotiation skills Collaboration Team
Technology Measures customer

Emerging Structure Competency

1) Corporate HR leaders Core


2) Senior HR Generalist at the business Core

unit level Leadership

3) HR specialist in shared service Core

centers HR Expertise

4) HR experts in centers of expertise Core

HR Expertise

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