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Exam Revision

Outdoor & Environmental Studies Unit 3&4

Unit 3 Relationships with Outdoor
Unit 3 Historical Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Overview of Australian outdoor environments before
What you need to know
Biological Isolation what does it mean? Gondwana? Endemic Species?
Geological Stability what does it mean?
Climatic Variations El Nino La Nina? What does each of these mean for
the Australian Environment
How have species adapted to these things? Example of one Flora
and one Fauna.
Unit 3 Historical Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Indigenous Relationships with outdoor environments before and
after European Settlement
What you need to know
Indigenous Relationships with environment meaning a variety of
Perceptions, Interactions (practices) and Impacts
Examples of each of these things
Your examples need to be specific to the Otways and Gadubanud people.
Contemporary relationships how do Indigenous people Perceive, Interact
and Impact the environment today?
Unit 3 Historical Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Non Indigenous Relationships
First European settlers relationships
How did they perceive the environment? Impact the environment? What
did they use the environment for? Was it tough times?
Increasing population
What led to the increase in population? What practices did people use the
environment for? How did this impact the environment? How did people
perceive the environment during this time? How did this effect the
Unit 3 Historical Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Non Indigenous relationships Cont.
What were the interactions during this period? Were there both positive
and negative impacts in this time? How was the environment perceived?
What for of Industrialisation took place in the Otways?
Nation Building
Perception of the environment? What were some practices? What
example of Nation Building have you experienced? What impact did it
have on the environment?
Unit 3 Historical Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Environmental Movements in Australia
The Wilderness Society
Originally the Tasmanian Wilderness Society.
What is the role of this foundation?
What environmental movement led to the Foundation of The Wilderness
Society? What were they campaigning against and why?
How did this movement effect peoples relationships with the specific
outdoor environment?
Unit 3 Contemporary Relationships
with Outdoor Environments
Types of Contemporary Relationships
Recreation Example of the relationship required Perception, interaction
and impact of recreational activity
Conservation - Example of the relationship required Perception, interaction
and impact of conservational activity
Primary Industry - Example of the relationship required Perception,
interaction and impact of Primary Industry activity
Tourism - Example of the relationship required Perception, interaction and
impact of Tourism activity
All types of Relationships need to be specific to an environment
visited this year.
Unit 3 Contemporary Relationships
with Outdoor Environments
Factors that influence Contemporary Relationships with
Outdoor Environments
Technologies advancement with reference to a relationship you have
had with an environment perception, interaction and impact of
some examples
Does technology effect our relationships
Makes it easier?
Makes it safer?
Improves our performance?
Gives us better access?
Unit 3 Contemporary Relationships
with Outdoor Environments
Factors that influence Contemporary Relationships with Outdoor
Environments Cont.
Commercialisation of Outdoor Experiences
What is the focus of Companies? Educate? Make money? Sell Experiences?
What are their Perceptions, Interactions and Impacts based on these things?
Portrayals of Outdoor Environments
As a Gymnasium, as a resource, museum
How is it portrayed, media, music, art, advertising
Again, what are the Perceptions, Interactions and Impacts of peoples portrayals of
Outdoor Environments
Unit 3 Contemporary Relationships
with Outdoor Environments
Factors that influence Contemporary Relationships with Outdoor
Environments Cont.
Social Responses to Risk Taking
Media Coverage Public responses Investigation Legal Proceedings
Implementation of regulations to laws and Industries
What tends to happen after an incident. Have examples that you can draw on.
What are the Perceptions, Interactions and Impacts of the Responses to Risk Taking
Unit 3 Contemporary Relationships
with Outdoor Environments
Factors that influence Contemporary Relationships with Outdoor
Environments Cont.
Social and Political Discourses
Looking at both sides of arguments to do with Climate change and another
topic of your choice.
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Unit 4 Healthy Outdoor Environments
Understanding Sustainability and Sustainable Development,
including critiques of the term.
What does the term Sustainability refer to?
What does the term Sustainable Development mean? Where did
the term come from?
What are the 3 key elements for sustainability?
What do businesses do to be more sustainable?
What are some critiques of the terms and be able to elaborate
on them?
Unit 4 Healthy Outdoor Environments
Indicators of Healthy Outdoor Environments
Referring to the quality and Adequacy of water, soil and air.
Know a variety of methods for testing each of these
What experiences have you had with regards to healthy indicators in an
Referring to levels of Biodiversity and Pest and Introduced Species.
What levels of Biodiversity are there? How do we use biodiversity to
determine an environments healthiness? What impact do pest and Introduced
species have on our environment? Is it Healthy?
Unit 4 Healthy Outdoor Environments
The state of environments
You need to be able to link different themes of the State of
Environment report to different areas you have visited this
year, eg. What themes have to do with The Otways, Falls
Creek, Popes Eye etc.
What are the findings in the 2011 report with regards to some
of the themes you have chosen.
Unit 4 Healthy Outdoor Environments
The importance of healthy outdoor environments
What threatens our outdoor environments?
Why is it important to us that we have healthy outdoor
environments? Need to know and explain a variety of reasons
for both individuals and future society.
Unit 4 Healthy Outdoor Environments
Potential impacts of Environmental threats
Need to know a variety of Environmental threats and what they
Land Degradation Salinity, Erosion
Introduced Species Blackberries, Rabbits
Climate Change
Be able to talk from your experiences where you have seen the potential
threat to the environment.
Also need to be able to predict the impact of these threats to society and
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Conflicts of interest between people and the use of outdoor
Grazing of the Alpine National Park
Damming of the Franklin River for Hydroelectricity
What needs to be known
Who are the key groups involved with the conflict?
What are the concerns, arguments or issues of the groups involved?
What is the purpose of the environment for the groups involved?
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Methods used by individuals or groups to influence decisions
Looking at a variety of Campaign methods used by groups,
especially being able to link them back to the conflicts eg.
Protesting, street marches and rallies, use of prominent people,
Advertising, gathering of evidence (pg. 294 for good examples)
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
The decision making process
Either done via Consultative group, eg. VEAC, or direct
VEAC, who is it? what do they do? what is an example of them in action
and what recommendations they made? eg. LCC (pre VEAC) in Grazing in
National Parks
How was the decision made in your chosen conflicts? What was the
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Management Strategies and Policies for maintaining Healthy
Public Land Management
Who does it and what areas are they responsible for?
What is the role of this group of people?
What are some land management strategies by this group?
Private Land management
Trust for Nature
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Management Strategies and Policies for maintaining Healthy
Private Land management
Trust for Nature
Who are they?
What is their Role?
What land management strategies do they have?
o Conservation Covenants
o Revolving Fund
o Trust for Nature properties
Example of a Trust for Nature property you have studied. Including; Why
was the area managed by trust for nature? Where is it? Under what strategy
was the land managed?
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Acts or Conventions related to the management and
sustainability of Outdoor Environments
Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
Need to be able to identify and explain some of the objectives of the Act,
there are 7 objectives
How do people put thing on the Act? What example do you know of?
According to the Act, what management strategies are in place for your
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Acts or Conventions related to the management and
sustainability of Outdoor Environments
Ramsar Convention (international treaty 1971)
What is the purpose of the Ramsar Convention?
What are some of the objectives of the convention? There are 10 of them.
What example have you studied? What is the purpose of managing this
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Actions to sustain healthy outdoor environments
Green Building Design
Focusing on the principles of design
Water Quality and Conservation How?
Minimising energy consumption How?
Sustainable materials and resource usage How?
For each of these, think of the Kiewa discovery centre. Pg. 316
Unit 4 Sustainable Outdoor
Actions to sustain healthy outdoor environments
Renewable Energy
What does it mean? What is the effect on the environment?
Wind, Solar and Hydro
Examples from experiences Kiewa Hydroelectricity scheme
Outdoor School Bogong being partly powered by Solar panels during
day light
What are the negatives of both these Renewable energy sources?

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