Word and The Writing Process

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Word and the Writing Process

Creating a Document

To create
8. a document
Double-click the center of the page, about an inch lower than
the title, and type Stock markets and their role in
16. On
Pressthe ENTER
Start menu, point
to start to Programs,
a new line, and clickand Heading
then click2 in the
Styles andWord. A newtask
Formatting document
pane. opens in Normal View.
9. Click the left margin, on the same line as the title in step 6, to
17. If the Task
Type Topic Pane does not open automatically, on the View
select the entire line. and then press ENTER.
menu, click Task Pane. The New Document task pane appears

Creating a Document
18. From
10. Select thethe Styles
from and
the Formatting
a new
Font document.
Size task pane,
drop-down list click Heading
to change 1,
the title
font then type larger
a much The Majorsize.Markets.
3. Click Blank Document and a new blank document is
19. generated.
11. Pressyour
Place ENTER (Youtocan
cursor start
new line,
work andtheclick
within Heading
existing 2 inthe
document the
Insert and Formatting
menu, by default
click Break, task
when pane.
andyouthenstarted Word.)
click OK to insert a page
20. break
4. Typethe
after theStates,
United subtitle.
Print Layout and thenicon
View press Enter.at the lower-left
12. corner
21. On the of
In the yourmenu,
Styles screen.
and Double-click
FormattingTasktaskPane. in theclick
pane, upper right portion
Heading 2, type of
the document,
Canada, and about
then 4.5 inches
press ENTER. from the left, and then type
13. On the task pane drop-down list, click Styles and Formatting.
todays date.
22. The
In theStyles
Formatting task
pane,enables you to change
click Heading 2, type
5. Click
the the
style left
of margin,
Japan, and then press ENTER. on
text the
one line
click.as the date, to select the
entire line.
23. In
Formattingtask taskpane
Heading1.1, type
6. Select Arial from the Font drop-down list.
15. Type Introduction.
24. To
the Filea title,
click Save, the center
and thenof the the
save page, about one
document with
third of the way down from the top, to create a
the title that you want. For the purposes of this lab, please save title and type
World Markets to
the document Research Report.
the desktop.
Changing to Outline View

To change to Outline View

1. On the View menu, click Outline.
Click Outline View in the lower left corner of the document

Changing to Outline View

2. Your document will be shown in outline format. The outline can
be expanded or collapsed by double-clicking on the plus
symbols next to the major headings. The outline is based on
the styles and indents that have been used in your document.
Displaying the Document Map

To display the Document Map

1. On the View menu, click Document Map. Clear the selection
to hide the map.

Displaying the Document

2. After the map is displayed you can click anywhere on the map
to move to that location in the document. Think of it as a

clickable index of the entire document.
Viewing Document Statistics and
Reading Level

To view document statistics and reading level

1. On the Tools menu, click Options, and then click the Spelling
and Grammar tab.

Viewing Document Statistics

2. Select the Show readability statistics check box, and then
click the Recheck Document button. Click OK to close the

and Reading Level

dialog box.
3. On the Tools menu, click Spelling and Grammar. If you have
any spelling or grammar errors, youll need to skip them by
clicking Ignore or resolve the issues by correcting them as they
are presented.
4. After the entire document is checked, a dialog box appears that
shows both document statistics and reading level.
5. Click OK to close the Readability Statistics dialog box. On the
View menu, click Print Layout to view your document in Print
Layout view.
Using Versions

To use versions
1. On the File menu, click Versions.
2. Click Save Now to save a version of your document. The Save
Version dialog box opens.
Using Versions
You can add comments for the version you are saving. When
you are finished, click OK.
4. After you have at least one version saved, you can also double-
click Versions on the status bar.
5. When you want to work with one of the versions, on the File
menu, click Versions.
Double-click Versions on the status bar (This is located on the
right side of the status bar. It resembles a series of folders.)
6. Open, Delete, or View Comments by selecting the appropriate
version and then click the button that you want.
Tracking Changes

To track changes
1. On the View menu, point to Toolbars, and then click
Reviewing to turn on the Reviewing toolbar. Click the Track
Changes icon . You will see TRK in black on the status bar

Tracking Changes
when the Track Changes feature is enabled.
2. Now that this feature is enabled, make a few changes to your
document. Also, have a few users who are logged onto the
machine under their own names make some changes. You will
notice that the revisions of each editor are labeled with their
initials and are indexed by color.
3. Right-click one of the changed items and the short cut menu
allows you to Accept Deletion (or Insertion) or Reject
Deletion (or Insertion).
Adding and Editing Comments

To add and edit comments

1. Select the location where you want to make a comment. On the
Insert menu, click Comment.
Adding and Editing
Type your comment in the text box provided in the right margin.
Notice that your initials for the comment appear in the color

assigned to the you as the reviewer.
3. You can also make voice annotations. To do so, click the drop-
down arrow beside the Comment button on the Reviewing
toolbar, and then click Voice Comment (note that this requires
a functioning microphone and sound card in your PC).
Posting Documents in Public

To post documents in Public Folders

1. On the File menu, point to Send To, and then click Exchange

Posting Documents in Public

Folder. Click the folder in which you want to place your file
(World Markets in this case).
2. Expand Public Folders by clicking the + symbols until you can

click the folder that you want. Click OK.
Saving a Document as a Web

To save a document as a Web page

1. On the Format menu, click Theme. Click the theme that you
want from the Choose a Theme dialog box, and then click OK

Saving a Document as a Web

to apply the theme to your document.
2. Type some sentences to prompt discussion about the individual

headings in the report. (This will be used later for collaboration.)
3. On the File menu, click Save as Web Page, and then click the
My Network Places button. To connect to a Web folder, use
the Add Network Places Wizard.
4. Select the Web location where you want to save your
document, and then click Save. (You will be notified that
Versions are not supported in the Web format. Click Continue.)
After the document is saved as a Web page, it can be viewed
by using a standard Web browser.
Invoking an Inline Discussion

To invoke an inline discussion

1. Open the Web document where you want to hold the
discussion, and then click the Discuss icon on the toolbar to
open the Discussions toolbar (located at the bottom of the

Invoking an Inline Discussion

2. On the Discussions toolbar, click Discussion, and then click
Insert in the Document.
3. You will see little notes appear at each paragraph mark on the
page. Click one of these notes to type a comment about a
particular line or paragraph.
4. After a comment has been typed, you can click the note at the
end of the comment and reply to, edit, or delete it.
5. To collapse a message topic, click the note symbol with the
minus sign in it.
6. Use the following buttons to navigate through the inline
discussion comments: Expand all Discussions, Collapse all
Discussions, and Next.
Invoking a Discussion About a

To invoke a discussion about a document

1. Open the Web document where you want to hold the
discussion and then click the Insert Discussion about the

Invoking a Discussion
Document button.
On the Discussion toolbar click Discussion, and then click

2.About a Document
Insert about the Document.
Type a subject and text, and then click OK.
3. A region at the bottom of the browser opens and the comment
is displayed within.
4. After a comment has been typed, you can click the note at the
end of the comment and reply to, edit, or delete it.
5. Click the X at the upper left corner of the Discussion pane to
close the pane and hide the Discussion toolbar.
Staying Current by Using
Subscriptions and Notifications

To stay current by using Subscriptions and Notifications

Staying Current by Using

1. Open Internet Explorer and type the URL for your Stock Market
Web page.
2. On the Standard toolbar, click Discuss to view the

Subscriptions and
Discussions toolbar at the bottom of the window.
3. Click Subscribe on the Discussions toolbar to subscribe to

the page.
4. In the Notify me when field, select When anything changes.
5. Type <your e-mail> in the e-mail address field.
6. Select When a change occurs from the Time field and then
click OK.
Round-tripping a Document

To round-trip a document
1. While viewing the document in your browser, click Edit on the
toolbar. The browser shows the icon of the application used to
create the document, and the document will be round-tripped

Round-Tripping a Document
into this application.
2. Or, if you would like to edit the document as a Web page, click
the down arrow next to the Edit button and then select

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