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Semester 7, 2017-2018

[TGS7704] 2 SKS teori

Dr. Hill. Gendoet Hartono

Pendahuluan, SP-BS-KS-MS v/s SGA
Magmatisme, Batuan Beku, Intrusi
Volkanisme, Batuan Piroklastika, Ekstrusi
Sumber, lokasi asal, sistim
Deskripsi, intrusi dangkal, lava, piroklastika
Genesis, proses terjadinya
Waktu, prinsip geologi
Fasies Gunung Api
Stratigrafi Gumuk Grading:
Stratigrafi Khuluk 20 % quizzes and task
Stratigrafi Bregada 30 % mid test
50 % final test
Stratigrafi Manggala
Stratigrafi Busur
Aplikasi SGA, peta gga, rawan bencana, dll
Silabus lengkap
Tujuan perkuliahan
Before applying volcanostratigraphy, geologists need to
understand basic volcanology, e.g. volcanic geology concepts,
genetic volcanism, volcanic landscapes, variation of volcanic
rocks, volcanic facies, paleovolcanoes (Bronto, 2013), & super-
imposed volcanism
On the basis of a principal in geology, i.e. the present is the key
to the past, a volcanic geology concept emphasizes that there
is a continuous processes from magmatism through volcanism
to sedimentation
Genetically, volcanisms are related to tectonic activities &
Paleovolcanoes are volcanoes that were active in the past, but
are now extinct or even been eroded away, so their physical
features are not as clear as recent active volcanoes
- Sebagian magma keluar ke
permukaan membentuk
batuan ekstrusiva (endapan
Molten rock piroklastika & lava/ batuan
beku luar)
- Sebagian magma membeku di
bawah permukaan
membentuk batuan intrusiva
- Transisi intrusiva ekstrusiva
Hill/Mount membentuk leher gn.api &
sumbat lava
is both the place or opening from which molten rock or gas, and generally
both, issues from the earths interior onto the surface, and the hill or mountain
built up around the opening by accumulation of the rock material
(Macdonald, 1972)
is an opening, or rupture, in a planets surface or crust which allows hot
magma, ash and gases to escapes from below the surface
- continuous processes from magmatism through volcanism to sedimentation
- Each magma erupted to the surface of solar system is a volcano
- Volcano is charaterized by co-magmatic association of extrusive- & intrusive rocks

A: Problem Magmatism Volkanism

B: Problem Volkanism Sedimentation
Composite volcanic model
(construction period)

G. Semeru

G. Muria

G. Bongkok, w Ponorogo
G. Kromong, sw Cirebon
G. Kukusan-Ijo, Kulon Progo

An Arc composes of many Crowns, Brigades and Super Brigades which have similarity in
tectonic setting. Mappable at scale 1 : 1,000,000 or larger. Arc units of Quaternary
Indonesian volcanoes are 1. Sunda Arc, 2. Banda Arc, 3. North Sulawesi Sangihe Arc, and
4. Maluku Arc
This is the stratigraphy relating to volcanism
and its products, to understand the volcanic
history and characteristics of the volcanic
deposits or rocks
Principally, volcanostratigraphy deals with the
spatial and temporal arrangement,
relationship and origin of volcanic strata, or
volcanic rock/deposit bodies in an area

Old (1), Middle (2) & Young (3) Merapi Volcano, Central Java
Old (1), Middle (2) & Young Merapi Volcano, Central Java
volcanostratigraphy in 2
eastern most Java.
Volcanic system : Tertiary a
paleovolcanoes (1) and e
Quaternary volcanoes (2- 3
3). The second group
includes Iyang-Argopuro d b
(2), and Ijen (3). Ijen
complex comprises of Ijen
old composite (a), Marapi
volcano (b), Gadung-
Raung volcano (c), some
smaller cones in the
caldera depression (d),
and a parasitic cone (e).
N a m a : Hiltrudis Gendoet Hartono
Tempat/Tgl. lahir : Sragen, 9 Agustus 1965
S-1 Sarjana Teknik Geologi, STTNAS Yogyakarta, 1993
S-2 Program Studi Teknik Geologi, FIKTM ITB, 2000
S-3 Program Studi Teknik Geologi, FMIPA UNPAD, 2010
Riwayat Pekerjaan
1993 sekarang, Staf Pengajar Pada Jurusan Teknik Geologi, Sekolah
Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta.
2001 2005, Sebagai Sekretaris I, Pengurus Daerah Ikatan Ahli
Geologi Indonesia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Jawa Tengah.
2002 2005, Sebagai Pemimpin Redaksi Majalah Geologi Indonesia,
Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia.
2010 sekarang, Sebagai Seksi Bidang Riset dan Publikasi, Pengurus
Daerah Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Jawa Tengah.
2010 2015, Sebagai Kepala P3M STTNAS Yogyakarta.
2015 Sekarang, Sebagai PUKET III.
Karya Buku Referensi
Petrologi Batuan Beku dan Gunung Api, 2010
Penghargaan yang diperoleh
Best Poster In Joint Convention Bali 2007 (HAGI-IAGI-IATMI)

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