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Understanding poles and

zeroes of a converter
Specifically for : Flyback converter
Research topics
How an LC and LCR circuit respond to different excitations?(dc, ac, square
wave, switching square wave)
When and How you can visualise different frequency components in a waveform
Ringing effect in converter
How to compare the converters from an energy perspective, how size of
converter and inertia (response time) from it
Stored transfer Vs instantaneous transfer
Effect of non-idealities on converter performance
CCM /DCM classification and consequences
Fast analytical methods for developing converter transfer function
Understanding poles and zeroes of a converter
Compensation techniques
Dq /eigen/laplace concepts solves the problem easily in a different
domain or space
For dq and eigen the new domain in which the prob is simpler is
unique to the problem
Comparison of converters from energy perspective
Effect of non idealiteies( esp C esr)
Averaged model of a converter

Energy storage perspective

Why is it Important to Plot a Power Stage Small-Signal Response?

Impedance of converter

Loop compensation objectives

Resonance effect?

How to derive the transfer function quickly?

Whether u design controller or not, transfer function gives you a
better understanding
Effect of capacitor esr and inductance non idealities
2. Christopher basso articles and notes

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