Wed Oct 25 Us History

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Wednesday, October 25th
Warm Up
What in the World Wednesday

WHAT happened?
HOW can we pray for those involved?
Today in History
1774 The First Continental Congress writes a
letter to King George III to lay out colonial
grievances against Parliament concerning the
Coercive Acts. It was ignored.
1. What were General George Washingtons tactics for
fighting the British during the Revolutionary War?

2. How did Alexander Hamilton and George

Washington benefit each other in their relationship
during the American Revolution?
The Turning Point
While General Howe and Washington
were fighting for Philadelphia, British
General Burgoyne was marching down
from Lake Champlain.
He took Fort Ticonderoga easily.
Since Howe decided to move against
Philadelphia instead of following unclear
instructions to march north from NYC,
the British had less forces in the area
than they had planned.
An American force led by Benedict Arnold
helped drive off British troops coming to
assist Burgoyne.
A series of British defeats came:
Hessian soldiers sent to capture
American supplies in Vermont were
ambushed by Americans.
Two separate battles near Saratoga took
place that saw the British surrender.
September 19, 1777
British General Burgoyne, overly
confident from his success taking Fort
Ticonderoga, meandered south slowly,
giving the Americans time to regroup
and fortify their position.
The first battle was a narrow British
victory, but with a lot of casualties.
October 7, 1777
The Americans were led by General Horatio
Gates, with commanders Colonel Daniel
Morgan and General Benedict Arnold under
his leadership.
Gates and Arnold fought constantly and Arnold
was eventually relieved of his command.
When the fighting started, Arnold led his
troops in successful attacks against British
defenses, receiving a severe leg wound.
October 7, 1777
The British suffered a devastating loss to
the Americans.
86% of British commanders were
captured: 7 generals, 300 other officers
and 6,000 British and Hessian soldiers.
There were 1,500 British casualties.
If British General Howe had been in New York
as he was supposed to be, as opposed to leading
an attack on Philadelphia, the battle would
have been much different.
The Battle of Saratoga is what convinced the
French of the Americans chance for success
and they officially allied themselves with the
The alliance with France meant that the
Patriots had more weapons, supplies and
finances to give them a better chance at
It also meant the British werent able to
devote as many resources to the colonies
because they had to defend their own
borders from the French threat.
Benedict Arnold
One of the more brilliant
military commanders in the
Continental Army, he was
bitter at being passed over for
promotions due to lack of
political connections.
He was concerned with
money, power and glory and
felt he wasnt getting was he
Benedict Arnold
In 1780, Washington wanted to reward
Arnold by giving him command of part
of the Continental Army. Arnold instead
asked for command of West Point, and
important fort.
His plan was to turn the fort over to the
British for 20,000 ($3,840,560 today).
Arnolds British contact was captured
with incriminating papers after a secret
meeting and was hanged as a spy.
Benedict Arnold
Arnold fled to New York and joined with
the British army and led raids in
Connecticut and Virginia.
After the war, he went to Britain but was
shunned by society. He is known as one
of the most famous historical traitors.
General Arnold has sullied his former
glory by the blackest treason. George
Valley Forge
The Winter of 1777-1778 was one of the
most difficult periods for the
Continental Army during the war.
They spent the winter 25 miles away
from Philadelphia, which was still in
British control, at a town called Valley
Valley Forge
The army had to build the camp up from
Few men had enough clothes or shoes to
protect them from the winter weather.
Food was scarce and many men went
Valley Forge
Baron von Steuben
Served as drillmaster for the
Continental Army in the
Spring of 1778.
He taught the men how to
march and move in battle, as
well as gave instructions for
hygiene and sanitation that
improved the conditions at

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