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Rhena Lynn Novises
Azenate Narvasa--Baco
Jennifer Balaba
Apple Mary Joy Villalon
Subject Matter: Nervous System
Grade/Year Level: 1st yr.


I. Two Parts
1. Central nervous System
a. Brain
b. Spinal
2. Peripheral nervous System
a. Spinal Nerve s
b.. Cranial Nerves
1. cerebral hemisphere
2. Interbrain hemisphere.
a. Midbrain
b. b. Pons
c. Medulla oblongata

a. Cranial Nerves
1. Olfactory
2. Optic
4. Trigeminal
5. Facial
6. Vestibulocohlear
8. Hypoglossal.
b. Spinal Nerves
Important nerve Body areas served
a. Cervical
b. Brachial
c. Lumber

IV. Diseases
1. Meningitis
2.Parkinsons Disease
3. Alzheimer's Disease
4.Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Nervous system

Central Nervous Peripheral Nervous

System System

Spinal Cranial
Brain Spinal
Cord Nerve

cerebral Optic
hemisphere Oculomotor
Interbrain Trigeminal Brachial
Brainstem Diseases .Facial Lumber
Cerebellum .Vestibulocohlear
Meningitis Hypoglossal
Parkinsons Disease
Traumatic brain
injury (TBI)
What are the good features of a handout?
There is characteristics of a good clarity or so clear that the pupils
easily understand what is being asked.
-Simplicity- it is simple to understand
-Specificity - it is specific rather than general.
-Definiteness - it is so definite that it permits only one or two meaning or
Which of these features are present in the handout I made?
-Good quality
Which features are not present in the handout I made?
It is no a general type of hand outs it is directed to the pint simple and
1.What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the hand-outs?
Rhena Lynn Novises:
I think to plan how to arrange it in order that the students will
easily understand it well and clearly. It is really important to plan first
before to decide it in order to have a good result and good features. I
overcome it by planning because a plan may be brief but at the sane
time effective.

Azenate Narvasa-Baco:
For me there are time in making some hand-outs I feel
tiresome also because t need also a time to make in a learning effective
to the student, and also to satisfy the needs of your students
Jennifer Balaba:
Yes, in planning a hand-outs is one of my tiresome because it
needs a enough time to make it not in perfect but if you give some
hand0outs to your student you should consider the learning effective on
this. So it needs a enough time to make it

Apple Mary Joy Villalon:

For I encountered some difficulties in making a hand-outs is the
references or the sources because it also require enough time if you want
to be effective hand-out to your students.
2. What tips can give teachers regarding preparation of
Rhena Lynn Novises:
Tips that I can give to prepare a high quality hand-outs
and to be effective is to be more understandable that truly work
well to make learning effective,.
Azenate Narvasa-Baco:
It must have a good chatacrerisrics of good quality
enable students to understand well and clearly.
Jennifer Balaba:
It must requires specific rather that general answer.
Apple Mary Joy Villalon:
It must stimulate the child to think, that is, to
compare, evaluate and draw inferences and conclusions.

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