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Disadvantages of using X-rays in

nursing education
By group III
Hengki pernando
Vebri alvaresa
X-rays are devices that use light as a way to
be able to penetrate parts of the human body,
so it can be used to photograph parts of the
In principle rays that penetrate the body's
need to be moved into a movie format to be
viewed results. Along with advances in
technology, now X-rays also can be processed
digitally without a film. While the results can
be stored on a CD or even sent to different
parts of the world using e-mail technology.
a. Get an overview and find out the anatomical
abnormalities of the body.

b. Can take responsibility in providing care.

c. Helps diagnosis.
X-rays used for X-rays are rays that could spread radiation. Nevertheless,
the benefits of this technology more than the risk if done correctly. That is
why, if deemed necessary newborns can undergo this action to diagnose any
abnormality in the body. This action is done solely to facilitate the further
containment procedures. But it must be remembered that the demand for x-
rays must come from the doctor in charge, whether there are indications, in
addition to already consider carefully the benefits and disadvantages.

a. Suffocation in infants

b. Baby green vomit continuously

c. Detection of problems in the bones, lungs, intestines, and other internal

How It Works X-rays
X-rays are used by doctors to see the condition of the inside of the patient's body.

Through the results of this X-ray of a doctor know how the health condition of the

lungs, the heart, the inside of the abdomen, and parts of the patient's body to

another. From the X-rays, too, we can know the state of the bones. Are there broken,

bent, or there is a connection between bone abnormalities. Not like the photos in

general, x-rays using an X-ray as a light reflector. However, unlike the light that can

shine light, this light we can not see with the naked eye. For photographing the inside

of the body, a person must be between the film and the storage area X-ray tube that

emits X tersebut.Sinar will penetrate the skin and other body parts except the bones.

Ray shadow is then recorded on film. After the film is washed, the part that can not

be penetrated X-rays will be black, while the part that can be penetrated by X-rays

will be white. From the results of X-ray that is, a medical expert in internal medicine

or orthopedic doctor can determine the appropriate treatment for their patients.
Disadvantages X-Ray
Exceptional nature of X-rays moving pace and straight.
Should not focus by lens or mirror dipesong by the
magnetic field around the direction directed path. The
other characteristic of solid jirim penetrated.
X -rays impression gives the impression of light to
chemical compounds such as zinc sulfide, calcium tungstate
and barium platinosiamida. Impression groove ionizing X-
rays that pass through the gas transfer energy to the
molecules will be broken to the point beyond which the
negative file.
X-ray biology impression acted with living tissue that
is in the body, the X-ray beam can traverse a relatively
thick objects without much absorbed or scattered. For
this reason the X-rays are widely used to image the inside
of the visual object is opaque, do not overdo the use of X-
rays in the X-ray examination.
Side Effects Rontgen
Although it has many uses in the medical field as well as medicine,
but it can cause side effects of X-rays for health. Any side effects
of X-rays and also the danger? Here are some of the side effects
of X-rays and also the danger:

1.causes decreased production of blood cells

2. Causes of infection and skin irritation.

3. It has a negative effect on the eye

.4. Influencing decreased sperm production and even infertility.

5. pneumonitis and pulmonary disorders6. Indigestion in parts of the

small intestine
X-rays are devices that use light as a way to be able to
penetrate parts of the human body, so it can be used to
photograph parts of the body.X-rays used for X-rays
are rays that could spread radiation. Nevertheless, the
benefits of this technology more than the risk if done
correctly. That is why, if deemed necessary newborns
can undergo this action to diagnose any abnormality in
the body. This action is done solely to facilitate the
further containment procedures.

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