Kel 1. Gordon

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1) Perception of health - health management
2) Patterns of activity and exercise
3) Rest and sleep patterns
4) Pattern of nutrition
5) Pattern of elimination
6) Cognitive patterns - perceptual
7) Self-concept patterns
8) Coping pattern
9) Sexual pattern - reproduction
10) Pattern role - relationship
11) Patterns of value and trust
1) Perception of health - health management
Tobacco (smoking):
Allergies (drugs, food, other) ... not ... yes ... reactions.
2) Patterns of activity and exercise
Self-care ability:
Score: 0 (standalone), 1 (partially assisted), 2 (need help
from others), 3 (need help from others and tools), 4
(dependent / incapable).

3) Rest and sleep patterns

Bedtime: ... number ... frequency ... kalitas (often
awakened) ... insomnia ... no ... yes ...
somnabulisme ... no ... yes ...
4) Pattern of nutrition
Custom diet ...
Previous dietary suggestion: yes ... no.
Appetite: ... normal ... increases ... decreases.
Nausea: ... vomiting ... stomatitis.
BB up and down the last 6 months: ... no ... yes ... kg.
Difficulty swallowing: ... no ... yes ... liquid ... solid
History of skin problems / healing difficulties: ... no
... yes.
5) Pattern of elimination
CHAPTER HABIT: ... times / days ... last date
CHAPTER: ... normal ... constipation ... diarrhea ...
incontinence ... more.
BAK Habit: ... normal ... frequency ... dysuria ...
nocturia ... can not be arrested, hematuria, retention.
Lakontinent: ... no ... yes ... total ... noon ... night ...
sometimes ... difficulty holding back. Do not get in
the toilet.
The use of banatuan: ... tidk ... ya ... keteter.
6) Cognitive patterns perceptual
Mental status: conscious ... aphasia ... orientation ...
confused ... no response.
Talk: normal ... stutter ... aphasia ... blocking ...
Language used: ... area ... indonesia ... more.
Reading ability: ... can ... no.
Interpret: ... can ... no.
Interaction ability: ... as ... not ... specify.
hearing: ... normal ... disturbed (right / left) ... deaf (right
/ left) ... tinnitus (right / left) ... hearing aid.
Vision: ... normal ... wear glasses, contact lenses, ....
disturbed (right / left).
Blind (right / left) ... more (please specify).
Vertigo: ... no ... Yes
Pain management: ...
7) Self-concept patterns
Body image: ... uninterrupted ... disturbed ... specify.
Ideal self: ... undisturbed ... disturbed ... specify.
Self-esteem: ... undisturbed ... disturbed ... specify.
Role: ... undisturbed ... disturbed ... specify.
Identity self: ... undisturbed ... disturbed ... specify.
8) Coping pattern
Major issues during hospital admission (finance,
personal care, etc.) ...
Loss / changes that happened before: ... not ... yes.
Fear of violence: ... no ... yes ... who.
The view of the future: ... (pessimistic / optimistic).
9) Sexual pattern reproduction
The last menstruation: ...
Menstrual problems: ... no ... yes.
Breast care every month: ... yes ... no.
Sex patterns during admission: ...

Pattern role relationship

Marital status :
Work: ...
Quality works ... a month stops ... does not work.
System support: ... partner ... neighbors / friends ...
no ... other.
Family support during hospital admission ...
11) Patterns of value and trust
Religion ...
The prohibition of religion: ... no ... yes.
The priest's request during admission: ... no ... yes.

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