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RasulAllah said in a hadith,

"The prince of martyrs is Hamzah and the man who stood

facing a tyrant ruler, gave him the correct advice and the
ruler killed him." [Reported by al-Haakim]
Report of UN declarations 2009

This report begins by briefly

reviewing the view of the United
Declaration on the Rights of
Indigenous People and
demonstrating that the Uyghurs are
the indigenous people of East

A Report by the Uyghur Human Rights Project

Washington, D.C.
East Turkistan (Xinjiang)
Xinjiang ( origin)
Report of UN declarations 2009
Fundamental rights of Muslims Denial of basic rights
Life and security Culture religion language -
Education Media Employment
Land & Resources
Latest news - Urumqi Riots 2009
Islamic View
Map indicating East Turkistan (Xinjiang)
Fundamental rights

1. Restriction to enter mainland china (2008

2. Confiscation of passports 2007 ( Denial of
illegal pilgrimage)
3. Denial of proper healthcare
Life and Security of Uyghurs

1. Uyghur Muslims face

continuous oppression
2. Kashgar Massacre 2008
Culture Religion and Language
Dancing & Singing allowed
Quran Government edited version
No Beard and Head Scarf
No Fasting during Ramadan
Restricting Turkic Language
Education Media & Employment
1. Forcing Han Chinese education
2. Restricting Turkic education
3. Employment disparity
4. Restricting Uyghur Muslim media,
no information in world media
regarding Uygur oppression
Resources Oil Reserves
1. 140 Billion barrels of petroleum and 11
trillion cubic meter of natural gas produced
every year.
2. Out of $14.5 billion tax revenue 240 million
only used for East Turkistan region.
3. Han Chinese dominance in holding the key
positions in these oil industries

1. 600 years old masjid is Kasghar city is

under threat of demolition.
2. Cumbersome rules implemented for
Uyghur Muslims for livelihood
Population Disparity Unusual migration
Urumqi Riots 2009
Abdulla bin Umar said - I saw the Prophet (SAW) doing
tawwaf around the Ka'aba saying "How sweet/ good
are you and how sweet is your scent. How great are you
and how great is your sanctity. By the One who the soul
of Mohammad is in His Hand the sanctity of a believer
is greater with Allah than your sanctity" (Ibn Maja)
Nuclear Test
Chinese soldiers watch a Hydrogen
Bomb test at Lop Nor, Xinjiang
Autonomous Region in 1973. The
Chinese military detonated 45 nuclear
bombs at the site between 1964 and
1996, and an unknown number after
signing a UN test ban in 1996,
according to a veteran who served
there. (Courtesy of Liu Qing)
Source -
Islamic View
And what is (the matter) with you that you do not fight in
the way of Allah, and (for) the one who are weak among the
men and the women and the children who say, Our Lord
take us out of this town whose people are oppressors and
appoint for us from Yourself a protector and a helper.
Surah an Nisa verse 75

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