Food Problem

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Causes For Lack Of Food In The World

Exclusion of
Over- countries
exploitation from global Over
trade market

Food Unequal
wastage development

Depletion in calamities
food granary
The global food crisis
"The world's 200 wealthiest people have as much
money as about 40% of the global population, and yet
850 million people have to go
to bed hungry every night."
The problem?

Drought mainly farmers, no


Ban natural resources

Not enough money

Political Causes and Effects
African farmers cultivate small plots of land that
do not produce enough to meet the needs of their
families. The problem is compounded by the
farmers' lack of bargaining power and lack of
access to land, finance and technology.
The government had no choice but to raise prices
because there is nothing importing or exporting.
The prices for tools, fertilizers, seeds, and other
farming oriented needs are constantly rising, and
the farmers dont have a constant income.
Lastly, Africas technology isnt most supreme, and
their agriculture is terrible, and the government
isnt doing enough to help them meet their needs.
Social Causes and Effects

Given that Africa is rural, and dry, all they

do is farm, in Africa farmers make up 80
percent of the population.
This becomes a social aspect as well
because farming is their everything. That is
how they get their food. Since the droughts
and other causes of hunger and famine,
people have to begin to migrate.
Africas population has been rising as well,
therefore making it hard for people to
Economic Causes and
Drought. It has ruined harvests and left people and
livestock without food and water. Due to drought in
Africa, this has led to a shocking amount of bad natural
resources then leading to little to no crops being grown
or harvested.
The main problem of famine and hunger is not only
drought but most African countries are not self-
sufficient in food and are relying on imports and
income to pay for them.
The food prices have gone up around 57 percent, more
than 41 percent of people in Sub-Saharan Africa live on
less than $1 per day, and 32 percent are
undernourished. No money to buy food, and bad
resources and drought lead to no food being grown.
Leaving everyone starving.
Are there
Solution 1

small sum of money which an
individual borrows from another
individual, group or legal entity with
the condition that it be returned or
repaid at a later date (sometimes with
interest). supporters are giving money
to people in Africa to start small
businesses to start making money to
pay for food, and to possibly grow food.

People will be able to start

Be able to make money from
their businesses
With the money you can grow

Loans eventually have to be paid

Can only receive a certain amount of
Money may be wasted
Through the process, money could
potentially get lost
Solution 2

Tree planting:
prevents deforestation which
is also a problem in Africa. As
well, farmers are struggling to
feed their families while
farmable land could diminish by
up to two thirds the next 20

Tree planting can prevent hunger.

Many foreign companies in Africa are
planting trees in areas that could
have been used for food production.
These newly built forests will prevent
erosion, desertification, and best,
create a better local climate for poor
farmers and help them increase their
food production.
Positive effect on environment as well.

Trees will take a while to grow

Only 1 tree is planted for
every 28 cut
The Best Solution?

Tree planting will in future will offer quality
wood from sustainable forestry without
depleting natural resources. The harvesting of
sustainable natural resources will create jobs,
income opportunities and economical
development as local supporting industries are

Future prospective
Expanded cultivation of food crops
Adjustment in priorities
Increase production in agriculture
Improvement/expansion in irrigation
Population control?
World food security

Food security: To feed an estimated 870 million hungry people on the planet,
we need to increase production of basic staple foods by 60 percent.

Nutrition: Two billion worldwide lack micronutrients vital for good health.
Agriculture must become more nutrition-sensitive, with a stronger focus on
fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods.

Food Systems: Since every aspect of our food systems has an effect on the final
availability and accessibility of diverse, nutritious foods, we must constantly
strive towards a healthier global food system.

Sustainability: By using resources more efficiently at every stage along the food
chain, we can increase the amount of healthy food available worldwide. Getting
the most food from every drop of water, plot of land, and speck of fertilizer
saves resources for the future.
India Food Banking Network
Food banking is a system that moves
food from donors to the people who
need it and engages all sectors of
society in the effort.

It is a non-profit flexible distribution

model that acquires donated/
purchased food and makes it available
to the hungry through the network of
institutional feeding programs.

These programs include school

feeding programs, charitable hospitals,
orphanages, the destitute, beggars,
homeless etc.

To know more about Indian Food Banking Network, please visit:
a massacre of the worlds poor
Hugo Chavez, Venezuelas
socialist president:
The problem is not the
production of food
it is the economic,
social and political
model of the world.
The capitalist model is
in crisis.

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