Extra Curricular Activities

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Jhanvi Somaya
Entrepreneur For A Day
Held a stall called Fry-day

Sold fries, drinks and brownies.

Received Recognition for popular choice.

Gained hands on knowledge on basic

advertising and sales techniques.

Learnt how to market goods in a way that

are appealing to the target market!

Head of Communications: Pedal-o-
thon Event
Organized a Cyclothon in order to raise
awareness for the disabled.

Raised funds and donated 80 thousand

rupees to an organization for vocational
training of disabled children called, The
Fellowship of the Physically Handicapped

Featured in an Indian newspaper called DNA.

Chair of School Event Escapade
An event to encourage
competition in school.

Consisted of various fields such

as dance, music, chess,
marketing, FIFA and General
Knowledge Quiz.

Raised 56 thousand rupees and

donated it to a school called The
School Of Life.
Head of Marketing and Publicity:
Gained knowledge on how to plan an event.

It allowed me to explore the basics of publicity as I

was expected to garner a minimum audience of

100 people.

Came up with and implemented ideas such as a

raffle stall at a parent teacher conference to

advertise the event.

Designed banners for our school premises.

Learnt how to use social media to market such

Relay For Life Skit
Performed a skit for the school

community during Relay For Life.

Created awareness about breast

Head of Publicity: OISMUN
Allowed me to understand how a MUN is

conducted as a whole.


Dealt with collecting finances from delegates.

Allowed me to understand how to budget.

Taught me the art of persuasion and how to

convince people to sign up.

Chaired Prom Committee
Learnt how to budget.

Learnt consumer behavior and used

psychological pricing in order to get

most of our seniors to attend prom.

Also held an award show as a part of the

prom to make the event engaging.

Volunteer at Gandhi-gram School
in Mumbai
Collected books from friends, family

and fellow students.

Donated the books to Gandhi-gram


Set up a library and arranged books in

descending order in terms of difficulty

Habitat For Humanity: Volunteer
Volunteered at Habitat for


Painted walls and built walls in

order to help the underprivileged

to have better homes.

ICC Beach Clean Up
Picked up trash from the beach after as it

was littered due to Ganesh Chathurthi


My group received an award as we collected

the most amount of trash.

Learnt how to recycle some of the trash and

segregate waste material.

Track and Field Competition.
Participated in a track and field

Came second in the under 16

Save the K9: Head of Logistics
Assisted with an Art auction.

Helped to raise funds for dogs at a shelter called

Animals Matter To Us.

Raised around 1 lakh rupees and donated it to the

Head of Marketing: Girl up
Created awareness on the challenges that

women face in Indian society.

Handled all social media pages for Girl up, like

Facebook, Instagram etc.

Assisted in the making and promoting of short

Decibel: Performer
Performed a dance for Decibel, a school


Raised awareness about the blind and deaf

who are not able to perform the same way as

fully abled people do.

Denmark: Student Exchange
Visited Denmark for a student exchange


Visited Oregard Gymnasium in order to share

ideas and differentiate between social, political

and cultural differences between India and


Visited various historic museums that provided

an insight to Denmarks history and culture.

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