Product and Brand Management

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Need and Challenges of

Changing Brand Identity and Brand Elements

Group 5: Nitanshi Agarwal B16091|Raj Chordia D - B16097|Shefali Seth B16107


Branding is what you do to cows, since cows do tend to look alike.

Branding is what you do when theres nothing original about your products.
-Roy Disney, 2004

A unique set of brand associations that the brand strategist

aspires to create or maintain.

These associations represent what the brand stands for

and imply a promise to customers from the organization
It should help establish a relationship between the
brand and the customer by generating a value
proposition involving functional, emotional, or self-
expressive benefits



The McKinsey model was originally created by Dr. John Copeland from ENVISION

Internal: makes me feel fresh, happy, though there is a Origin: A typical American drink
slight guilt of calories and unhealthy sugary drink

Reputation: Known for representing the

external: makes me an advocate of western
American, western culture, of freedom as well
values, shows I am free spirited
as consumption

Perceived value: I am seen as someone Evolution: Slowly evolving into low calorie
who is not so calorie conscious and likes to drinks like zero and diet coke.
chill with friends and enjoy his life


functional value: convenient, affordable, Activities: Associated with sponsoring

easily available, ready to drink, refreshing events like Coke Studio

Process: can be bought easily, with card or cash. Presentation: The distinctive red color, the
ribbon front, the bottle contour, is a globally
recognized presentation of Coca-Cola

Approaches to creating an identity that is excessively limiting or tactical can lead to ineffective dysfunctional, brand strategies

Brand Image Trap Brand Position Trap

The patience, resources, or When the search for a brand identity
expertise to go beyond the brand becomes a search for a brand position.
image is lacking. This trap inhibits the evolution of a full-
The brand image becomes the fledged brand identity
brand identity rather than just one Example: Fevicol is not known as a
input to be considered. Brand brand, but by it positioning as the
Example: Tommy Hilfiger strong adhesive
External Perspective Trap
When you are not taking into Product Attribute Fixation Trap
consideration the opinion of the The failure to distinguish between a
internal customers,that are employee. product and a brand creates the
If Employees are not bind towards the product-attribute fixation trap.
identity of the brand, thus they are Focusing entire brand identity on the
able to work for it and pass on to the product attributes is an erroneous
customer. strategy, especially on a long-term.
Example: Gillette Example: Xerox

Name Tagline Logo

Clairol introduced the Mist Stick curling iron in Germany It's incredibly difficult to be succinct, and it's especially Humans think visually. A picture is really worth a million
only to learn that there, mist is slang for manure. difficult to express a complex emotional concept in just a words. And great brands have readily identifiable icons just
couple of words -- which is exactly what a slogan does ask Nike or Apple or Shell strong simple images that
connect with customers.

China Challenge Tagline changes Logo change Effect

Thousands of characters, with many Nike - Just Do it: Widened funnel In 2003, Apple Computer announced it was
meanings & pronunciations that vary recolouring its logo from red to brushed silver.
from region to region. Apple - Think Different : Sense of Within hours of this announcement, > 200
eg: During introduction of Coke, enlightenment people had signed an online petition demanding
shopkeepers advertised it using Apples return to the old logo.
characters that sounded similar to MasterCard: "There are some things In contrast, the redesigns of Walmarts logo
Coca-Cola but had nonsensical money can't buy. For everything else, elicited less customer response
meanings like wax - attended mare. there's MasterCard.
Ideally the Chinese name would have
both phonetic and semantic associations BMW: "Designed for Driving Pleasure
with the originalbut fewer than a
quarter of the companies have achieved Dunkin' Donuts: "America Runs on
this branding. (Click on this for infographic) Dunkin, Keep On campaign

General Electric: "Imagination at Work"

One in 50 companies will redesign their logo in a given year and at
considerable expense. UPS spent $20 million to introduce a new logo
in 2003 while Xerox invested multimillions to update its logo.
Infographic 7

Jingle Taste Packaging

Airtel McDonalds India Heinz Dip & Squeeze

Airtel changed its jingle to further the McDonald's has also re-engineered The first ketchup packaging innovation in 42
friendship quotient of its brand. its operations to address the special years, is a dual function package offering
requirements of vegetarians. two ways to enjoy ketchup: peel back the
Special care is taken to ensure that lid for easy dipping, or tear off the tip to
the vegetable products are prepared squeeze onto food.
separately, using dedicated The new packaging makes eating on-the-go
equipment and utensils. more fun and convenient.

Shape Scent Color

In 2016, Mondelez international changed Asian paints, introduced recently, Royal Coca-Cola introduced Diet coke as a
the iconic Toblerone shape by increasing Atmos, a type of paint that is the first to calorie free option for its consumers,
the distance between the triangles not contain the typical chemical paint but found that men particularly did not
odor. wish to consume diet coke
The reason behind this change was to
decrease the weight of the chocolate bar It releases a soothing, fresh fragrant So it introduced Zero coke, in a solid
without reducing the length or changing smell upon being applied to the walls black can, and not its famous Coca-Cola
the original packaging, in order to reduce red, to cater to the calorie conscious
costs. men consumers.

However, there was a significant

backlash by the loyal Toblerone fans

Brand identity means more than a symbol, tagline or graphical visual attribute used by brand owners & should have depth & richness.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Single vs Multiple Brand Personality Self- congruity Culture Self Image Brand Reflection
% Agreeing to Apple Associations Targets own internal Perceived target with which
Brand Identity Affiliations with Steve
Jobs personal ascribed to competence 38.7% strongly disagree mirror when s/he the customer wants to be
iPhone & iPad
charecteristics personality trait (76%), that they associate interacts with the brand. identified
vs Sophistication (66.2%) & Samsung smartphone to User of an iPhone is 5C model an attempt to
Samsung Galaxy S5
No association excitement (61.1%) in Korean culture, 19.3% of associated to eliteness capture the emerging
& Samsung Galaxy Note
comparison to Samsung Apple users associate although actually he may markets Getting an iPhone,
iPhone to American not belong to the elite is a symbol of moving up in
culture. class the world, a status symbol.

Millennial generation represents and entirely new set of challenges. Companies that are able to change their brands will have a competitive
advantage in attracting and retaining the valuable Millennial generation.

Changing Values:

Millennials Love Technology

Millennials Care About Social Issues,

Authenticity, and Adventure

Millennials Especially Love Using

Technology to Socialize

Challenge 01 Challenge 03
The emotional consequences for their sense of Publicly consumed brands are particularly
pride and their feelings that the brand may no suitable for conveying this symbolic
longer be the same for the brand. meaning and hence difficult to change.

Challenge 02 Challenge 04
People like to buy brands that allow them to Humans construct mental representations of
express who they are, they have a symbolic expected relationships between people,
meaning that confirms a persons identity and places, objects and ideas. When detecting
helps consumers convey impressions about inconsistencies or breakdowns, humans fi nd
themselves. Others form appropriate it difficult to accept the corresponding loss of
perceptions of them and their social meaning, or to be confronted with
interactions proceed smoothly. meaninglessness

Rebranding of Mini:
Owners of old Mini Morris were reluctant to a brand repositioning to new Mini Cooper brand as they feared it
might no longer give them feeling of being part of Mini owners : owners of an iconic, cool, trendy car. Their
reason for owning a Mini was that it allowed them to express their identity & feel enriched as part of the Mini
Any threat to the Mini brand identity might undermine their sense of pride.
Thank you!

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