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Prepared by;

Mrs. Syazwani Mahmad Puzi

School of Bioprocess Engineering
Refer Table 5-1: Typical
physical unit operations
Bar Rack/
Grit Chamber

Equalization Basin

Primary Settling PRIMARY PROCESS

Biological Treatment
Secondary Settling

Wastewater Treatment TERTIARY PROCESS
e.g: Depth Filter, Membrane filter, adsorption,
Ion exchange, gas stripping etc
Retain solid found in influent WW to the treatment plant

light role
Coarse screen Remove coarse materials (e.g.
sticks, rags, etc) from the flow stream that could :

damage subsequent process equipment

Screening Reduce overall treatment process
reliability & effectiveness
Contaminate waterway
Fine screen (used in place of/following coarse
screen) Where greater removals of solids are
required to remove coarse materials (e.g. sticks,
rags , etc) from the flow stream that could
Protect process equipment
Eliminate materials that may inhibit the
beneficial reuse of biosolid
May consists of parallel bars, rods or wires (coarse screen)
perforated plate (fine screen)

light flow passes through the screen and the large solids
are trapped on the bars for removal.
Bar Screen/
Bar Rack

The bar screen may be coarse (6 150 mm/ 0.25 6 inch

openings) or fine (< 6 mm/0.25 inch openings).

The bar screen may be manually cleaned or mechanically

cleaned (performed frequently enough to prevent solids
buildup and reduce flow into the plant)
Remove grit (sand, egg shells or other heavy solid materials)
that tends to settle in corners, bends, reducing flow capacity
and ultimately clogging pipes and channels.

Grit chamberlight
are provided to

Protect moving mechanical equipment from abrasion

Grit Chamber
Reduce formation of heavy deposits in pipelines,
channels & conduits
Reduce the frequency of digester cleaning caused by
exessive accumulation of grit

Grit removal processes use gravity/velocity, aeration or

centrifugal force to separate the solids from the wastewater.

The most common method of grit disposal is transport to a

landfill. In some large plants, grit is incinerated with solids
Once screened, the wastewater passes
into two aerated grit chambers. Low-
pressure air entering the grit chamber
creates a rolling motion that causes grit
and dense solids to settle to the tank
used to intercept coarse solid & shred them in the screen

The solids are cut up into a smaller, more uniform size of for
return to the flow stream for subsequent removal.

The use of comminutor and macerator

light is adventageous in a
pumping station to:
& Macerators Protect pump againts clogging by rags & large objects

Eliminate the need to handle & dispose of screenings

However, shredded solid (plastic bags, rags) tends to form
ropelike strands & can clog pump impellers, sludge pipelines
& heat exchangers).

Design consideration:
may be preceded by grit chambers to prolong life
Constructed with bypass arrangement
To minimize fluctuations in WW characteristics in order to provide
optimum conditions for subsequence process
To provide adequate dampening of organic fluctuations in order to
prevent shock loading to biological system
Provide adequate pH control
Provide cont. feed to biological system
Provide capacity for controlled discharge
To prevent high conc. of toxic materials from entering the biological
treatment plants.


t t
Bar Screen / Effluent
Grit Removal Equalization Primary for further
communitor Basin Treatment treatment
In-line arrangement:
all of the flow passes through the equalization basin
Can be used to achieve considerable amount of constituent conc. and
flowrate damping.

Off-line arrangement:
Only flow above predetermined flow limit is diverted to equalization basin
Used to capture first flush from combined collection system
( primary & secondary process handle MOST of the NON-TOXIC wastewater)

Prepare WW for biological treatment (stabilize organic)
Remove + 60% SS and 35% BOD5 in sewage
Important because the reduction of the suspended solids and BOD5
1)lowers the O2 demand,
2)decreases the rate of energy consumption and
3)Reduces operational problem with downstream biological treatment
4)remove scum (grease, oil, plastics, and other floatable materials)
and inert particulate matter which are not removed in grit chamber

Principle form of primary treatment: SEDIMENTATION

Note: sedimentation tank = sedimentation basin, clarifier,

settling basin, settling tank
Speed up natural process of breaking down biodegradable organics
Remove up to 85 % SS and BOD5

Activated sludge, extended aeration, rotating biological contacting
(RBC), trickling filter, aerated lagoons, sequencing batch reactor etc
Biological degradation of soluble organics.
Mostly aerobically in an open aerated vessels @ lagoon
Speed up natural processes of breaking down biodegradable
Cannot remove N, P, heavy metals, pathogens, bacteria and viruses.
After treatment, microorganism and other carried over solids are
allowed to settle.
A fraction of sludge is recycle
Excess sludge along with sediment solids has to be disposed off.
Nutrients removal, chlorination and dechlorination
Process added after biological treatment in order to remove specific
group/ types of residual
Can remove + 95% BOD5, P, SS, bacteria and N

Filtration removes SS
Granular Activated Carbon removes organics
Chemical oxidation removes oxidizable organics

Expensive to process LARGE VOLUME of WW

Explain process that involves in

a) Activated sludge
b) Extended aeration
c) Rotating biological contacting (RBC)
d) Trickling filter
e) Aerated lagoons
f) Sequencing batch reactor (SBR)
g) Granular activated carbon
Depends on the degree of treatment required to
Selection of bring the quality of raw wastewater to a
of organic matter or by substance added to the WW.
treatment permissible level of treated wastewater
process (eg. Effluent from the treatment plant)

This ensures that the final effluent is either safe for

disposal or acceptable for specific reuse or recycling.

Other significant factor that will influence the selection of a treatment system

Availability of funds and land at the treatment site

The topography of land at the treatment site

Non-availability of suitable mechanical equipment and

skilled personnel for running and maintaining the plant.

Ref: (Karia and Christian,2006)

The points to keep in mind while selecting the treatment process

Reduction of inorganic material component of

of organic matter
wastewater or by substance
is much easier andadded to the WW.
cheaper than
removal of organics contents of wastewater

Removal of suspended solids from wastewater requires

lesser time and efforts than of colloidal and dissolved solids

In many countries, the Environmental Protection Act requires at least the

secondary treatment system for all publicly owned treatment works such
as municipal wastewater treatment plant, so that effluent requirements of
30mg/L for BOD and 100mg/L of SS are achieved.

Ref: (Karia and Christian,2006)

Strength &
of WW
Essential consideration
Flow rate and
their fluctuations Mass
The strength of wastewater is normally expressed
in terms of pollution load, which is determined from
of organic matter or by substance added to the WW.
Strength & the concentrations of significant physical, chemical
characteristics and biological content of wastewater.
of WW
Characteristics of WW depend on the quality of water
used by the community, culture of population, type of
industries present & treatment given by industries to their

The strength of WW measured as mass per unit volume of WW

(Units: mg/L )

If characteristics of raw WW show the concentration of specific

constituents like BOD & SS within the standard permissible limits, there
is no need to treat the WW.
of quantity
Is the organic matter or by of
or volume substance added
wastewater into the WW.
terms of rates


THEIR It is the total quantity of wastewater
light generated daily and
FLUCTUATIONS to be treated every day.

The volume of WW depend on the water consumption by

the population for its various activities

The flow rate units:m3/day or m3/s or MLD (million Litres per Day)

Normally a treatment plant is designed on the daily average flow basis which
is known as plant capacity.
Example: 1 MLD (Million Litres per Day) plant means = the plant designed for
1 ML daily average flow of WW
The mass pollution load is defined as flow rate &
of organic matter or by substance added to the WW.
strength of WW & is expressed as load per unit time


WW having 1000 m3/d flow & 200 mg/L (g/m3) BOD has
the mass pollution load of BOD equal to 200 kg/d
(1000 m3/d X 200 g/m3 X 10-3 g/kg)

In the case of treatment plant that receives flow of combined

sewerage system, the seasonal variation in the rainy season will
lower down the BOD & SS concentration due to the dilution
because of the added amount of storm water. On the other hand, a
higher concentration of BOD & SS may be observed during the dry
weather period.

Therefore, in almost all cases, a flow-weighted average should be used

because it is more accurate method of analysis
XQ i i

Q i
Where ,

XW = flow weighted average concentration on the constituent

Xi = average concentration of the constituent during the i
time period
Qi = average flow rate during i time period
The data determined through the research and laboratory scale model
studies as well as of those
matter orfrom the operational
by substance added to experience
the WW. of field and
pilot scale WW treatment facility. The values of such guideline parameters are
called design criteria and available in the literature.

The most frequently assumed criteria for designing a conventional WW

treatment plant (WWTP):
Detention period or time
Flow through velocity
Settling velocity
Surface loading rate @ over flow rate
Weir loading rate
Organic loading (BOD @ COD @ VSS loading)
Food to Microorganism ratio, F/M
Mean cell Residence Time
Hydraulic Loading
Volumetric Loading
Basin geometry (L:B:D) length, breadth and depth ratio.
Process of heavier solid particles in suspension, settle to the
body of tank by gravity

Removal light
of SS from WW

Depends on Velocity of flow

Size and shape of particles
Viscosity of water

Types of particles

Discrete /non-flocculant particles

Size & velocity constant during the settling

Flocculant particles
Size & velocity fluctuates during the settling
Common operation & found almost in WWT plant

LESS COSTLY than many other treatment processes

The settling of discrete particles can be analysed by means
of the classic laws of sedimentation by Newton & Stokes.

Gravitational force,

Fg (p w )gVp

Frictional drag force,

C d A p w p 2
Refer page 363 in text book
In the design of sedimentation basin, the settling velocities
of the particles MUST be KNOWN.

The knowledge of settling velocity of particle is used

to determining the depth of a treatment unit to
separate the suspended solids (particulate
matter) by gravity settling and for checking the
sedimentation adequacy of length or diameter of a tank to remove
particles before the effluent flows out of the basin.

vc = particle settling velocity
Q = flowrate of WW
A = surface of sedimentation tank
Idealized discrete particles settling in 3 different type of basins

Outlet zone
Inlet zone
Outlet zone

Inlet zone
Outlet zone
Inlet zone

Settling Settling
zone zone

Sludge zone
Sludge zone
Outlet zone

Inlet zone


Circular Basin

Rectangular Basin
Classification of particles settling

Type 1 Type 3
Discrete Zone

Type 2
Particles DOES NOT change in size, shape & density during the settling

Particles settle discretely at a constant velocity

Settle as individual particles & do not flocculate

Occurs during:

Presedimentation for sand removal

Grit Chamber
Flocculate during sedimentation

Particles size constantly changing

Settling velocity is changing increase with depth & extent of flocculation

Occurs during:

Alum or iron coagulation

Primary sedimentation basins

The floc particles adhere together & the mass settle as a blanket (layer)


Solid settle

Distinct clear zone & sludge zone present

Concentration HIGH (greater than 500 mg/L)

Occurs during:

Activated sludge sedimentation

Sludge thickeners
High of
B sludge liq
Transition B interface

A zone




D D solid
Settling properties of
flocculated sludge
Initially, all the sludge is at uniform concentration A

A settling proceeds, the collapsed solid on the bottom of the settling unit (D) build up at
constant rate.

C is zone of transition through which the settling velocity decreases

Through the transition zone C, the settling velocity will decrease due to the increasing
density & viscosity of the suspension surrounding the particles.

When the rising layer of settle solid reaches the interface, a compression zone occur.
The following design criteria are generally assumed to design a Primary
Settling Tank / Sedimentation


No. of Tanks 2 or more (usually)

Types of tanks Circular or rectangular
Removal of Sludge and Scum Mechanical (usually)
Tank bottom slope 60-150 mm/m
Speed of sludge scraper 0.02 0.05 rpm

Refer Table 5-20 in textbook

B) DIMENSIONS Range Typical
Rectangular Length (m) 15-100 30
Width (m) 3-30 10
Depth 2.5-5 4
Circular Tank Diameter (m) 3-60 30
Depth (m) 3-5 4
Bottom slope, 0.02 0.05 0.03

C) TECHNICAL Range Typical

Detention Time, t (hr) 1.0 4.0 2.0
Flow Through velocity (m/min) 0.6 3.6 0.9

SLR (m3/m2/hr) at average flow 1.2 2.5 1.6

Peak Hourly Flow 2.0 5.0 4.2
WLR (m3/m/d) 125 - 500 250
Primarily used in WWT to separate solids from liquids
in effluent streams.


Criteria for sizing clarifier (settling tank)

Tank depth at the side wall Overflow rate (surface loading rate)
Detention time Scour velocity
Definition: The average daily flow rate divided by
the surface area of the tank.

Average daily flowrate
overflow rate @
surface settling rate

Total surface area of the tank

The water depth at the side wall measuring from the
tank bottom to the top of the overflow weir.
Depth of tank
Effluent weir
Exclude the additional
Influent Influent
depth resulting from
slightly sloping bottom
that is provided in both
circular and rectangular
with sludge

Effluent weir loading (typical= 250 m3/m.d) is equal to quantity of WW

flowing divided by the total weir length, Lw Average daily flowrate
Q m3
Effluent w eir loading
LW m.d
Total weir length
length of time a particle or a unit volume of WW
Detention time remains in a reactor
Detention time = Tank volume (m )
(day) Average daily flowrate

horizontal velocity through the tank to avoid
Scour Velocity resuspension of settled particles

1/ 2
8k ( s 1) gd

VH = horizontal velocity that will just produce scour (m/s)
k = cohesion constant that depends on type of material being
scoured (unitless)
s=specific gravity of particles
g=acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2)
d=diameter of particles
f=Darcy-Weisbach friction factor (unitless)
of organic
Used matter
for the or byofsubstance
removal added
lighter SS, oil &togrease.
the WW.

Also used to concentrate biological sludge and to

separate both the fine solid and a liquid particles from the
liquid phase

Introducing fine gas (air) bubbles into the liquid phase.

Bubbles will attach to the particulate matter , thus increase the
buoyant force, cause the particle to rise to the WW surface .
Floated particles are collected by skimming operation .

Thus, the operation is just the opposite of that of gravity sedimentation

where particles get removed at the bottom of the tank.

Degree of particle removal can be enhanced by

addition of chemical additives

Advantage: Removal of smaller particles in a shorter time and more complete.

Example of Flotation System
Flotation system

Systems Based Systems based

on Formation of on recirculation
Air Bubbles of effluent

Effluent is not
Dispersed-Air Vacuum Dissolved-Air Effluent is recycled
flotation flotation flotation recirculation

Frequently used in Frequently used in

industrial WW Municipal WW
treatment treatment
Systems Based on
Formation of Air Bubbles

Dispersed-Air flotation Vacuum flotation Dissolved-air flotation

WW is first saturated
air bubbles are formed by with air either directly in Flotation is achieved first
introducing the air in the the aeration tank or by by dissolving the air in
form of gas phase directly introducing air at the pump the WW or in a portion of
into the liquid phase either side (at Patm) treated effluent (liquid)
by a revolving impeller or Then partial vacuum is under high pressure in
through air diffusers at the applied. This results in the pressurizing or
atm pressure. generation of small air retention tank and then
bubbles which attached reducing the pressure of
themselves to the particles the WW through a
and make them rise, pressure-reducing valve
forming a scum blanket. to atmospheric level
Typically a cylindrical during feeding it to the
tank maintain under flotation tank to form the
vacuum is applied and rising air bubbles.
continuously fed with WW
Systems based on recirculation of effluent

In large treatment plants, normally 15-20% of the effluent is recycled

Small treatment plants operate without recycling the effluent.
Example: Dissolved-air Flotation (DAF)

Effluent is recirculated Effluent is not recycled

A predetermine fraction of effluent from Wastewater influent is first retained for some
the flotation unit is taken to the time in the pressure tank where pressure of
pressurized tank where it is pressurized, wastewater is increased to as high as 275-
and the air is dissolved below the 350kPa and air is dissolved in it.
saturation level.
Then the flow is fed to the flotation unit
The flow is then mixed with the influent through a pipeline having a pressure-
entering the flotation unit through a reducing valve.
pressure-reducing valve so that air
bubbles come out from the recycled flow As the pressure is released from
and get attached with the particles of wastewater, the dissolved air comes out of
incoming raw wastewater that are to be the solution as fine bubbles which are used
removed by flotation. for particle separation by flotation.
Dispersed-Air Flotation
Dissolved-Air Flotation (no recycle)

Please refer diagram in your textbook

Dissolved-Air Flotation (with recycle)

Please refer diagram in your

textbook pg 404
Concentration of Quantity of air
particles to be required for
removed formation of air
Particle rise Solids
velocity or loading rate
buoyant force
Dissolved air flotation units are usually designed on the basis
of the air to solid ratio, A/S, using the following equations:

For system with recycle For system without recycle

A 1.3sa ( fP 1) R A 1.3sa ( fP 1)

S SaQ S Sa

A = volume of air (ml) f = fraction of air dissolved at pressure P (atm)
S = mass of solids (mg) P = operating pressure (atm)
1.3 = weight of 1ml of air (mg) Sa = influent suspended solids or sludge solids
sa = solubility of air in (ml/L) (mg/L)
(temp depended funct) R = pressurized recycled flow (m3/d)
Q = mixed liquor flow (m3/d)
Refer page 422-423
Typical Design

Hydraulic retention Rising velocity of Rising rate or surface

time, HRT air-solid mix
loading rate

20-30min when no flocculants

are used 0.06 1.63 m3/min-m2
(for efficient primary
clarification) 2.56 12.7 cm/min

when flocculants
are used
20 60 cm/min
Employ for the removal of SS, following coagulation in
physical-chemical treatment or as tertiary treatment
following the biological WW treatment process

SS are removed using granular filter medium (depth

light mechanism, consists of
filter) principally by straining
Filtration surface removal and depth removal

The efficiency of filtration process is depends on

character of media
Primary character of SS
design/operating temperature
parameters flow rate
bed depth
time (throughput volume)
Quality (SS conc.) of effluent

Headloss through the filter & Note: Headloss is the reduction of total head
accesories or pressure drop of a liquid as it moves through
a system.
The filter run terminates when:

the total head loss reaches

maximum point (high enough)

excess SS or turbidity appears in the effluent.

Filtration rate will effect :

The build up of head loss

the effluent quality attainable

The head loss through the filter can be described by DArchys Law

hf V = superficial approach velocity (ft/min).
V Kp Kp = coefficient of permeability (ft/min). This will change with time
L hf = frictional head loss (ft)
L = depth of filter (ft).
Material Shape Relative Porosity Effective
Density (%) Size (mm)
Silica sand Rounded 2.65 42 0.4-1.0
Silica sand Angular 2.65 53 0.4-1.0
Ottawa Spherical 2.65 40 0.4-1.0
Silica Rounded 2.65 40 1.0-5.0
anthracite Angular 1.5-1.7 55 0.4-1.4
garnet angular 3.1-4.3 46 0.2-0.4

The selection of medium filters is depends on the type of filter and operation.
See example in Table 11-6, 11-8, 11-9
Use to separate dissolved and colloidal constituents from WW

Components in water are driven through a membrane

under the driving force of:

concentration pressure
Membrane electrical potential
The size of the opening in the membrane are a major
determinant of species that can pass because the opening
present a physical barrier to any substances that are larger
than openings.

A semi permeable membrane is SELECTIVE to the species it passes.

Semi permeable membrane

Permeate Retentate
The liquid passing through The fraction not passing
the membrane through the membrane.
Membrane process classification
(Refer Table 11-17 in textbook)

membranes material mechanism
Thickness=0.2- MF, UF = straining
0.25m,supported by NF = straining &
porous substrate diffusion
Flat sheets,fine hollow RO= diffusion
fiber,or tubular form
For WW size of separation
treatment,typically organic
membrane. Macropores= >50 nm
E.g:polypropylene, Mesopores=2-50 nm
cellulose acetate, aromatic Micropores= <2 nm
polyamides and TFC For RO = very fine
pores, known as dense
nature of driving force
Hydrostatic pressure difference (MF, UF, NF, RO)
concentration difference (dialysis)
Membrane Operation in MF and UF:
Cross flow Direct feed or dead-end
2 types: a) without reservoir
b) with reservoir No cross flow
All water applied to
Feed water is pumped with cross membrane passes
flow tangential to the membrane. through the membrane
Water that does not pass through
the membrane is recirculated after
blending with additional feed water
Cross flow with resorvoir-water
that does not pass through
membrane is recirculated to
storage tank.

Refer page 1112 , Figure 11-37.

OSMOTIC PRESSURE balancing pressure difference between pressure and
chemical potential , occur when two solutions having different solute conc. are
separated by semipermeable membrane.
REVERSE OSMOSIS (RO) if a pressure gradient opposite in direction and
greater than osmotic pressure, flow from the more concentrated to the less
concentrated region will occur
The flux of water through the membrane (Eq 11-43);

Fw k w (Pa )
Fw = flux of water (mass/area.time)
A= area of the membrane
kw = water mass transfer coefficient
Pa = average imposed pressure gradient
=osmotic pressure gradient
Qp = permeate stream flow
The flux of solute depends on the concentration gradient
and resistance parameter. Q C p p
Fi k i Ci
Fi= flux of solute, kg/m2s
ki = solute mass transfer coefficient, m/s
Ci = solute concentration gradient, kg/m3
Cp = conc of solute in the permeate,kg/m3
Qp = permeate stream flow, m3/s
Membrane A = membrane area, m2
Measurement of the ability
Rate of Rejection = of membrane to reject the
passage of a species i,

Cif Cip Where,

Ri ,% x 100 Ri = rejection rate
Cif Cif = conc of species i in the feed
Cp = conc of species i in permeate
Fouling of a membrane increase resistance to flow
and reduces the flux of water through a membrane

Backwashing or chemical treatment may be applied to

remove foulants. light

Irreversible fouling of membranes is the most serious


Oxidizing agents such as chlorine or ozone attack

membranes and change their structures.

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