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Guardian ad Litem

Christian Beheler
Troy Love
Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional

1.1 Make ethical decisions by applying the standards of the 1.1 At Guardian ad Litem, we have the responsibility to read and assess
NASW Code of Ethics, relevant laws and regulations, models for our cases while being committed to the client, researching the case history
ethical decision-making, ethical conduct of research, and and ensuring confidentiality is upheld. We also have to be aware of the
additional codes of ethics as appropriate to context. policies within the organization such as the policy stating that we are not
supposed to buy gifts for any of our children or families or give them rides

1.2 Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values 1.2 At Guardian ad Litem, we were asked in week 1 of our training to
and maintain professionalism in practice situations. explore our potential biases, to address them with our field supervisor if
we felt that our bias would effect es and understand them. We were also
instructed that after realizing our the case recommendations in any way.

1.3 Demonstrate professional demeanor in behavior;

appearance; and oral, written, and electronic communication. 1.3 At Guardian ad litem we are expected to dress in casual but
professional attire unless attending a court case. In this incident we are
required to wear business attire. We are expected to communicate with
coworkers and community members in a professional manner. Also we are
expected to send emails using proper grammar and punctuation and
keeping content strictly professional.
Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and
Professional Behavior

1.4 At Guardian ad Litem we use the

1.4 Use technology ethically and organizations computers to search for our case
appropriately to facilitate practice information. We also use the technology at the
organization to organize information within the
outcomes. case files in spreadsheets and email other
members of the care team such as the DSS
social worker involved in each case.

1.5 At Guardian ad Litem we consult with our

supervisor of what is expected of us for the day
and what tasks need to be completed for the
week. The supervisor also highlights what we
1.5 Use supervision and consultation are doing right and letting us know that
to guide professional judgment and questions are welcomed to ensure we dont
make mistakes that can be prevented.
Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in

2.1 Understanding diversity means to understand

2.1. Apply and communicate understanding of different cultures, religions, ethnicities, values,
the importance of diversity and difference in norms, and morals. When an individual
shaping life experiences in practice at the understands the value of diversity they are able to
micro, mezzo, and macro levels. meet everyone where they are at and appreciate
the uniqueness of each individual. When working
in the micro level professionals work on an
individuals issues and address specific needs.
When working mezzo, professionals address family
issues and identify how to correct family problems
as a whole so that the family functions ideally.
Working on a macro level can mean working with a
large population which can mean working with
policies, organizations, political leaders, and more.
Competency 2: Engage Diversity and Difference in

2.2. Present themselves as learners and engage

clients and constituencies as experts of their 2.2 Presenting one self as a learner means searching
own experiences. for direction and following when led. When listening to
a client we make them experts by engaging in active
2.3. Apply self-awareness and self-regulation listening skills, expressing empathy, being respectful,
to manage the influence of personal biases and and remaining non-judgmental.
values in working with diverse clients and
constituencies. 2.3 Before working in a large group such as the public
we must seek to discover if we have any bias's and
how to rid ourselves of judgement. If we carry a bias
and work with the people we are bias against we could
be potentially harming them. In Guardian Ad Litem we
are taught not to have expectations for our clients so
we can see them as a strength as soon as we meet
Competency 3:
Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and
Environmental Justice
3.1 At Guardian ad Litem we must
3.1 Apply understanding of social, understand that it is every parents right
economic, and environmental to be a parent to their child, so we must
justice to advocate for human work beyond our biases to try and deliver
rights at the individual and system social justice to parents who have had
their children placed in DSS custody.

3.2 At Guardian ad Litem we advocate for

the social justice of placing kids in homes
that are culturally similar or strive to find
3.2 Engage in practices that a home for them with a relative to ensure
advance social, economic, and that family connections are never fully
environmental justice. lost. We also make recommendations for
parents to put them on the path towards
being able to be a fit parent in the eyes
of the court.
Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed
Research and Research-informed Practice

4.1. Use practice experience and theory to 4.1 Using prior knowledge learned in social
inform scientific inquiry and research. work classes such as theories allows us to
understand how clients need to be viewed or
4.2. Apply critical thinking to engage in
analysis of quantitative and qualitative
research methods and research findings. 4.2 When we engage in quantitative and
qualitative research we discover the reasons,
4.3. Use and translate research evidence opinions and motivations of groups of
to inform and improve practice, policy, people. This line of analyzation allows us to
and service delivery. understand populations better
4.3 By conducting research at GAL we can
transfer what we have learned to apply it to
the life of a client to improve their situation.
Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

5.1. Identify social policy at the local, Being updated and aware of policies
state, and federal level that impacts well- when working with clients allows us to
being, service delivery, and access to know what services and resources we can
social services. recommend to improve the well being of
5.2. Assess how social welfare and
economic policies impact the delivery of To best serve clients we have to stay
and access to social services. aware of current news and events in
politics so we are aware if a policy is
changing or a new one is being
recognized. If a policy is changed and a
client no longer qualifies for a service
they had we must be aware so we can
assist them with a new resource
Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice

- 5.3. Apply critical thinking to analyze, At Guardian Ad Litem advocating for

formulate, and advocate for policies that something can mean advocating for an
advance human rights and social, economic, individual. Advocating for an individual
and environmental justice. can mean to link them with resources or
bring attention to a supervisor when we
feel our client is not receiving what they
Competency 6: Engage with Individuals,
Families, Groups, Organizations, and
6.1. When working with an area and
6.1. Apply knowledge of human behavior
working with a population it is important
and the social environment, person-in-
to understand the population as a group
environment, and other multidisciplinary
and individually. It is important to meet a
theoretical frameworks to engage with
client where they are at and to
clients and constituencies.
understand their needs and how they
6.2 2. Use empathy, reflection, and differ from ours so that we can remove
interpersonal skills to effectively engage judgment or bias.
diverse clients and constituencies.
6.2. Using active listening skills makes
clients feel heard and gives them a voice
to tell their story based on their own
experiences. It also builds rapport with
clients and makes them trust us while
working with them.
Competency 7: Assess Individuals,
Families, Groups, Organizations,
and Communities
7.1 Collect and organize data, and apply 7.1 At GAL it is our job to work in the best
critical thinking to interpret information interest of the child. A way we track the
from clients and constituencies childs wants and needs are case notes.
Case notes are done and filed after every
7.2 Apply knowledge of human behavior
visit so that we can look back on how the
and the social environment, person-in-
child has grown.
environment, and other multidisciplinary
theoretical frameworks in interventions 7.2 Understanding a clients views and
with clients and constituencies. background can say a great deal about
how a person defines their experiences.
At GAL it is common for a family to be a
cycle in DSS which suggest they are
experiencing person in environment
behaviors therefore having different
values and outlooks.
Competency 7: Assess Individuals,
Families, Groups, Organizations,
and Communities
7.3 Develop mutually agreed-on 7.3 To agree on goals we must meet a
intervention goals and objectives based client where they are and be able to listen
on the critical assessment of strengths, to their goals so that they take the process
needs, and challenges within clients and seriously. Focusing on the clients strengths
constituencies and the things they find important are
critical for a successful outcome.
7.4 Select appropriate intervention
strategies based on the assessment, 7.4 At GAL it is important to understand
research knowledge, and values and diversity and how each person may
preferences of clients and constituencies respond differently based on culture,
values, and experiences. A client may
value their religion above all else, this
would be helpful to know speaking with
this client so that we have a good
Competency 8: Intervene with
Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
8.1 Critically choose and implement 8.1 Before choosing at intervention and
interventions to achieve practice goals and plan for an individual one must understand
enhance capacities of clients and diversity and how experiences and values
constituencies. create a person. When a person agrees with
the goals made for them they will be more
8.2 Apply knowledge of human behavior
prone to success.
and the social environment, person-in-
environment, and other multidisciplinary 8.2 Understanding a clients views and
theoretical frameworks in interventions background can say a great deal about how
with clients and constituencies a person defines their experiences. At GAL it
is common for a family to be a cycle in DSS
which suggest they are experiencing person
in environment behaviors therefore having
different values and outlooks.
Competency 8: Intervene with
Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
8.3 Use inter-professional 8.3 At GAL we are encouraged to make
collaboration as appropriate to good relationships with our caregivers and
social workers so that we can work
achieve beneficial practice outcomes
together in the best interest of the child.
8.4 Negotiate, mediate, and Building rapport with families and other
advocate with and on behalf of workers creates a team for a child.
diverse clients and constituencies. 8.4 Unfortunately, typically when working
with a large group of individuals there is
someone who does not understand or
value diversity. It is the job of myself to
express how diversity effects an individual
and their actions. Advocating with a diverse
client means being aware of resources
available to them and being an active
listener when they explain their culture.
Competency 8: Intervene with
Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
8.5 Facilitate effective transitions 8.5 At GAL it is important to help
and endings that advance mutually an individual transition instead of
agreed-on goals. pushing someone to and from each
step. An example is parents begin
on supervised visits, transition to
unsupervised visits, and then
regain custody. Both parties have
the same goals, we agree to make
gradual progress.
Competency 9: Evaluate Practice
with Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
9.1 Select and use appropriate methods for 9.1 By measuring outcomes of how
evaluation of outcomes. something works for an individual we can
do an assessment to determine how well
9.2 Apply knowledge of human behavior
our process worked. If we see we lacked
and the social environment, person-in-
information or progress in one area we can
environment, and other multidisciplinary
adjust our measurements for the next
theoretical frameworks in the evaluation of
9.2 To understand a case we must also
understand a person. To understand a
person it is important to determine how
their past and current background effect
them. The situations they have been
through and places they have been can
have an effect on who they are now.
Competency 9: Evaluate Practice
with Individuals, Families, Groups,
Organizations, and Communities
9.3. Critically analyze, monitor, and 9.3 We can develop this skill by
evaluate intervention and program shadowing co-workers and social
processes and outcomes. workers and observing how they
speak with clients. We can evaluate
9.4. Apply evaluation findings to an intervention by following up with
improve practice effectiveness at an evaluation.
the micro, mezzo, and macro
levels. 9.4 After shadowing workers we can
note if we would do anything
differently or speak to our supervisor
about how we feel changing
something may positively help a
group of individuals

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