Cultural Differences Case Presentation

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Cultural Differences

Case Presentation

Client Overview

Conceptual Framework: Person-in-environment (environment

impacts how a persons actions and interactions)
Background: Middle aged, Caucasian male
Problem Statement: Client has been abusing his girlfriend
Services: Domestic Violence Classes
Strengths and Limitations: Strengths- Willing to change Limitations-
Going back to same environment
Assessment Goal: Understand what led up to physical abuse and
make plan to change it
Specific Interventions: Domestic Violence class once a week for 3
months(12 Sessions total)

I felt that he was wrong for hitting her despite what she did

He didnt need to have his child if he was still going to be violent

There is no explanation for him doing what he did

Value Differences

My Values Client Values

Religion Being seen as cool
Family Acceptance from others
Respect for Women
Preserving my health
Life Experiences

Client expressed that he had a rough childhood and had to

depend on other male members of his community to get by. These
males were individuals who were using violence to acquire things,
whether it be money, sex or drugs. To gain their acceptance he had
to learn to fight as well.
He had a child with a woman one day and she also was used to
fighting for everything. She had a bad temper according to him
and physically abused him first. He mentioned that this led him to
retaliate one day and hit her back.
Staff Recommendations

Domestic Violence classes once a week for 3 hours for the next 90

Acquire a job to take care of his child.

Research in Correlation to
Research on domestic violence programs suggest that, these
programs usually have little impact or no impact on if an individual
will be a reoffender (Batterer Intervention Programs, 2011).
Changes to Agency

Since my agency focuses on the children and not the parents per
say, there isnt much our agency can do to change anything that
would benefit adults such as this client.
Maybe as an organization we could look into trying to find ways to
aid parents so they could be reunified with their children quicker,
instead of having DSS be the ones handling those services for the
Core Competencies Used

1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4,1.5

2.1, 2.2, 2.3
4.1, 4.2, 4.3
6.1, 6.2
7.1, 7.2, 7.3 ,7.4
8.1, 8.2, 8.3
9.1, 9.2, 9.4

Batterer Intervention Programs Often Do Not Change Offender

Behavior. (2011, July 6). Retrieved October 17, 2017, from:

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