Cisco P Rime Infrastructure 3.1 V1 30 Minutes Part 4 Scenario 5. Reports

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Cisco Prime Infrastructure reporting is necessary to monitor the system and network health as
well as troubleshoot network problems. A number of reports can be generated to run on an
immediate or a scheduled basis. Reports can also be combined to form composite reports.
Each report type has a number of user-defined criteria to aid in defining the reports. The
reports can be formatted as a summary, tabular, or combined (tabular and graphical)
layout. After they have been defined, the reports can be saved for future diagnostic use or
scheduled to run on a regular basis. Reports are saved in the these formats:
PDF format and are either saved to a file on Prime Infrastructure to be downloaded later or
emailed to a specific email address.
Report categories are: CurrentProvides a snapshot of data that is not time-dependent.
HistoricalRetrieves data from the device periodically and stores it in the Prime Infrastructure
TrendGenerates a report using aggregated data. Data can be periodically collected
from devices and a schedule can be established for report generation. Top NGenerates
reports based on top utilization.

With Prime Infrastructure, you also have the ability to export any report that you can view,
sort reports into logical groups, and archive for long-term storage. The Reports menu
provides access to all Prime Infrastructure reports as well as currently saved and scheduled
reports, which includes:
Report Launch PadThe hub for all Prime Infrastructure reports. From this page, you can
access specific types of reports and create new reports.
Scheduled Run ResultsAllows you to access and manage all currently scheduled runs
in Prime Infrastructure, and to access and manage on-demand exports as well as emailed
reports. Saved Report TemplatesAllows you to access and manage all currently saved
report templates in Prime Infrastructure.
1. Choose Reports > Report Launch Pad.
2. Choose a category from the left sidebar menu to see the report types for each report
category, click New corresponding to the appropriate report in the main area of the
Report Launch Pad.
3. In the Report Details page, complete the fields as described in the Report Launch Pad
> Report Type > New section. See Field Reference for Cisco Prime Infrastructure Reports
in Related topics. The parameters shown in the Report Details will vary with the report
type. With some reports, you will need to customize the report results.
4. If you plan to run this report later or as a recurring report, enter Schedule parameters
as described in the Report Launch Pad > Report Type > New section. See Field
Reference for Cisco Prime Infrastructure Reports in Related topics.
5. Run the report.
1. Associate your wireless device to the Demo_Internal SSID broadcast by your AP.
2. Login as itadmin with password C1sco12345.
3. Generate some interesting traffic on the wireless device.
4. In the Universal Search field of Prime Infrastructure, enter itadmin and press Enter.
5. Click View ALL to see the list of Clients matching the search.
6. Click the itadmin link to view the client details.
7. Click the info icon next to the itadmin user to open the User 360 View window.
8. Select the Applications tab to see which applications the user has used.
9. Device 360
10. From the Universal Search field, enter csr and select the device
from the results.
11. From the Network Devices page, select the info icon next to the IP address of the CSR


11. In the Device 360 View page, you will see information related to the CSR.
The tabs along the bottom can be used to view Alarms, Modules, Interfaces and CDP
Neighbors for the selected device.
The Device 360 View also includes information about the OS type and version as well as
utilization metrics for the CPU and memory. 12. Click the Actions dropdown to see the list of
Actions available for the device.
13. Select the Interfaces tab and then the GigabitEthernet1 link
14. This will open the Interface tab of the Performance Dashboard.
15. Scroll through the dashboard to see data related to the Gig1 Interface of the CSR.
16. In the Search field, search for csr.
17. Select the device.
18. Click the hyperlink for the device.
19. Select the Configuration Archive tab.
20. Click the Schedule Archive button.
21. Accept the prepopulated parameters that will run an archive now and click Submit.
22. Refresh the page after a few moments to see the new archive. 23. Click the arrow to
expand the oldest in the list.
24. Click the Details link to see the actual device config.
25. Close the Details window.
26. Click the Previous link to compare the current configuration to the previous.
27. Select Difference Only to highlight the changes.
28. You can also compare the configuration of this device to other similar devices.
29. Close the window when you are done.

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