BGY9002M Lecture 1 - Introduction 2017

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Introduction to Biotechnology



James Flint:

Lecture 1
Module overview: what you need to know
Teaching staff
Blackboard site

Biotechnology an Introduction
Module lead : James Flint
Senior Lecturer in Biotechnology
Carbohydrate active enzymes
Industrial application of biotechnology/proteins
Industrial Liaison for School of Life Sciences

Ext 6804
Office hours : Monday 10:00-12:00
Teaching Staff
Module leader
James Flint
Teaching staff
Andre Moura
Ross Williams
Enrico Ferrari
Clare Miller
Module Aims

The module introduces students to the

theoretical and practical aspects of
Module Content

15 Lectures
6 - PBL workshops
1 Presentation session
Week Lecture number Date Time Location Specific content Lecturer

1 1 28th Sept 15:00-15:30 JBL0C05 Introduction to Biotechnology James Flint

2 2 5th Oct 12:00-13:00 MB1009 Brief History Of Biotechnology James Flint

2 3 5th Oct 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Microbiology and Biotechnology James Flint

3 4 12th Oct 12:00-13:00 MB1009 Biotechnology in Conservation Andre Moura

3 5 12th Oct 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Stem Cell Biology Enrico Ferrari

4 6 19th Oct 12:00-13:00 MB1009 Food and Beverage Biotechnology James Flint

5 7 26th Oct 12:00-13:00 MB1009 Industrial Biotechnology James Flint

5 8 26th Oct 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Bioenergy James Flint

6 9 2nd Nov 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Bioremediation and Biosensors James Flint

7 10 9th Nov 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Blue Biotechnology James Flint

9 11 23th Nov 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Bioeconomy James Flint

10 12 30th Oct 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Transgenic animals James Flint

11 13 7th Dec 12:00-13:00 MB1009 Bioterrorism and Biowarfare 1 Clare Miller

11 14 7th Dec 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Bioterrorism and Biowarfare 2 Clare Miller

12 15 154th Dec 16:00-17:00 MC3133 Nanobiotechnology Enrico Ferrari

6 x PBL workshops
Wednesday 11-12:00 in weeks 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 & 12
Real world problem
Worked on in groups of 3-4
Potentially leads to Research Project
In association with industrial partner
Assessed by group report and presentation
Assessment 1. Review Article
Details on next slide
60% of overall module mark
Assessment 2: PBL Group report
Details in PBL workshop
30% of overall module mark
Assessment 3: Individual presentations within a
group oral presentation (PBL)
Details in PBL workshop
10% of overall module mark

Submission deadlines are given in Module Handbook

Assignment 1
Discuss the importance of microorganisms in
biotechnology explaining how named microbial
products and/or processes have driven the
development of biotechnology
Your coursework should be written as a review article in the format of a
Trends in Biotechnology (TiB) review article; see:

Trends in Biotechnology can also be accessed via the list of electronic

journals on the library website.

Modified writing guidelines for TiB are available on Blackboard

Coursework 1 cont.
You should provide your own title for your article. In your review, you
should provide a critical synthesis of relevant information from lecture
material and your own independent reading of journal articles.
The coursework should not exceed 3000 words (excluding figure legends
and references). Work that is over-long will be penalized. Text should be
1.5 or double spaced with margins of 2.5cm. Work should be fully
Use of Figures and Tables is strongly encouraged. Further guidance on
format will be given during later lecture
The coursework should be submitted electronically by TurnItIn by no later

4pm 25th November 2016

What is biotechnology?
Use of biological processes, organisms and products
for the benefit of mankind (and the planet)




Equatorial Guinea Flag

Our daily bread

Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Healthy living(?).
..or a night out!

Treating our sewage
Cleaning up disasters

Exxon Valdez

Deepwater horizon
Fueling our lifestyle
Transgenic animals
Golden rice
Penicillium chrysogenum anti-wrinkles!
DNA profiling
Biotechnology is the application of biological
processes, organisms and products for the
benefit of mankind and the planet
Microorganisms play a central role in many
areas of biotechnology
Molecular biology has played a critical role in
the development of biotechnology
Any questions?

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