The Future..

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The Future

Artificial intelligence experts will create Smart homes. When you walk into your
home, it will say hello to you, turn on the lights and switch the radio to your
favourite station! As you lie on your bed, your stereo will play your favourite
songs. A voice will remind you of your homework for the day. You will see the
latest films on your TVs or on your computer secreens and you will download your
favourite hits from the internet.
You wont have to walk the dog if you dont want to
small robots and androids will do that for you. And
you wont have to do the shopping with your mum
and stand in long queues: your refrigerator will e-
mail your grocery list to the supermarket.
Pollution will become a problem of the past. Oil will
disappear as a source of energy since all the
depositis in the Persian Gulf will run out. We will
find and develop new, cleaner forms of energy for
vehicles, The electric car will popular in cities.
Public transport will be free in most large cities and
traffic jams will disapper gradually from city centres.
Cars will have automatic navigation systems so that you
can avoid traffic jams during holiday times. Humans
will start travelling to Mars and te Moon on holiday.
Students will have a laptop computer on their desks.
They wont need to read many books because they will
get information from the computer. When they are ill,
they will send their homework to the their teachers e-
mail address.
Schools will have virtual libraries. Whenever you want a
book, you will be able to go the school library page and
download it onto your computer. Most scools will be linked
to the Internet so students can take part in chats and video
Alumnas: Laitan Luisina y Simonelli Mara
Profesora: Gngora Eugenia
Curso: 5to A
Escuela de Educacin Secundaria Tnica N 1

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