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Kuliah I


Jurusan Farmasi Unand

Basic Groups of Microbes
Classification: The Three Domain System
A. Sizes, Shapes, and Arrangements of
B. Cell Structure of the Domain Bacteria: An
C. Selected Atypical Pathogenic Bacteria
A. Sizes, Shapes, and Arrangements of

Bacteria are:
a. prokaryotic.
b. single-celled, microscopic organisms (Exceptions
have been discovered that can reach sizes just visible to
the naked eye. They include Epulopiscium fishelsoni, a
bacillus-shaped bacterium that is typically 80
micrometers (m) in diameter and 200-600 m long, and
Thiomargarita namibiensis, a sperical bacterium
between 100 and 750 m in diameter.)
c. generally much smaller than eukaryotic cells.
d. very complex despite their small size.
Most bacteria come in one of three basic
shapes: coccus, rod or bacillus, and spiral.
1. The coccus
The cocci are spherical or oval bacteria having
one of several distinct arrangements based on
their planes of division.
a. Division in one plane produces either a
diplococcus or streptococcus arrangement.
Diplococcus . Note cocci in pairs (arrows).
Scanning Electron Micrograph of Streptococcus pneumoniae
Electron Micrograph of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a Diplococcus
Streptococcus pyogenes
Note gram-positive (purple) cocci in chains (arrows
Gram Stain of Staphylococcus aureus
Note gram-positive (purple) cocci in clusters.
Electron Micrograph of Vibrio cholerae , a Vibrio
Caption:-- Vibrio cholerae - Gram-negative, facultatively
curved (vibrio-shaped), rod prokaryote; causes Asiatic cholera.
File Name:-- 96525G
Category:-- Bacteria Type of Image:-- SEM
Magnification:-- x2,050--(Based on an image size of 1 inch in
the narrow dimension)

The spirochete Borrelia (arrows) in a blood smear.

B. Cell Structure
1. The Cytoplasmic Membrane
The cytoplasmic membrane, also called a cell
membrane or plasma membrane,
is about 7 nanometers
(nm; 1/1,000,000,000 m) thick.
It lies internal to the cell wall and
encloses the cytoplasm of the bacterium
(see Fig. 1).
composition: Like all biological membranes in nature,
the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane is composed
phospholipid and protein molecules.
In electron micrographs, it appears as 2 dark bands
separated by a light band and is actually a fluid
phospholipid bilayer imbedded with proteins (see Fig.
With the exception of the mycoplasmas, the only
bacteria that lack a cell wall, prokaryotic membranes lack
Many bacteria, however, do contain sterol-like
molecules called hopanoids. Like the sterols found in
eukaryotic cell membranes, the hopanoids most likely
stabilize the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane.
Fig. 3: Diagram of a Cytoplasmic Membrane

Fig. 3: Diagram of a Cytoplasmic Membrane

The phospholipid bilayer is arranged so
that the polar ends of the molecules (the
phosphate and glycerol portion of the
phospholipid that is soluble in water) form
the outermost and innermost surface of
the membrane while the non-polar ends
(the fatty acid portions of the
phospholipids that are insoluble in water)
form the center of the membrane (see Fig.
major function: The cytoplasmic membrane is a
selectively permeable membrane that
determines what goes in and out of the
All cells must take in and retain all the various
chemicals needed for metabolism.
Water, dissolved gases such as carbon dioxide
and oxygen, and lipid-soluble molecules simply
diffuse across the phospholipd bilayer.
Water-soluble ions generally pass through small
pores - less than 0.8 nm in diameter - in the
membrane .
All other molecules require carrier molecules to
transport them through the membrane.
Materials move across the bacterial
cytoplasmic membrane by passive
diffusion and active transport.
A. Passive Diffusion (def)
Passive diffusion is the net movement of gases
or small uncharge polar molecules across a
phospholipid bilayer membrane from an area of
higher concentration to an area of lower
concentration (see Fig. 4A and 4B) .
Examples of gases that cross membranes by
passive diffusion include N2, O2, and CO2;
examples of small polar molecules include
ethanol, H2O, and urea.
All molecules and atoms possess kinetic energy
(energy of motion). If the molecules or atoms are
not evenly distributed on both sides of a
membrane, the difference in their concentration
forms a concentration gradient that represents
a form of potential energy (stored energy).
The net movement of these particles will
therefore be down their concentration gradient -
from the area of higher concentration to the area
of lower concentration.
Diffusion is powered by the potential energy
of a concentration gradient and does not
require the expenditure of metabolic energy.
2. The Peptidoglycan Cell Wall
a. The Gram-Positive Cell Wall
b. The Gram-Negative Cell Wall
c. The Acid-Fast Cell Wall
3. Structures Within the Cytoplasm
a. Cytoplasm
b. The Nucleoid
c. Plasmids and Transposons
d. Ribosomes
e. Endospores
f. Inclusion Bodies and Organelles
Used for Photosynthesis
4. Structures Outside the Cell Wall
a. Glycocalyx (Capsules)
b. Flagella
c. Pili

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