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Wednesday, November 1st
Warm Up
What in the World Wednesday -

WHAT happened?
HOW can we pray for those involved?
Today in History
1512 Sistine Chapel opens to the public
1765 Parliament enacts the Stamp Act
1800 John Adams moves into the White House
during the last year of his presidency.
Government by Confederation
Confederation a close alliance of states
without a strong, central government.
Articles of Confederation written by
John Dickinson in 1776, it was the
original constitution of the United State
when ratified in 1781.
Government by Confederation
The states did not want to lose their
power to a central government, so the
Articles granted each state its individual
freedom and sovereignty with the
Continental Congress a loose authority
during the War for Independence.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation
The original government was a unicameral
Each state could have between 2 to 7
elected representatives, but would only
get one vote.
Important decisions like declaring war,
approving treaties or coining a common
currency had to be approved by 9 states.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation
Amendments to the Articles had to be
approved by all 13 states.
A chief executive was chosen by the
legislature and was subject to them.
He was virtually powerless.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation
There were 3 other officials:
Superintendent of Finance, Secretary of
War and Secretary of Foreign Affairs, but
were mostly administrative.
There was no national judicial branch.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation
The states were described as a firm
league of friendship with every power,
jurisdiction, and right that wasnt
specifically given to Congress.
Congress wasnt able to tax or regulate
commerce, which ultimately lead to the
calls for reform.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Treaty of Paris The treaty established the
United States as independent, but a
weak central government meant the new
nation was unable to honor it.
The country was unable to restore
Loyalists property.
They couldnt enforce that British citizens
could use American courts to recover
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances Many states
claimed land north of the Ohio River in
the Northwest Territory. Maryland and
other states refused to ratify the Articles
of Confederation until these states
released their hold on the land to the
Federal Government.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances
Ordinance of 1784 Thomas Jefferson proposed
creating 10 new states out of the land, all of which
would be equal to the other 13 states. He also
proposed banning slavery and giving the land away
instead of selling it.
States feared the creation of 10 new competing
states and it never went into effect.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances
Ordinance of 1785 divided the land
into townships for sale and development.
Each township had 36 lots of one square
mile that were sold for $640.
Proceeds went to building and
maintaining schools in the area.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances
Ordinance of 1785 each state had to go through
3 stages:
1. Region was still under the control of the federal
2. With at least 5,000 free inhabitant, the area could
apply to be a territory with an governor and elected
legislature, with a representative in Congress who could
not vote.
3. 60,000 inhabitants could be admitted as a state.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances
Ordinance of 1787 The Northwest
Territory would be divided into at least 3
Emphasized education
Did not allow slavery
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Successes
Western Land Ordinances
Theses were the biggest successes of the
Confederation government by allowing
orderly settlement of new lands and
generated income for the government.
Government by Confederation
Johnny Appleseed
One of the best known figures of the
Northwest Territory.
Born in 1774 in Massachusetts, John Chapman
moved west where he became famous for
planting apple orchards.
He planted apples as a way to lay claim to
unsettled lands and then sold them to new
Government by Confederation
Johnny Appleseed
He was an eccentric man who didnt believe in
hurting creation, so he was a vegetarian and
refused to prune plants because he believed
they felt physical pain.
He never married, was known for his
threadbare clothes and going barefoot.
Articles of Confederation Graphic

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