Thurs Nov 2 Us History

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Thursday, November 2nd
Warm Up
The Answer Is

Today in History
1777 John Paul Jones sets sail from
Portsmouth, NH to the Irish Sea to raid
British ships.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Failures
Financial Weakness the central
government had to ask for money from
the states, who often refused.
Hard money like silver and gold were
scarce, so the country printed its own
money, which became worthless.
States could also print their own money.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Failures
Rhode Island tried to force merchants to
accept inflated money or face a $500 fine
and lose the right to vote.
The Congress of the Confederation
proposed twice a small tariff on incomes,
which they couldnt get passed because a
lack of unanimous vote by the state.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Failures
Foreign Weakness The lack of unity
between the states meant foreign powers
would play off states jealousies.
The country also didnt have military
capacity to protect their trading interests.
Government by Confederation
Articles of Confederation Weaknesses
Domestic Weakness the country became
weak due to 14 different currencies,
different taxes and tariffs and a post-war
Conspiracies and rebellions within the
country further weakened the
Government by Confederation
The army was owed backpay and Major General
Henry Knox, with Washingtons
encouragement, wrote a letter to Congress to
address their grievances.
Those who favored a strong, central government
wanted to use the letter to support a national
taxation, which would weaken the states rights.
Government by Confederation
Congress didnt take the necessary steps to
alleviate concerns and discontent in the army
continued to grow.
In 1783, the Newburgh Conspiracy resulted when
a group of military officers backed by business
men planned to force Congress to pay the army
their back pay.
Government by Confederation
The Newburgh Conspiracy Some wanted to
establish a new government under a king or a
dictator with Washington as the leader.
Washington firmly refused and showed up at a
meeting to plan the rebellion to address the
After listening to their beloved and respected
leader, the men stopped the conspiracy.
Government by Confederation
Shays Rebellion - In 1786, Daniel Shay led a
group of farmers in an armed revolt in the
Western part of the country.
The farmers had purchased land at an inflated
cost, but the depression after the Revolution
meant they couldnt pay and many were jailed.
The men attempted to seize weapons before the
militia put an end to the revolt.
Activity 7.3

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