Pengenalan Uji Sumur (Introduction To Well Testing) : Muh. Taufiq Fathaddin

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Pengenalan Uji Sumur

(Introduction to Well Testing)

Muh. Taufiq Fathaddin

A tool for reservoir evaluation and
Investigates a much larger volume of the
reservoir than cores or logs.
Provides estimates of
permeability under in-situ conditions
near-wellbore conditions
distances to boundaries
average pressure
Pressure transient tests
To characterize reservoir properties based
on pressure changes with time

Deliverability tests
To measure the productivity of the well
and reservoir performance based on
pressure changes with flowrate
Pressure Transient Test:
Reservoir properties (permeability, skin
factor, fracture-matrix Parameter, etc).
Define drainage area limits
Estimate average pressure
Reservoir pore volume (estimated at pseudo
steady state period).
Communication between two adjacent wells
Evaluate stimulation treatment effectiveness
Deliverability tests:
Estimate well productivity
Characterize reservoir
Diagnose productivity problems
Estimated ultimate recovery (EUR) or
movable fluid volumes (estimated using
long-term production performance).
Pressure Transient Test :
Single Production Well Test
Pressure Buildup (PBU) test
- shut in after controlled production

Pressure drawdown (PDD)

- Controlled production or flow test

Drill Stem Test

- Well test after drilling
Pressure Transient Test :
Single Injection Well Test
Pressure Falloff test
- similar to a pressure buildup test, except it is,
conducted on an injection well

Injectivity test
- Inject into the well at measured rate and
measure pressure as it increases with time
analogous to pressure drawdown testing.
Pressure Transient Test :
Multi Well Test
Interference tests
- The active well is produced at a measured,
constant rate throughout the test
- Other wells in the field must be shut in so that
any observed pressure response can be
attributed to the active well only.
-wells which usually can be interpreted
unambiguously (even when other wells in the
field continue to produce)
Pressure Transient Test :
Multi Well Test
Pulse tests
The active well produces and then, is shut in,
returned to production and shut in again
Repeated but with production or shut-in periods
rarely exceeding more than a few hours
Produces a pressure response in the observation
wells which usually can be interpreted
unambiguously (even when other wells in the
field continue to produce)

production capabilities of a well under

specific reservoir conditions
primarily for gas wells
absolute openflow (AOF) potential
inflow performance relationship (IPR) or
gas backpressure curve

Flow After Flow Test

- The well is produced to stabilized
pressure at three or four increasing rates,
the different flow periods have the same
- This testing sequence is also called a
"Flow after flow test". In low permeability
reservoirs, the total production time can
be relatively long.
Isochronal Test
- With isochronal tests, the well is again
produced at three or four increasing rates
but a shut-in period is introduced between
each flow. The drawdown periods are
stopped during the infinite acting regime
after the same production time tp, and the
intermediate build-ups last until the pressure
is back to initial conditions Pi. The final flow
is extended, sometimes with a reduced flow
rate, to reach the stabilized flowing pressure.
Modified Isochronal Test
- With the modified isochronal sequence, the
procedure is similar to isochronal tests
except that the intermediate shut-in periods
have the same duration as the drawdown
periods and only the last flow is extended
until the stabilized flowing pressure is
Kinds of Well Tests

Masalah uji PDD:

Sukar untuk mencapai
laju produksi yang tetap
sebelum sumur ditutup.
Kinds of Well Tests
Kinds of Well Tests
Kinds of Well Tests
Kinds of Well Tests
Kinds of Well Tests
Periode respon tekanan
Wellbore Storage Period
Infinite Acting Period
Late Time Period
Skema kondisi
infinite acting dan
semi steady state
Profile Tekanan Dasar Sumur selama Uji PBU
Wellbore Storage
Koefisien wellbore storage didefinisikan sebagai laju
perubahan tekanan selama rezim wellbore storage
murni. Untuk fluida satu fasa, wellbore storage
dinyatakan dengan (van Everdingen dan Hurst, 1949):

Co = kompresibilitas cairan
Vw = volume lubang sumur, bbl
Atau oleh Earlougher, 1977:
Wellbore Storage
Selama rezim aliran murni, wellbore storage
coeficient dapat diperkirakan dari plot p vs t pada
skala linier (van Everdingen dan Hurst, 1949):


Wellbore storage koefisien C diperkirakan dari

kemiringan kurva
Periode Infinite Acting
PDE untuk aliran radial

Pada sumur: Jari-jari sumur terbatas, laju
injeksi tetap
Pada reservoir: Infinite acting, tekanan awal
dan sifat reservoir seragam.
Periode Infinite Acting
Penyelesaian PDE untuk aliran radial


Persamaan tersebut memberi harga tekanan

dalam reservoir sebagai fungsi waktu dan jarak
dari sumur
Teori Terapan untuk
Penginjeksian dan Falloff
Penyederhanaan penyelesaian PDE:

Periode Infinite Acting
Persamaan di atas dapat ditulis sebagai:

Dimana: P = Pi Pr,t (produksi)

= Pr,t Pi (injeksi)
T = transmissibility, kh/m
S = storage, fCt
Periode Infinite Acting
Dalam bentuk parameter tidak berdimensi:

dimana: PD = tekanan tak berdimensi

= k h P / (141.2 q m Bo)
tD = waktu tak berdimensi,
= 2.637x10-4 k t / (f m Ct rw2)
rD = jarak tak berdimensi antara sumur aktif
dan pengamat, = r/rw
Perkiraan Tekanan Sumur Injeksi
Contoh: Perkirakan tekanan sumur injeksi
yang terletak dalam reservoir Infinite acting
dengan S=0. Sumur telah diinjeksi 3428.6 bbl
selama 2 hari (=48 jam). Data reservoir lain
Pi = 2000 psi h = 50 ft
k = 200 md Bw = 1 rb/stb
rw = 0.4 ft ct = 6 10-6 psi-1
= 0.6 cp f = 0.3
Perkiraan Tekanan Sumur Injeksi
Hitung variabel tak berdimensi rD, tD, dan PD:
rD = r/rw = rw/rw = 1

Maka tekanan pada sumur injeksi adalah:

Type Curve untuk Infinite Acting
Uji pada Reservoir Terbatas
Pada saat awal produksi sumur profil
tekanan berkelakuan seolah-olah berada
pada infinite reservoir

Uji pada Reservoir Terbatas
Setelah sesaat encapai periode pss, laju
penurunan tekanan akan konstan dan
seragam diseluruh daerah pengurasan.

Volume pori:
Shape Factors untuk berbagai daerah pengurasan sumur

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