The Nature of Allah RVW

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The Nature of Allah

Look at the information sheet on your table. These 99
names describe what Muslims believe about God.
Choose 5 names which describe God as being powerful
and mighty. Choose 5 others which show he is loving and
The Nature of Allah
Know and understand what Muslims
believe about Gods nature.
Understand how this influences
Muslims today.
Tawhid (Oneness)
There is ONE God. Indivisible.

Nothing comes close to Him as the ultimate

source of power.

Nothing can be compared to him. Beyond

human understanding.

How do these views contrast with the Christian understanding of God?

How would belief in Tawhid
influence Muslims today?
Being aware of the power of God should make
Muslims humble and modest.
Muslims would be encouraged to trust in God,
even when life is difficult.
One translation of Islam is submission to the
will of Allah. Muslims who believe in the
power and all knowing nature of Allah can do
this with greater confidence.
Muslims believe that Allah has
revealed himself to people through
Muhammad and the holy books. There
are 99 names of Allah in the Quran
and Hadith (Muhammads sayings),
which can help Muslims to understand
something of Allahs nature. Each
name describes a quality that Allah has
revealed about himself.
Many Muslims memorise the names of
Allah and recite them when they are
praying privately. Each name helps The most Excellent
them to feel Allahs presence. Some Names belong to God: use
names show Allahs power, might and
authority; others show Allahs love and
them to call on Him.
care for human beings. (Quran 7:180)
Explanation How this influences Muslims today


Complete the table about different
beliefs about Allah as you look
Transcendence through the information sheets.
Extra: take down key quotes in your
exercise book as well
Beneficent and

Fairness & Justice

Allah is all-powerful; the creator, sustainer and
owner of all things. Allah is also all-knowing,
aware of everything going on.
Muslims might feel in awe of Allahs greatness
and power and praise HIM for all the things
HEs done. They might also carefully think
about their actions as Allah sees them and
will hold them responsible.
Allah is close by humans. He helps people in all
situations in life.
This might give Muslims a sense of never being alone,
of having Allah with them at all times. This might give
them hope in difficult situations; they might be
grateful if something good happens, or they might be
less anxious about difficult tasks ahead.

And He is with you wherever you may be.

(Quran Surah 57:4)
Muslims believe that Allah is beyond what
they can think. He is greater than this world
and lives outside of this world.
This might give a sense of secureness, HE is
looking after me. Allah can do anything which
seems impossible to humans.
No vision can grasp him.he is above all
comprehension. (Surah 6:103)
Nothing there is like him. (Surah 42:11)
Beneficent (Kind) and Merciful
Suffering is a part of everyday life around the globe.
However, Muslims see signs of Gods kindness and
mercy in their lives.
Allah sent prophets to guide us on the right path.
Humans have free will to follow and therefore do
things wrong. However, Allah always forgives those
who repent.
This may affect a Muslims life in that they would want
to try and do good to please Allah. They would seek
forgiveness when they do not obey Him. They might
also see their suffering as a test of faith.
Fairness & Justice
Allah always acts in the interests of justice and fairness.
Humans may not always understand His actions but
should accept that He is right.
Allah requires that Muslims should treat others fairly
and justly, just as He does. Muslims should remember
that God will judge their actions on the Day of
Shia Islam teaches that God is just and will hold people
to account for their wrongs and will judge them
Be a steadfast witness for Allah in equity and
let not hatred of any people seduce you that you
deal not justly. (Surah 5:8)
The Qualities of Allah
KEYWORD: justice (Adalat in Shia Islam) - the idea that God is
just and fair and judges human actions, rewarding the good and
punishing the bad.

1. How might the Shia belief in the justice of God

(Adalat) affect peoples attitudes towards
suffering in life?
2. God cannot be both immanent and
transcendent. Think of some arguments both
for and against this statement, including a
Muslim point of view based on Muslim
Complete the table for the practice 12 mark

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