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Penyajian Algoritma

(Flowchart, Pseudocode & Structure of English)

Muhammad Fikri H.
Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of an
algorithm. Flowchart are very helpful in writing
program and explaining program to others.
Flowchart atau bagan alir adalah skema/bagan
(chart) yang menunjukkan aliran (flow) di dalam
suatu program secara logika.
Flowchart merupakan alat yang banyak
digunakan untuk menggambarkan algoritma
dalam bentu notasi-notasi tertentu.
Example of Flowchart
Flowchart untuk menentukan nilai kelulusan mahasiswa
Symbols Used In Flowchart
Symbol Purpose Definition
Flow Line Used to indicate the flow of logic by
connecting symbols.
Terminal(Stop/Star) Used to represent start and end of
Input/Output Used for input and output operation.

Processing Used for airthmetic operations and data-

Desicion Used to represent the operation in which
there are two alternatives, true and false.
On-page Connector Used to join different flowline

Off-page Connector Used to connect flowchart portion on

different page.
Defining Pseudocode
Pseudocode is not actual programming
language. It uses short phrases to write code
for programs before you actually create it in a
specific language.
Pseudo : imitasi/mirip/menyerupai/semu
Code : Program atau Bahasa Pemrograman
Examples of Pseudocode
Pseudocode: Definition & Examples, avalaible at :
Flowchart In Programming , avalaible at :
Aunur R. Mulyanto, Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Jilid 1,
Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan, 2008
Yuli Praptomo, Bahan Ajar Algoritma dan Pemrograman,

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