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American History

Friday, November 3rd

Warm Up
Flashback Friday
Imagine you are a citizen in America under the
Articles of Confederation. Do you support a new
constitution or not? Would you prefer a strong,
central government or to have the states have more
Today in History
1777 Washington learns of a conspiracy to
discredit him to Congress and replace him with
General Horatio Gates.
1941 The Combine Japanese Fleet receive Top-
Secret Order #1: Bomb Pearl Harbor, Malaya,
Dutch East Indies and the Philippines in 34 days
President George Washington
1788 The nation elected
Representatives for the House.
State legislatures elected Senators and
electors for the Electoral College.
George Washington was unanimously
elected as the nations first president.
John Adams was Vice President
President George Washington
April 30, 1789 Washington
was sworn in as president in
New York City, the nations first
Washington asked to place his
hand on a Bible and finished
his inauguration saying, so help
me God, which has been
tradition for every President
President George Washington
The presidents advisors that was made
up of 5 positions:
Vice President
Secretary of the Treasury
Secretary of State
Secretary of War
Attorney General
President George Washington
Early Acts of Congress
Judiciary Act of 1789 set up a federal
court system.
Established a Supreme Court with a
Chief Justice and 5 associate judges.
John Jay was the first Chief Justice.
Established district and circuit courts on
both the federal and state levels.
President George Washington
Early Acts of Congress
Patent Rights established a Patent Office
to promote inventions and protect
private property.
A patent is a formal document that gives and
inventor exclusive rights to their invention
for 17 years.
Encourages creativity and contributes to free
enterprise system.
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
Tariffs and Taxes Alexander
Hamilton was tasked with
setting up the nations
financial structure.
He devised a plan to pay off
debts through the sale of
public lands in the West and
tariffs on trade.
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
Tariffs and Taxes in 1791, Congress passed
protective tariffs to keep foreign goods out of
the U.S. and help American manufacturing.
When that didnt raise enough money,
Congress passed an excise tax on products
produced, sold and consumed within the U.S.
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
Whiskey Rebellion The first excise tax was
placed on whiskey.
Western farmers grew a lot of corn which was hard
to transport, so it was made into whiskey.
They sold this as a part of their income.
In 1794, Pennsylvanian farmers rebelled, refusing to
pay the tax and threatening tax collectors.
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
Whiskey Rebellion Washington decided
to use force to put down the uprising,
and sent 15,000 troops to the area.
The rebellion collapsed and confidence
in the federal government grew.
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
National Bank and Mint Hamilton
wanted to create a national bank that
would keep the gold standard.
All paper money had to have silver and
gold to back it.
The national bank would regulate private
President George Washington
Hamiltons Financial Program
National Bank and Mint Hamilton also
convinced Congress to adopt the Mint
Act of 1792.
The federal government was in charge or
printing, or minting, bills and coins as a
dependable currency for the country.

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