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Explain the concept of teachers as
Profession refers to a job that performs an important
social function. In order to achieve these functions,
certain level of proficiency and systematic experience
knowledge based on the theory that hold by an
individual are required.

Professional concept also refers to the characteristics

or attributes in expert circles of a profession. According
to Ornstein and Levine (1993), there are four attributes
in a profession, namely experts need to master in-depth
content of knowledge, efficiency and expertise in a
particular field, the presence of ethics code to control
behavior experts and truth/ approval was given to a
profession by society to operate.
Explain the concept of teachers as
By tradition, a professional is different
than others because he has:
a) in-depth knowledge of the principles,
b) a commitment to meet the needs of the
c) strong identity collectively
(professional commitment ) and
d) professional autonomy

(Talbert & Mc Laughlin, 1994) .

Explain the concept of teachers as
Teachers are professionals because they
have :
Knowledge of the subjects taught
Before a person becomes a trained
teacher, he needs to receive teacher
training in terms of in-depth knowledge
of the subject matter, pedagogical
content knowledge, and techniques in
delivering lessons and acquire good
moral values as a results from the
training to allow them to carry out the
teaching and learning effectively.
Explain the concept of teachers as
Teachers are professionals because
they have :
Knowledge of the learner

Increase the professionalism of teachers

Explain the importance of teachers
as professional and the impact to the
process of T&L and to the education
Students have better learning outcomes.

Teachers as professionals can discover

new teaching strategies through
professional development, they are able
to go back to the classroom and make
changes to their lecture styles and
curricula to better suit the needs of their
Explain the importance of teachers
as professional and the impact to the
process of T&L and to the education

Teachers can be subject matter

experts for the topics they teach. This
means teachers should be able to
answer any question a student throws
their way.
Discuss the challenges and factors
that hinder teachers as
Difficult working conditions

Teacher efficacy
Teachers efficacy beliefs are strongly correlated with
teacher performance.
Teachers with high self-efficacy believe that they can teach
students well and believe they have a certain degree of
control over both teaching and learning process and their
Efficacy also relates to teacher perceptions about
studentsa belief that their students can succeed
If teachers are poorly prepared; if they receive little or
inadequate professional supportparticularly if they teach
children with acute emotional and academic needs they
may continue to lack confidence in their own abilities as
Discuss the challenges and factors
that hinder teachers as
Teacher efficacy
They may continue to doubt their own
efficacy; they may not believe that their
students can learn; and they may begin to
channel these frustrations onto students
blaming them for the weaknesses of the
Teacher identity
lack a strong professional identity or desire
to strengthen that identity
Discuss the challenges and factors
that hinder teachers as
Teacher professionalism
Difficult working conditions, low status,
gender bias, and teaching in hierarchical
conditions often prompt teachers to look for
alternative work and/or resist any attempts
to enhance increased professionalismsuch
as professional developmentespecially
when teachers are not paid for extra hours
or when they see professional development
as not resulting in either improvements in
their own practice or leading to promotion.
Discuss the challenges and factors
that hinder teachers as
Systematic challenges
Fragile countries often have fragile education systems
characterized by poor leadership, limited
administrative capacity or inadequate budgets.
Many fragile countries are unable to provide teachers
with salaries and working conditions or professional
opportunities that one finds in other professions.
Fragile contexts often lack qualified personnel who
can help teachers master content or research, such as
proven instructional or assessment strategies. And
they lack systems and incentives to encourage and
help teachers improve their practice.
What are ways to improve teacher
professionalism in Malaysia?
Extending the career pathway for
- Special Diploma in Teaching
Programme is given for non-graduate
teachers in order to upgrade their
academic qualification in their
respective area of specialization; upon
completion there is a raise in salary.
What are ways to improve teacher
professionalism in Malaysia?
Improving the qualification of the
teacher educators
- the teacher educators themselves
undergo further training to improve.
- Short in-service courses, master degree
courses and doctorate courses are offered
through the Ministrys Staff Development
- Many on-going programmes and projects
also help develop a cohort of key trainers,
who then in turn conduct staff-
development programmes in their
respective schools, colleges and zones.
What are ways to improve teacher
professionalism in Malaysia?
Upgrading the teacher educators
entry qualification
- The existing staffs that have basic
degrees and qualify in the age category
are encouraged to apply for
scholarships for a masters degree or
PhD either locally or abroad.
What are ways to improve teacher
professionalism in Malaysia?
Management courses for administrators
and school heads
- This endeavour is taken up by the
Ministry of Education, to conduct
management courses to upgrade
administrators and school heads in order
to enhance their management and
leadership skills.
- The excellent schools and heads are
provided with incentives to stimulate
their excellence and creativity.
What are ways to improve teacher
professionalism in Malaysia?
Publicizing the achievement of
- The national newspapers in the
country have a separate weekly
column which focuses on schools or
educational institutions achievements
or initiatives.
- This in turn promotes their excellence
in education and helps as a catalyst to
upgrade their professional esteem and
Use concept map/I-THINK
maps and compare
teachers profession with a
doctors profession.
Helping towards
professions professional


Doctors see
patients one-
Time frame on-one;
of the teachers teach
studies groups of 20
to 35 students
all day.


Social Salary
status and

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