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DOVE: Evolution of a


Submitted by group -6
Avinash kaushik
Amit Samadhiya
Debasish Gupta
Hiranya Bordoloi
Shivam Singh

Dove is a personal care brand owned by Unilever Originating in the U.S. in

the year 1955.

Dove products are manufactured in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, China,

Egypt, Germany, India, Indonesia, Pakistan, Japan, U.S, Turkey, Philippines,
Netherland, Mexico, Israel, Canada

A leading global manufacturer of packaged consumer

goods operated in the food, home, and personal care
sectors of the economy.
Unilever was formed in 1930 when the U.K. based Lever
brothers combine with Dutch Margarine unie.
In Feb. 2000 Unilever embarked on a five year strategic
initiative called path to growth.
History of Dove

1940s Formula for Dove bar (mild soap)

1950s Refined to original Dove beauty bar
1960s Launched in the market
1970s popularity increased as a Mild soap
1980s Brand recommended by physicians
1990s Dove beauty wash successfully
1995 to 2001 Extension of Dove range of
Evolution of Brand:(1957)

The message was :

Dove soap doesnt dry your skin because
its one-quarter cleansing cream illustrated
with photographs that showed cream being
poured into a tablet.
The advertising aspired to project honesty
and authenticity, preferring to have natural-
looking women testifying to Doves benefits
rather than stylized fashion models.

The Dove beauty bar was widely

endorsed by physicians and
dermatologists to treat dry skin
It was called on to lend its name to Unilever
entries in personal care categories beyond the
beauty bar category, such as deodrants ,hair
care products, facial cleansers, body lotions,
and hair styling products.

Brand declared to work with

psychologists Nancy Etcoff and Suzy
Unilever made some surveys and
explored some of the hypothesis
generated by the psychologists.
Firming Campaign

In June 2005, they promoted a cream that firmed the

skin. They featured six real women cheerfully posing in
plain white underwear.
From the brand to the Consumers
point of view
In late 2006 the Dove brand builders in
North America announced a contest,
titled Real Women, to invite consumers
to create their own ads for Dove
Cream Oil Body wash, a new product
scheduled to be launched in early
Role of Media Planning
the firming campaign used a blitz of paid
media by buying every billiboard in grand
central station.
Superbowl media buy for the Hates her
freckles ad.
News programs echoed the message of
the ad, and Oprah Winfrey devoted to full
show to self-esteem
Role of Public Relations

A public relation channel strategy was

crafted by Stacie Bright, Unilever Senior
Communications Marketing Manager, And
Edelman, the Dove brands public relation
agency, in several countries to generate
broad awareness for The Campaign for
Real Beauty and establish an emotional
connection with women.

Unconventional strategy
Effective advertising
Continuously evolving the campaign
Strong emotional touch
Cross-selling Possibilities

Contradictory in nature
Objectification of women
Use of idealized images in other
brands under the same flagship

In September 2006, Landor Associates

identified Dove as one of 10 brands with
the greatest % gain in brand health and
business value.
Brand had grown in by $1.2 billion .
There were endorsements of Doves
stand against stereotypes of beauty,
Thank you

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