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Lecture 5.

Heat Transfer
Transport phenomena
What and Why?
Heat transfer (or heat) is thermal energy in
transit due to a spatial temperature difference.

Whenever a temperature difference exists in a

medium or between media, heat transfer must
Heat Conduction Fundamentals
Heat Flux
Thermal conductivity data
from Perrys ChE Handbook
(8th ed.)

Table 2-320
Table 2-326 to 2-333
Thermal Conductivity, k
Differential Equation of
Heat Conduction
Differential control volume
faster is the response of a medium to thermal
perturbations, and the faster such changes propagate
throughout the medium.

Hahn, David W.; Ozisik, M. Necati. Heat Conduction

(Kindle Locations 639-640). Wiley. Kindle Edition.
Boundary Conditions and Initial
Conditions for Heat Equation
Modes of Heat Transfer
CONDUCTION - hen a temperature gradient exists in
a stationary medium, which may be a solid or a fluid;
refer to the heat transfer that will occur across the
CONVECTION - heat transfer that will occur between a
surface and a moving fluid when they are at different
THERMAL RADIATION - All surfaces of finite
temperature emit energy in the form of
electromagnetic waves. Hence, in the absence of an
intervening medium, there is net heat transfer by
radiation between two surfaces at different

1. A steel pipe having an inside diameter of 1.88 cm and a wall thickness of 0.391 cm is subjected to
inside and outside temperature of 367 and 344 K, respectively. Find the heat flow rate per meter of
pipe length, and also the heat flux based on both inside and outside surface areas.

2. Consider a hollow spherical heat transfer medium having inside and outside radii of Ri and Ro with
the corresponding surface temperatures Ti and To. If the thermal-conductivity variation may be
described as a linear function of temperature according to k = k0(1+bT), calculate the steady-state
heat transfer rate in the radial direction, using the above thermal conductivity, and compare the
result with that k value calculated at the arithmetic mean temperature.

3. A furnace wall consisting of 0.25 m of fire clay brick, 0.20 m of kaolin, and a 0.10-m outer layer of
masonry brick is exposed to a furnace gas at 1370 K with air at 300 K adjacent to the outside wall.
The inside and outside convective heat transfer coefficients are 115 and 23 W/m2K, respectively.
Determine the heat loss per square meter of wall and the temperature of the outside wall surface
under these conditions.

4. One-dimensional steady-state conduction, with no internal heat generation, occurs across a plane
wall having a constant thermal conductivity of 30 W/mK. The material is 30 cm thick, For each
case listed in the table below, determine the unknown quantities. Show a sketch of the temperature
distribution for each case.
Case T1 T2 dT/dx (K/m) qx (W/m2)
1 350 K 275 K
2 300 -2000
3 350 K -300
4 250 200
Optimum insulation thickness
The possible existence of an optimum insulation
thickness for radial systems is suggested by the
presence of competing effects associated with an
increase in this thickness. In particular, although the
conduction resistance increases with the addition of
insulation, the convection resistance decreases due to
increasing outer surface area. Hence there may exist an
insulation thickness that minimizes heat loss by
maximizing the total resistance to heat transfer.
Resolve this issue by considering the following system.
Known: Radius ri and temperature Ti of a thin-walled copper tube to
be insulated from the ambient air.
1. Whether there exists an optimum insulation thickness that
minimizes the heat transfer
2. Thermal resistance associated with using cellular glass insulation of
varying thickness

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