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By :
Novia Nurul Laily
Chapter 1

Background of the study


Every child has a right to get education

Special Education

Deaf Students

Galloway 1985

Definition of method based on Brown (2000) and Harmer (2007)

English teacher at SMPLB Muhammadiyah Jombang

What are teaching methods used by English teacher
to teach deaf students at SMPLB Muhammadiyah


To describe methods used by English teacher to teach

deaf students at SMPLB Muhammadiyah Jombang


1. For English teachers

2. For future researcher

1. Special Education
An education that is provided only for a students with special needs.
2. Deaf Student
Students that is not capable in hearing, so they can not well processing
language information trough their hearing by the help of hearing aids
or not.
3. Teaching Methods
Set of Classroom specification to reach goal in teaching and learning
processes that has connection with types of activity, teacher and
students role, and kinds of material used.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature

Special Education in Indonesia

Halahan and Kaufman (1991)
Wardhani (2006)

Deaf Student based on Halahan and Kauffman (1991)

Teaching English for Deaf Student

Quigley & King (1980)

Wahidah (2012) and Galloway (1985)
TEACHING METHOD based on Brown (2000) and Harmer (2007)
Kinds of teaching method based on Brown (2000) and Harmer (2007)
1. Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
2. Direct Method
3. Audio Lingual Method (ALM)
4. Total Physical Resonse (TPR)
5. Presentation, Practice, and Production (PPP)

Methods for special education based on Cole and Chan (1991)

1. Behaviour analysis
2. Contingency management
3. Computer application
Previous Studies
An Analysis on To know the Case Study as the Descriptive Qualitative as
Methods in Teaching methods used by research design the research design
English for Students English teacher This research is about Deaf students
with Mental Retardation mental reardation student Some methods for special
By Martha Ayudeviana There is no method for education mention in this
(2015) special education mention research
in this research
Efektivitas Metode This research is Use Experimental as the Descriptive Qualitative as
Inventori Membaca about deaf students research design the research design
Informal (Informal About applying Finding out the method
Reading Inventory) Informal Reading
Terhadap Peningkatan Inventory method
Kememapuan Membaca
Pemahamam Anak
Tunarungu Wicara
Tingkat VII di SLB-B
YRTRW Surakarta
By Mohammad Anwar
Chapter III
Research Methodology

Research Design Descriptive Qualitative

English teacher at SMPLB

Data Sources
Muhammaiyah Jombang in B class

Data Collection Observation & Interview

Based on Miles and Huberman

Data Analysis
1. Data reduction
2. Data display
3. Verification or drawing
Used to stable the consistency of
Data Triangulation crosswide methods, such as
observation and interview. Mantja
Chapter IV
This research conducted in three meetings: March 14th, March 21st, March 28th of 2016


The English teachers name is Mr.Suliyono, S.Pd. He has been teaching special
need students in SMPLB Muhammadiyah for 17 years. He likes to teach special need
students than regular students. He ever had a training about competence increasing of
Headmaster. For him teaching English for deaf students is only to meet the requirement
of national examination. He used KTSP lesson plan for deaf students. The learning
objective of English for deaf students is only to know general things and the very simple
form of English. The difficulty faced by deaf students is pronouncing words in English.
He will guide the students if they face problems during teaching and learning activity.
The material that gave to deaf students are appropriate with their daily life and
connected with the content of their book. The mostly teach skill for deaf students is
writing. The hand book for deaf students is similar to the regular students. Teaching
methods that he often use are GTM, ALM, and Direct Method. The activity that he do the
most is writing, reading, and translation.
Method Teacher Role Students Role Material Activity Type
GTM Authority in the class Do what the teacher Parts of the body Translating
wanted them to do

GTM Authority in the class Do what the teacher Noun Phrase Translating
wanted them to do

GTM Authority in the class Do what the teacher Preposition Translating

wanted them to do


Method Teacher Role Students Role Material Activity Type
GTM Authority in the class Do what the teacher Narrative Text Translating
wanted them to do

ALM Act like an orchestra Imitate the teacher A passage in text book Reading and
leader Speaking
GTM Authority in the class Do what the teacher A passage in text book Translating and
wanted them to do answering some
questions about the
Chapter V
Principles of GTM
The activity happens during the observation is mostly Larsen and Freeman (2000)
translating from target language into students native Richards and Rodgers (1986)
Teacher as the authority and students just do what the Larsen and Freeman (2000)
teacher wanted them to do

The English teacher correct the students work Larsen and Freeman (2000)
Teaching and learning activity used students native language Brown (2000)
The prominent skill is reading and writing Rodgers (1986)
Quigley and King (1980)

Principles of ALM
Students imitate the English teacher in pronouncing some Larsen and Freeman (2000)
words by the help of speech trainer Richards and Rodgers (1986)

The English teacher directly correct the students if they Larsen and Freeman (2000)
The English teacher give reinforcement Larsen and Freeman (2000)
Chapter VI
Conclusion and Suggestion

The English teacher of SMPLB Muhammadiyah Jombang uses Grammar Translation Method (GTM)
and Audio Lingual Method (ALM) as the teaching method to teach deaf students

1. For the School
2. For the English teacher
3. For future researchers
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