Radiative Transfer: Dr. Craig Clements San José State University

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Radiative Transfer

Dr. Craig Clements

San Jos State University

MET 60: Chapter: 4

(W&H) and 2 (Stull)
Energy transmission

There are three modes of energy transmission

in the atmosphere.
Conduction: the transfer of energy in a substance by
means of molecular excitation without any net external
Convection: the transfer of energy by mass motions
within a fluid or gas, resulting in actual transport of
Radiation: the propagation of electromagnetic waves
through space.
Electromagnetic radiation

Radiation is the transfer of energy by rapid oscillations

of electromagnetic fields.

The most important general characteristic is its

Defined as the crest-to-crest distance
wavelength (), ______________________________.

Radiation travels through space at the speed of light

(3 x 108 m s-1) or 670,616,630 MPH.
The Spectrum of Radiation
Electromatic radiation may be viewed as an ensemble of
waves propagating at the speed of light (c*=2.998 x 108 m/s
through vacuum).

As for any wave with a known speed of propagation,

frequency ~, wavelength , and wave number, (i.e., the
number of waves per unit length in the direction of
propagation) are interdependent. Wave number is the
reciprocal of wavelength

c * c * /
The electromagnetic radiation in a specific direction
passing through a unit area (normal to direction
considered) is called:

monochromatic radiance (or spectral intensity or

monochromatic radiance)

The integral of the monochromatic intensity over some

finite range of electromagnetic spectrum is called the
intensity or radiance, I [W m-2]

2 2
I I d I d
1 1
Spectrum of Monochromatic Intensity

The Spectrum

1 2
What emits radiation?
All objects with a temperature greater than
0K emit some type of radiation (energy)

Radiation laws:

Warmer objects emit more intensely than cold

objects. (Stefan-Boltzmann Law)

Warmer objects emit a higher proportion of

their energy at short wavelengths than cold
objects. (Wiens Law)
Wiens Law: =w/T
= maximum wavelength (m)
w = constant = 0.2897 (m K)
T= temperature of the object (K)

Stefan-Boltzmann Law: E = T4
E = radiation emitted (W m-2)
= Stefan-Boltzmann constant= 5.67 x 10-8 (W m-2 K-4)
T= temperature of the object (K)
Review questions

Considering the previous discussion

Which object would emit more (intensity) radiation:
Earth or Sun?
If you were examining the radiation emitted by both
the Sun and Earth, which would have a longer
What wavelength radiation are you emitting right
Solar Radiation (Sunlight)

Sunlight is primarily made up of the

following: Unit: 1 m =
Visible Light (44%)
Infrared Radiation (48%) 0.000001 m
Ultraviolet Radiation (7%)
Terrestrial or Longwave Radiation

Planets mainly emit

infrared radiation Solar Radiation
Radiation emitted by (Shortwave)
planets occurs
mainly at
wavelengths _____
than those
contained in solar
Solar vs. Terrestrial Radiation

The sun is much

hotter than planets;
therefore, sunlight
consists of shorter
wavelengths than
planetary radiation;
Energy from the Sun

Obviously, the Sun provides the Earth with its energy.

The question is, how much of the Suns energy does
the Earth get?

Suns energy is either

Scattered (reflected away) or

Scattering happens by bouncing off

Particles in the atmosphere
Earths surface
Absorption happens when certain gases absorb the
The reality is the only certain gases absorb certain
Absorption of radiation

Absorption of shortwave radiation by atmospheric

gas molecules is fairly weak;

most absorption of shortwave radiation occurs

at the Earths surface.

Most gases do not interact strongly with longwave

radiation, however

Greenhouse gas molecules absorb certain

wavelengths of longwave radiation.
Absorption of
Radiation in the
Incoming solar radiation

Each beam of incoming sunlight can be either:

Reflected back to space: Albedo
Or absorbed; either by atmosphere (e.g.
clouds or ozone) or Earths surface.

Shortwave or solar radiation comes from the sun

and is composed of both ultraviolet and visible
Longwave, terrestrial or infrared
__________________ radiation comes from
the Earth and is composed of infrared radiation

Recall that everything (above a temperature of

0K) emits some type of radiation (energy) with
a particular wavelength.
Review - sensors that measure radiation

A _________________ measures solar

Pyrgeometer measures infrared
radiation (terrestrial) that comes from the Earth.

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