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Vietnam War


20th Century World History 11

CJ Smith, Mallory Chester & Liane Brooks

Information: The Vietnam War was fought between North

and South Vietnam in a bid by Northern
leader, Ho Chi Minh, to unify the country
under communist rule
North Vietnam was supported by the Soviet
Union, China, and North Korea
South Vietnam was supported by the United
States, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand,
and the Philippines (the United States had
the most presence in Vietnam during the
The conflict between communist and
capitalist countries was part of the Cold War
Much of the United States involvement was
due to the fear of the spread of communism
France occupation and control of Vietnam
beginning in 1859 and culminating in the
Background formation of French Indochina in 1887
During World War II the French Vichy
and Causes: Government in Vietnam/Cambodia/Laos
was overthrown and the communist Viet
Minh took hold in 1946
In 1954 Vietnam signed the Geneva Peace
Accord splitting Vietnam into North and
South along the 17th Parallel
Communist Ho Chi Minh to the North
and Catholic anti-communist Ngo
Dinh Diem in the South
In the South suspected communist
sympathizers were being arrested
In the North and South communist guerilla
soldiers rallied against the oppressor
The United States supported the anti-
communist government in South Vietnam
Move to your stakeholder table
Read/view the primary and secondary sources
Debate format Discuss your stakeholders perspectives during the
war with your table group
Did your stakeholder feel as though the war was
How did your stakeholder participate in the war? What
did they experience?
Whose side of the war was your stakeholder supporting?

Elect a group leader (or leaders) to present & argue

your stakeholders perspectives to the other groups
90 seconds max
Emotion, enthusiasm & debate-style rebuttals are

Take notes & complete worksheet on other

stakeholder perspectives during their presentations

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