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Literature Survey,

Literature Comprehension, &

Literature Review
Literature Comprehension
Process of reading and understanding the
research found in the survey process.
The first thing to do is to organise your
collected research based on sub-topics within
your research
Physical piles, folders, sections within your digital
Some papers might be about the overall
themes and others might be about specific
Literature Comprehension
Initially you will find this scary
You will be presented with lots of with new
terminology, models and approaches.
Dont get overwhelmed by it all
Just read papers one by one and make a note of
all new terms, models and approaches
You will soon start to see things coming
Literature Comprehension
Dont get overwhelmed by it all
You are learning a new skill through practice
The more papers you read, the less new terms you
will be encountering, the more of an expert you
will become.
You are also adding to your keyword search
The first few papers are the worst, once you
are over that hurdle, you will find the rest
much easier.
Literature Comprehension
Also dont be afraid to ask for help from
your lecturer or supervisor or other people.
Do you know what areas of research your
lecturers are interested in ?
Types of Reading
Casting your eye over Collection
Looking for particular points
Rapid, surface
Gaining a general impression
listening to the author ing
Steady, easy pace
Think carefully about what you are

Analysis, Evaluation, Judgement
Literature Comprehension
Skim and scan in collection
Active Reflective Reading in comprehension
Dont just skim read the material, but understand
what you are reading, as you are reading it.
It may be necessary to re-read a sentence, one
phrase at a time, or one word at a time until the
meaning is evident.
It may be the case that you will have to consult
some reference source to confirm the meaning of
terminology, this being the case, it is only logical
to keep reference material close to hand
(textbooks, the internet, dictionaries, etc.)
Literature Comprehension
Make a note of
any nice phrases used in the papers
any interesting approaches to the experiments
and any nice display of results.
How to read a research paper?
Your Objectives are to:
Understand the problem discussed
Understand the proposed solution proposed
Understand competing approaches / designs that
could have been used
Evaluate the paper in terms of
The area you are looking at
Your work in particular
SQ3R Technique
Get the general idea
What questions would you like the text to answer?
If you think it is relevant to your work
Try to recall the main points after reading (and
To confirm you have understood and collected the
main points
Survey (scan and skim)
Try to identify if this is relevant to your work
Look at
Table of contents
And conclusion
First and last paragraphs of various sections
Look for keywords in text
Based on this decide if you want to proceed
Read actively
Try to relate to
Other work
Your thinking
Formulate questions you think the text
will/should answer
To your work
Other work
Your experience
Take notes
Break large texts into smaller more
manageable chunks and read as separate
Recall and Review
After each reading
Write a short paragraph (one-three sentences)
summarising what you have read
Write a short paragraph (one-three sentences)
about what you think this signals for your work
(can be combined)
The Three Pass Approach First Pass
Objective: To decide if the paper is worth a reflective
Aim for 5-10 mins
1. Quick scan to get a quick overview
2. Read the title, abstract, and introduction
3. Read the section and sub-section headings
(but not the content of sections)
4. Look at the diagrams and tables to see architectures used
or results produced
5. Read the conclusions
6. Take a quick look at the references, look for those you
have already read and those that could be of interest
Outcome: Decision on whether paper is worth a second
The Three Pass Approach First Pass
After first pass should be able to decide the
What type of paper is it? A review? A proposal for an
approach? A report of experimentation? A description of
a prototype? A critical comparison?
Where does it fit with what you have already read? Which
other papers is it related to? What tools were used?
What are the paper's main contributions?
Is the paper well written?
The Three Pass Approach Second Pass
Objective: To understand the paper and the evidence used
Aim for 30-40 mins
1. Make notes
2. Identify questions you would have for the author
This will help you refine your research question
3. What evidence is being used and how?
4. How is it evaluated?
5. Any references you havent read and how they are being used
6. Write a short paragraph outlining main focus of paper and
evidence to support this
Decide to discard the paper
Decide to return to it later after you have read some more
Proceed to phase 3
The Three Pass Approach Third Pass
Objective: To get a detailed understanding of the work
described in the paper
1. Try to identify assumptions
2. Challenge statements made
3. Follow the evidence
4. Is the evaluation suitable ? Similar to other work
5. Strengths and weaknesses
6. Whats missing?
7. Have you a different view?
8. Make notes
9. Create a set of paragraphs summarising your reflections
Likely contribution to your literature review
Maybe even start of a section
Why take notes?
To summarise
To remember
To concentrate
To make connections
To use later
To avoid plagiarism
Literature Comprehension

To help you in this process, use the article

review checksheet with questions you should
consider after reading a paper:
Useful Shorthand
Abreviations Meaning
e.g. For example
i.e. That is in other
n.b. words
> Note well
< More than
= Less than
-> Same as
=> Leads to
ibid Implies
In the same work
Types of note
Pattern notes
Spider diagrams
Linear/Hierarchical notes
Headings, sub-headings
Numbering, indentation
For all
Colour coding
Literature Comprehension

Literature Map
You are going to have to put some structure on
the literature, one suggestion is to create a
literature map.
Write the title of your research on top, and the
main topics relevant to your research
underneath, now associate the papers you are
reading with each of the topics.
Literature Map

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