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Topics Covered :

O Instrinsic Impedance, characteristic impedance, definition and basic

O Balanced and Unbalanced Lines
O Description: twin lead, twisted pairs, co-axial, baluns, phantom circuit, and
O TL primary parameters
O Review Z-parameters, 2 port networks, S-Parameters
O Sample problem solving of Zo, dimension of: parallel wire, twisted pair, co-
axial cables, baluns
O S-parameter basic: Z to S conversions
Intrinsic Impedance and Characteristic
O Intrinsic Impedance
- is the analogous quantity for a plane wave travelling through
a dielectric medium.
- It is designated as (eta).
- Hence Zo is sometimes referred to as the intrinsic
impedance of free space and given the symbol 0.
- It is synonymous to characteristic impedance of vacuum.
Intrinsic Impedance and Characteristic
O Characteristic Impedance, 0
- determines relationship between voltage and current waves
- a function of physical dimensions and relative static
- usually a real impedance (e.g. 50 or 75 ohms)
O For a parallel-wire line with air insulation, the characteristic
impedance may be calculated as such:
O If the transmission line is coaxial in construction, the
characteristic impedance follows a different equation:
Barring any dissipative effects such as dielectric leakage and
conductor resistance
Sample Problem
O Find the characteristic impedance Zo of the lossless
transmission line whose unit length of inductance L = 25 x
10^-3 Henry & unit length of capacitance C = 15 x 10^-4


= 4.082
2 Types of Transmission Lines:

O Differential or Balanced Line

O Single-Ended or Unbalanced Line
A. Balanced Lines or Differential Lines
-do not have a common
-signal information is carried on both wires
* positive (+ve) signal
* negative (-ve) signal.

Examples are:
O Two-wire Open Lines
O Twin Lead
O Twisted-Cable Pair
O Shielded-Cable Pair
Examples of Balanced Line
1. Two-Wire Open Lines
-two wires that are generally spaced from 2 to 6 inches apart
by insulating spacers.
-power lines, rural telephone lines, and telegraph lines
-transmission line between a transmitter and an antenna or
between an antenna and a receiver.
** Radiation losses are produced by the changing fields
created by the changing current in each conductor.
Two-Wire Open Lines
2. Twin Lead or Two-Wire Ribbon
-commonly used to connect a television receiving antenna to a
home television set.
Twin Lead or Two-Wire Ribbon
3. Twisted Pair
-consists of two insulated wires twisted together to form a
flexible line without the use of spacers.
-cannot be used for transmitting high frequency because of the
high dielectric losses that occur in the rubber insulation.
Twisted Pair
4. Shielded Pair
-consists of parallel conductors separated from each other and
surrounded by a solid dielectric.
-the conductors are contained within a braided copper tubing
that acts as an electrical shield.
Shielded Pair
B. Unbalanced Lines or Single-Ended Lines
- consist of two connector wires
* carries the signal
* reference line (common wire)
The common wire is usually at ground potential. It can be also used as a
shield for noise immunity.

Examples are:
O Rigid Coaxial Line
O Flexible Coaxial Line
Examples of Unbalanced Line
1. Rigid Coaxial Line
- Formed by two copper tubes supported at cable ends.
- Mainly used indoors for high power connections.
- Inner conductors are copper while outer conductors are either
copper or aluminum.
It can minimize radiation losses
Interference from other lines is reduced
Expensive to construct
Must be kept dry to prevent excessive leakage between two
Rigid Coaxial Line
2. Flexible Coaxial Lines
- Most common coaxial cable
- Used by the layman to connect video equipment
- consists of a metal inner conductor, a flexible plastic polymer
dielectric tube surrounding it, braided conducting metal shield,
puncture and abrasion or breakage of the shield.

The rubber insulators caused excessive losses at high frequencies.

Flexible Coaxial Lines
O a device that joins a balanced line (one that has two
conductors, with equal currents in opposite directions, such
as a twisted pair cable) to an unbalanced line (one that has
just one conductor and a ground, such as a coaxial cable).
O Its like a type of transformer: it's used to convert an
unbalanced signal to a balanced one or vice versa.
O Why it is called BALUN?
O An acronym for BALanced/UNbalanced. A device commonly
used to change one cabling media to another (example:
coaxial cable to twisted pair Cat5 cable).
Phantom Circuit
O derived from two suitably arranged pairs of wires, each pair
being a circuit (side circuit) and also acting as one half of an
additional derived circuit, the entire system providing the
capabilities of three circuits while requiring wires for only
TL primary parameters

O There are four primary line constants

Name Symbol Units Unit symbol

Loop/series resistance R ohms per metre /m

Loop/series inductance L Henries per metre H/m

C Farads per metre F/m
G Siemens per metre S/m
Review Z-parameters, 2 port networks, S-
O Z-parameters or Impedance Parameters
- properties used in electrical engineering, electronic
engineering, and communication systems engineering to
describe the electrical behaviour of linear electrical networks.
- also known as open-circuit impedance parameters as
they are calculated under open circuit conditions.
- can be used as an alternative to S-parameters in order
to completely characterize a linear n-port network.
O A two-port network (a kind of four-terminal network or quadripole)
-is an electrical network (circuit) or device with two pairs of
terminals to connect to external circuits.
Two Port Networks

Generalities: The standard configuration of a two port:

I1 I2
+ +
Input Output
_ Port The Network Port

The network ?

The voltage and current convention ?

Two Port Networks
Network Equations:

V1 = z11I1 + z12I2 V2 = b11V1 - b12I1

Z parameters V2 = z21I1 + z22I2 I2 = b21V1 b22I1

I1 = y11V1 + y12V2 V1 = h11I1 + h12V2

Admittance Hybrid
Y parameters H parameters I2 = h21I1 + h22V2
I2 = y21V1 + y22V2

Transmission V1 = AV2 - BI2 I1 = g11V1 + g12I2

A, B, C, D
parameters I1 = CV2 - DI2 V2 = g21V1 + g22I2
O S-parameters or Scattering parameters
- describe the input-output relationship between ports (or terminals) in an
electrical system.
- they are defined and measured with the ports terminated in a characteristic
reference impedance.
- At high RF and Microwave frequencies direct measurement of Y- , Z-, or H-
parameters is difficult due to:
(1) Unavailability of equipment to measure RF/MW total current
and voltage.
(2) Difficulty of obtaining perfect opens/shorts
(3) Active devices may be unstable under open/short
O For a two-port device there are four S-parameters S11, S21,
S12, and S22
O S11 and S22 are simply the forward and reverse reflection
coefficients, with the opposite port terminated in Z0
O S21 and S12 are simply the forward and reverse gains
assuming a Z0 source and load
S-Parameters Basic: Z to S Conversions

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