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Gambaran Radiologis Infeksi Tulang dan

Spondilitis TB
Increased kyphotic curve of thoracic spine with
angulation at T9-10 level.
Collapsed T9 and T10 vertebral bodies with
obliteration of T9-10 intervertebral disc space.
Bilateral paraspinal soft tissue (arrows).
Diagnosis: Tuberculous spondylitis
Decreased bone density can e
appreciated by decreased cortical
thickness, loss of bony trabecula in early
stages in radiography. bones like
vertebrae, long bones (proximalfemur),
calcaneum and tubular bones are usually
looked for evidence of osteporosis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
There is symmetric erosion of the
metacarpal heads in this patient
with severe ulnar subluxation of the
MCP joints due to rheumatoid
arthritis. Note also the abnormal
appearance of the fifth fingers due
to Boutonniere deformities the
proximal interphalangeal joints are
flexed while the DIP joints are
Gout Arthritis
Part of Growing Bone
Type of Fractures
Transverse Fracture of Tibia
Oblique Fracture of Tibia
Spiral Fracture of Femur

Fracture caused by a twisting motion which results in a spiral

break. Sometimes referred to as a torsion fracture.
Comminuted Fracture of Humerus

This patient was shot in the upper arm

with the shot causing a comminuted
fracture of humerus
Segmental Fracture of Tibia
Avulsion Fracture

A 12-year-old boy presents to the emergency

department with acute pain in the medial aspect of
his right elbow after pitching in a baseball game.
He also complains of dull lateral elbow pain that
has been present for weeks. AP, oblique, and
lateral radiographs of the right elbow were
Radiographs demonstrate a medial epicondyle
avulsion fracture (red arrow). There is also
subchondral lucency of the capitellum, outlined by
Greenstick Fracture
Healing Bone

Terbentuknya callus pada area patahan

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