SAP BI Executive

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SAP Business Intelligence

Thinking Hat for LSCA Business

Presentation to Executive Sponsors, 26th March 2008

Agilent Restricted

Page 1

 Positioning SAP BI
 BI Phase 1
- Scope
- Project Team
- Queries Implemented
 Phase 2
- Plan
- Project timelines
- Team Structure & Governance

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Page 2
Positioning of the LSCA BI environment
Initial deployment provides the technical foundation, a basic set of
standard SAP information content, accessible via standard SAP web portal

 Focused on operational and tactical analytics
 Decision support system for LSCA
 Complement to Agilent enterprise reporting tools

 Enterprise financial reporting system or GDW replacement
 Real-time reporting tool
 A full copy of the ERP database
 The ERP archive solution (it will be part of the strategy though)

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Page 3
Positioning SAP BI in LSCA

Strategic Level

Tactical Level
Business Analytics

Operational Level

Customers /
Source Manufacturing Distribution Delivery Service
Suppliers Source Distribution

Returns Returns

Product Development -- Finance -- HR --- Technology

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Page 4
Scope of Initial Deployment BI Phase-1
Content In-Scope

All data from SAP ERP system - transactional data and related master
Source Systems

Range of History Full FY06 – FY07 + YTD FY08

Selected by standard business content in the areas of:

 Sales Order Management
Information  Procurement
Content  Inventory & Warehouse Management
 Production Planning & Execution
 Profit Center Accounting

Queries Selected standard SAP queries (some customization done)

Though Web Portal with facilities like

- Interactive querying, exception highlighting
- Broadcaster (report scheduling / email)

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Page 5
Project Team Composition BI Phase-1
Role LSCA Business Agilent SAP SAP America Satyam
Executive Sponsors Alicia Rodriguez
Lon Justice

Program Manager Walt Diehl

Project Management Jim Miller Susan Kreno
Abhijeet Roy Chowdhury

Business Process Team Blake Wiggins (L) Carl Brandt (L) Tim Higley
Ratina Burris - Finance Raman Arora -Finance
Lisa Lloyd - Marketing Nikhil Pillai - OM
Swami Narayanan – OM Pradeep Verma –
Jonathan - Logistics Mfg/Procurement
for Phase 2 Simone Giesinger – Order Fulfillment
TBD Scott Wang - Procurement
Ross Fasco – Mfg
Susanne Ried - Mfg

Technical Team Carl Brandt (L) David Chen Maneesh

Authi Sundaram
Puneet Gupta
Durgesh Vyas

Technology & Christian Rast (L) General

Architecture Team Claus Mayer Basis
Authi Sundaram Support

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Page 6
Queries Implemented BI Phase-1
ORDER MGMT / MKTG Profit Center Accounting (6)
SD Analysis (8) LSCA PCA Analysis
Top 10 Customers PC Plan/act period comp-result
Service Order Analysis PC Time Comparison act result
Variant Pricing Analysis PC Curr Per / YTD / Total Year
Discount Analysis
PC – Plan/Actual Quarters
Order Placement Method
Order Analysis: PL/Customer/Material Financial Key Figures - Overview
Sales by Customer Group
Customer Segmentation
Purchasing (4)
MANUFACTURING  Lead Time Analysis
Prod Planning & Execution (2)  Delivery Date Variance
Prod Order Qty Analysis Purchasing Data
Prod Order Lean time Analysis Invoice variance

Inventory (2)
Inventory Analysis Stock Values
 Inventory Analysis Calc value

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Page 7
BI Phase-2

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Page 8
Moving Forward ( unconstrained ) Phase-2 Plans
Ma Jun July Aug Sep
Feb08 March April Oct
y t

Operationalize BI
Support Model

Technical Stream
Standardization, Scalability , Portal Evaluation, Dashboards, Bex Analyzer

Business Content Stream

Content Enhancement CR (Time <= 15-20 days )

Content Addition POR : Sales , Logistics , Product Costing

Other Projects : Stratagene Other Projects: Hycor ,


Ad Hoc query by Users

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Page 9
Phase 2 Plans: Timeline (tentative)

Phase II
Feb Mar April May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
Identify representatives

Team kickoff

Refresh & prioritize demand

Propose to sponsors X X X X


Sponsors approve plans X X X X

Execute & Stabilize

Build / Test

Release / Stabilize

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Page 10
LSCA Business Intelligence
Team Structure
Executive Sponsors
Lon Justice
Mike McMullen BI Steering Committee
Alicia Rodriguez
Chair: Abhijeet Roy Chowdhury
Sales & Services: Diana Fandel, Dave Fiest
SAP Program Mgr BI Project Manager Order Fulfillment: Jim Miller, Mark Wheaton
Walt Diehl Maneesh Birthwar Finance: Blake Wiggins
Business IT: Reed Breland

Business Leads SAP Delivery

Sales & Services: TBD Sales & Services: Nikhil Pillai

TBD Order Fulfillment: Pradeep Verma
Order Fulfillment: TBD Finance: Raman Arora
TBD Technical: Authi Sundaram (L)
Finance: TBD Puneet Gupta
TBD Durgesh Vyas

* Business role includes User Access & Auth

All roles part-time

Agilent Restricted

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