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"Periods of Concept Development"

Amna matar Khalifa

What Is Constructivism ?
Its a theory about how people learn. It
says that people create their own
understanding and knowledge of the
world, through observing,
experiencing things and reflecting on
those experiences.
1- Sensorimotor
Starts from birth to 2 years old.
The baby discovers the environment through their
movements and sensations.
Children learn about the world through basic actions
such as sucking, grasping, looking, and listening.
Babies learn that things still exist even if they can't
see it.
the baby understands that his actions can cause
things to happen in the environment around him.
2- Preoperational
Stars from 2 to 7 Years old.
Kids begin to think symbolically and learn to
use words and photos to describe objects.
it's hard for the Kids to see things from the
view of others.
they are getting better with language and
they still do think about things in very
concrete terms.
3- Concrete Operations
From age 7 to 11 years old.
kids start to think logically about concrete
Kids start to get the concept of conservation.
For example, they know that the amount of the
water is equal to the wide and skinny glass
even though it's taller.
the kids reasoning becomes more organized
and logical, but still concrete.
4- Operations
From age 12 and up.
Teenagers start to think more complicatedly and
reason about possible problems.
Teens begin to think more about moral,
philosophical, ethical, social, and political issues
that require theoretical and abstract reasoning.
They start to use deductive logic, or reasoning
skills from a general principle to specific

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