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Te Whare o Akoranga

Together, we will empower the whole child.

2018 Prospectus Booklet.

Throughout our website is extensive information explaining key policies
and procedures of our school. Below is additional information regarding
our school that you and your whanau may find useful.

Any further questions are welcomed. Please use the contact information
on slide 15 to contact us.
Student information
School systems: Getting to school
School/Office hours Special programmes Parent information
Term hours and holiday times Transition process Class trips
Daily school roster. Visits for new student Attendance
Legal requirements Enrolments Fees
International students Class expectations/school rules Communication
Board of trustees. Lockdown procedures. Stationary
Truacy/Punctuality Healthy eating
Property Sun smart
Technology Contact information
Behavioural management philosophy.
Academic achievement.
School Hours.

Monday to Friday the school office is open from 7.30am

until 4.30pm for parent visits and calls. Questions or
concerns out of this time can be sent through our
communication forum on our contact page with the
office staff answering your requests within 24 hours of
2018 Term timetable.

2018 Term Start date Finish date Duration

Term 1: January 8th March 23th 10 weeks
2018 2018
Term 2 April 9th June 22nd 11 weeks
2018 2018
Term 3 July 16th September 10 weeks
2018 21st 2018
Term 4 October 8th December 11 weeks
2018 7th 2018.
Te Whare o Akoranga daily timetable.
Te Whare O Akoranga is
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
committed to keeping daily
First Class 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am 8.00am timetables simple, with five
Bell: one hour long classes per day,
to allow students to grow a
Second class 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am 9:00am concept of time and self
bell: management.
Morning tea 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am 10:00am
School starts promptly at
Third class starts: 10.40am 10.40am 10.40am 10.40am 10.40am 8.00am and finishes daily at

Fourth class: 11.40am 11.40am 11.40am 11.40am 11.40am Weekly, students will attend
Maori instruction classes, as
Lunch: 12:40pm 12:40pm 12:40pm 12:40pm 12:40pm well as special sports
instruction from teachers
Fifth class 1:40pm 1:40pm 1:40pm 1:40pm 1:40pm trained respectively in their
fields. Classes will have their
own allocated times advised
End of day. 2.40pm 2.40pm 2.40pm 2.40pm 2.40pm by classroom teachers.
International Students

Te whare O Akoranga welcomes all international students. We work through an exchange programme, welcoming
students from around the world for varying lengths of time (min 1 full term, max 1 full year). Students must be
accompanied by an adult and can not be younger than 9 years of age to be accepted for our international
programme. We will help arrange accommodation, however there is no accommodation on site.

Board of Trustees Members and Meetings.

Chairman: Lucas Hall

Secretary: Hayley Brush
Treasurer: Stephany Scott
School principal: Steven Taft
Teacher representative: Aaron Carroll
Members: Margaret Robinson, Yvonne Lamb
Minute Secretary: Tina Yates

Meetings will be the 4th week and the 8th week of every term in the staffroom. Meetings commence at 5pm sharp,
with wider whanau and community members welcome to attend if they feel the need.
Students Information;

As per the adjacent picture, school uniforms are

compulsory for al students. The far right picture is the
physical education uniform; also compulsory. Girls are
permitted to wear long black or navy pants, or
stockings/tights in the winter if they wish. Black roman
sandals or black tow covered shoes only. Students must
have a note if their uniform differs from this. Hats must
be worn in terms 1 and 4. The school uniform is to
provide equity between all students in the school.

Getting to school.

Bus services run before and afterschool in the surrounding areas, with some buses extending to wider areas of Auckland
to accommodate students. Please check the bus routes/schedule for more information and how to enrol your student for
this extra. Free pick up services are offered for students with physical or learning challenges. Consult with office staff if
you feel your child is eligible for this. Parking and drop off bays surround the outside of the school, making it easy for
students to safely drop students off into school grounds.
Special Programmes

Te Whare O Akoranga offers special programmes to give all students the best opportunity for quality learning including. Te
Whare O Akoranga believe in implementing these special programmes into education as it gives students a more diverse
learning experience. As the vision of for our school talks about encouraging interaction, we want to give students ample
opportunities to practice these kids of interactions. Additionally, we offer many programmes to support and foster whole
school relationships and promote positive wellbeing in students. These outlets give students a chance to express
themselves through different forms activity, unlocking student potential and encouraging students to connect with others.

- Reading Recovery programme for students in all year levels, directed by Lisa Harthorne.
- Cooking classes
- A variety of sports teams.
- Dance and drama classes with our own school school dance team
- Education in Te Reo Maori.
- Behavioural Support services
- Jump Jam
- Chess Club
- School choir
Transition Process for New Entrant students:

New entrant students have the opportunity to come to the school in the previous year for a visit if they are starting at the
beginning of the year, however students are able to start when they turn 5, provided this is not in the 4th term of the year.
The idea behind the following guidelines is to give students the best start to school that they could possibly have! Whats
important to us during their transition process is that students are well cared for, not only physically but mentally and
emotionally as well. We wish to protect their wellbeing as this is a big change for young children. Hayley Pupell is in charge
of the transition processes for all new students.
Guidelines for transition process:
New students will start with one day in the classroom, accompanied by the parent/caregiver before their official start
date. This is to ensure the student is conformable and familiar with the classroom before they are fully immersed in
school life.
Buddy systems will be set up on this day with students from their own class and two students from another junior class
so the students already have friends at the school.
Each new entrant student will have a teacher they meet with one day a week to talk to and communicate how they are
feeling in the school. This teacher (who may be the classroom teacher or another support teacher in the school) will be
allocated to the student when they start and will follow them to the end of their new entrant year.
Students need to have all of their items (uniform and stationary) named as they will be left in the classroom.
Meetings with parents will be organised (when necessary or once a month) with parents of new entrant students to
ensure their transition process is going smoothly.
If for any reason, the student is struggling to settle into school, additional measures will be taken in agreement with
Hayley Pupell and the childs parents/caregiver to help make the child more comfortable at school.
Visits for new students.

Te Whare O Akoranga is willing to accept new students at any of the year, provided they meet the criteria and are suited
to the school. Midway through term 4 of each year is an open day for hopeful new students who wish to start in the
following year, with school tours guided by current students. Information packs will be handed out and questions may
be answered here.

Enrolment information.
For a quality start to their education, students about new entrant level will start at the start of each term, with special
allowances being made to accommodate those who need to start immediately. All new entrant students must fill out
the enrolment packs prior to commencing school.


Stationary packs vary depending on your childs year level. Stationary lists will be available at The Wharehouse
stationary or online at the start of the year. We predict a cost of $30 per stationary pack, which is designed to last all
year. Additional stationary like iPads are at parent cost.

Sun smart

Te Whare O Akoranga is commited to keeping students safe in New Zealands weather. Sun smart programmes will be
offered in term one of each year. Sun screen will be provided daily in term 1 and 4, as well as hats being compulsory.
School rules/expectations:

All teachers will have their own set of class rules but the school rules and expectations are as follows.
Students will respect and encourage one another
Students will take responsility for their own belongings
No swearing, insults, name-calling or fowl language will be tolerated.
No kicking, punching, hurting, biting, slapping or anything else similar to this will be tolerated.
No bullying at any time.
No guns, knives or anything of this nature are permitted anywhere near the premises at anytime.
Technology is only allowed for educational purposes.
Students will encourage other learners
Students will feel welcomes and safe at Te Whare o Akoranga
Students will try their best in all areas of school life.
Students will get involved in as many extra curricular activities as possible.
Students will build positive relationships with their teachers.

Any other school rules will be explained by teachers.

Lockdown procedures

In case of emergency, students will be placed on lockdown and the relevant help will be called. Lockdown procedures will
be explained to the child, however parents should note that students will be kept on school grounds until it is safe to leave,
even if this means keeping them after school hours.

Students are expected to be on time to every class. Students are not permitted to skip class under any circumstances.
Students with extra curricular activities during school times must notify and communicate this to the teacher so the teacher
knows where they are.


Students are responsible for their own property whilst here at school. Te Whare O Akoranga does not take responsibility for
broken or lost items, however appropriate steps will be taken to ensure this doesnt happen or to remedy if needed.


Students may bring an iPad to school at their own discretion. The teacher must be notified of this as well as parents. Failure
to notify the teacher will result in not allowing them to bring the item again.


Keep our school clean and green! Bins will be provided so littering should not be an issue. Students are also encouraged to
take their rubbish home with them
Behaviour Management

Positive behaviour management is so important in our school. As informed by my own philosophy of positive behaviour
management, we work to eliminate negative behaviour through the fostering and encouragement of positive behaviour.
We do this for many reasons, but mainly for one; the classroom environment becomes a positive, inviting space.

Sebastian Taueki, our behaviour support worker, is trained in understanding and communicating with students who are
having trouble. His role is all about pastoral care for students, who can visit him when they need someone to talk to
about issues at school. Sebastian has been apart of our school for over 10 years and is a valuable member of our school.
Additionally, for severe behavioural issues, students can have one on one planned sessions with Sebastian during school
time. Our intention is to support student wellbeing, and provide additional services if this is an issue for some students.
We wish to promote positive wellbeing in the school, which is why we take the extra steps to ensure our students are
properly supported. In light of our motto statement, we internationally work together with family and additional
support systems to do the best for the students.

Our school works through a PB4L (positive behaviour for learning) system that rewards students for positive behaviour.
As our motto says, we are committed to ensuring all students are looked after, including in their attitudes and emotional
wellbeing at school.


Each week a news letter will be sent out detailing important community information relative to the school context.
Additionally, a small bulletin is on the home page of our website with important points of information that parents may
find helpful.
Parent information;
Class trips

Students may attend multiple class trips throughout the year to aid in their learning process. These trips are important and
the hope is that all students are able to attend. Additional fees may accompany these trips, however we work to keep this to
a minimum. Permission slips are sent home at least two weeks before the trip and must be signed and returned in order for
the students to attend.


Each student should have an attendance rate of 90% or higher. Students dropping below this will be notified and
appropriate measures will be taken between whanau and school to help get the child to school.


A fee of $200 per student per year accompanies each students enrolment at Te Whare O Akoranga.


Weekly news letters will be posted to our website in order to communicate notices and celebrate student achievements in
our school. Alternatively, students can opt to have the letter mailed home weekly for their convenience.
Health Promotion in school.

Without proper nutrition, students will find it very hard to focus at school or to learn in class. The human body and
brain can not develop the way it should meaning the childs mental and physical wellbeing are compromised.
Without proper nutrition, students are also more susceptible to sickness and fatigue, with recovery time far longer
that normal. This is why of the key focuss at our school is cooking and food in schools. Part of Te Whare o
Akorangas vision is to create lifelong learners, and this can not be achieved without proper nutrition for students. It
is important that our children have the best start possible when it comes to healthy minds and bodies which is why
we offer food and nutritional education, as well as a food in schools programme.

Each day, as part of our commitment to the students, we will offer a free carton of milk to each student, as well a
free piece of fruit at morning tea time. It is our hope that each and every student will come to school with the right
foods they need to keep them going throughout the day, however supplementary fruits or snacks can be offered.

Our school has a commitment to the community too and also offers a free lunch programme for students where the
family is facing any challenges, especially financial hardship.

Te Whare O Akoranga
197 Newton Road,
North Shore, Auckland.
PO box 1244

School contact:
Phone: 073536856
Fax: 059458525

Teacher contact information:

Teachers will supply this at the beginning of the year and ensure you have their details, however their emails are as
follows ..

For example

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