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Vulnerabilities in Modern

Web Applications

Trend in modern application design is to move applications into a
remote server .
Consistent and quick updates
Application monitoring
and lower requirements on local hardware performance.
eg Office 365, Google Docs etc.
Need good quality of Internet connection

Penetration Testing Tools

Web Application Vulnerabilities

Security Recommendations
Penetration Testing Tools
Higher Security risk of remotely run applications has to be
verified, expressed, and minimized.
Main goal - improve the application security via pointing
out its security flaws.
There are two basic phases of the testing
Application Exploitation
Reconnaisance Phase
gather as much info about targeted network.
network itself not accesed.
interact directly with targeted devices.
to identify OS, running services and potential vulnerabilities.
Application Scanning
automatized scanning of web applications.
results can present a general idea of the application
guidance in exploiting existing flaws.
Passive Phase
OSINT (Open Source Intelligence) type.
group of tools using publicly available data.
uses lists of indexes and databases to search for info.
Discover Scripts
OSINT type.
integrates search and scanning utilities in Kali linux OS
Active Phase
open source multi platform tool for network traffic sniffing
it can capture comm. between two users in a network.
used for gather sensitive informations like password.
it can find connected networks end devices,open ports.
it can build a network map
versions of OS, services and running daemons etc
Application Scanning
automatized multi-platform tool for security audits.
using asynchronous HTTP requests, parallel processing of javascript
op's and multi-thread scanning.
integreted browser engine , scans web app using advan. tec
OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy)
Proxy ( comm. capturing) , Scanner (passive,active) Fuzzer (sequ.
sends dangerous payload to identify vulnerability), spider(traverse all
web pages) ,forced browsing (discover direct access to files stored
on the server)
Web Application Exploitation
SQL Tools
open source tool for testing database part of web app
typical exploitation is SQL injection
in case of succesfull exploitation, the SQLmap can access shell
data can be saved in a file ,if attack is succesfull
currently supports only MongoDB, but extensions of NoSQL databases
like CouchDB, Redis and Cassandra are planned.
attack itself can take a few minutes , depends on scope.
Web Application Exploitation
Password Attacks
open source tool supporting many hash algorithms.(SHA,MD)
computation run either on CPU or GPU (parallelized arch)
cudaHashcat for Nvidia
oclHashcat for AMD
hashcat contains following attack modes
straight (classical dictionary attack)
combination (words connected from multiple dictionaries)
brute-force (mask specification allows to omit unused password comb.)
Web Application Exploitation
Burp Suite
Web Vulnerability Scanner
Proxy (captures and modify communication)
Spider (create map of web application and send forms)
Intruder (realizes attack based on performed analysis)
Repeater (repeatedly modifies HTTP requests &analyze replies)
Sequencer (analyzes the level of security tokens randomness)
Web Application Exploitation
BeEF (Browser Exploitation Framework)
focused on XSS attacks
BeEF is modular framework
main functionality is hooking process.
Web Application Vulnerabilities
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Insecure Direct Object Reference
SQL Injection
Broken Authentication and Session Management
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Malicious code that can change the look and function of a
legitimate web application.
More widespread now because of move to more rich
Internet applications using dynamic content and JavaScript
and the latest AJAX trend.
It can be identified using OWASP ZAP and exploit using
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
Impact of XSS
Data residing in web page can
be sent anywhere in the
Facilitates many other types of
attacks (CSRF, Session
site's behaviour can be
Cross Site Scripting (XSS)
WebGoat Stored XSS
Preventing XSS
Escape all user input when it is displayed
Escaping converts the output to harmless html entities
<script> becomes &lt;script&gt;
but still displayed as <script>
Ensure your filter uses a white list approach
Filters based on blacklisting have historically been flawed
E.g. PHP, Ruby on Rails sanitize method
New encoding schemes can easily bypass filters that use a blacklist
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
A CSRF attack forces a logged-on victim's browser to send
a pre-authenticated request to a vulnerable web
Occurs when an authenticated user unknowingly initiates
a request
XSS facilitates CSRF via Link Injection
Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Preventing CSRF
Add a secondary authentication mechanism
Such as an impossible to guess token
Require a confirmation page before executing potentially
dangerous actions
Eliminate XSS vulnerabilities
Use POST as your form action and only accept POST
requests on the server for sensitive data !
Insecure Direct Object Reference
A direct object reference occurs when a developer
exposes a reference to an internal implementation object,
such as a file, directory, database record, or key, as a URL
or form parameter.
Attackers can manipulate those references to access other
objects without authorization.
E.g. /BankAccount.jsp?acct_nmbr=123
The hacker modifies the parameter to view another
users account
Insecure Direct Object Reference
Session Attacks
Session Fixation Session Hijacking
The hacker predicts a valid session The hacker masquerades as another
key (usually via phishing) user by stealing the users session id
(usually via XSS)
Insecure Direct Object Reference
Bypass a path based access control scheme
Preventing Direct Object Reference
Properly validate data!
All input data MUST be validated server side for each request client
side validation is EASILY bypassed
Do not expose internals to the user
Such as IDs (if possible/necessary)
Use an indirect reference map with hard to guess keys
POST /BankAccount.jsp?acct_nmbr=d83OJdm3
The server then uses the key to get the real value
Key: d83OJdm3 value: 123
SQL Injection
SQL injection is a security
vulnerability that occurs in the
database layer of an application.
Its source is the incorrect escaping
of dynamically-generated string
literals embedded in SQL
SQL Injection
Login Example Attack
Text in blue is your SQL code, Text in orange is the hacker input,
black text is your application code

Dynamically Build SQL String performing authentication:

SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = + userName + and
password= + password + ;
Hacker logs in as: or = ; --
SELECT * FROM users WHERE login = or = ; -- and
SQL Injection
SQL String Injection
Preventing SQL Injection
Use Prepared Statements (aka Parameterized Queries)
select * from accounts where id = + $id
select * from accounts where id =1234
Escape questionable characters (ticks, --, semi-colon, brackets,
Validate input
Strong typing
If the id parameter is a number, try parsing it into an integer
Broken Authentication and Session Management

Account credentials and

session tokens are often
not properly protected.
Attackers compromise
passwords, keys, or
authentication tokens to
assume other user's
Authentication Checks
Never store passwords in plaintext
Encrypt or Hash+Salt (preferred)
Architect applications to check every request to see that the authentication
data is still valid
Issue a new session token when a change in privilege occurs
If you absolutely must use remember me functionality, use a difficult to
guess authentication cookie
Authentication data is sent with every request, so protect it
Preventing Authentication and Session Attacks

Use built in session management!

Use secure randomly generated session keys to make
prediction impossible
Dont expose the user to session ids if possible
Use reasonable session timeouts
Preventing Authentication and Session Attacks

Session Fixation
Thank You


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