Italy: Presented By: Ana Torres and Daniel Duque

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Presented by:
Ana Torres
Daniel Duque
What do the colors in
the Italian flag mean?
the most common
meaning in the Italian flag
colors are:
green means hope
white means faith
and red means charity
In Italy, a large variety of
languages are often spoken in
addition to the Italian
language and these are:
34% speak English
16% speak French
11% speak Spanish
5% speak German
6% speak other regional
Ancient Rome (753B.c -476B.c)
The Roman empire was
the most powerful
economic, cultural,
political and military
forces in the world of
its time.
Middle age (1200 A.c 1500 A.c)
Starts the invasion by
other empires
The Bizantine empire
The Lombards tribe
The Frankish empire
Crusades age
Modern period (1400 1800)
The renaissence appear a
period of revival of the
arts, culture and science
Leonardo Da-Vinci
*Napoleon invaded Italy
Italian unification (1848-1918)
The unification of Italy
is given to a series of
wars waged by religious
and nationalist
End of the first war
Fascist regime
Benito mussolini begins
a dictatorship in Italy in
1922 which was
finished in 1943 and
being 1945 the date
that began the end of
hostilities thanks to the
end of the second world
Republican Italy
Italy became a republic
on 2 june in 1946
1949 italy became a
member of NATO
(North Atlantic Treaty
Organization )
2015 Italy has a
immigrant crisis.
Italy is located in Southern
The north Italy borders are
France, Switzerland, Austria
and Slovenia, to the south,
it consists of the entirety of
the Italian Peninsula and
the two Mediterranean
islands of Sicily and
Sardinia, in addition to
many smaller islands.
The sovereign states of San
Marino and the Vatican City
are enclaves within Italy
Important data
Population :60,589,445
Capital: Rome
Volcanology: considerable
seismic and volcanic activity.
There are 14 volcanoes in Italy,
four of which are active: Etna,
Stromboli, Vulcano and
Vesuvius. The latter one is the
only active volcano in
mainland Europe and is most
famous for the destruction of
Pompeii and Herculanum in
the eruption in 79 A.c.
Fauna and flora :Italy
has the highest level of
faunal biodiversity in
Europe, with over
57,000 species
recorded, representing
more than a third of all
European fauna.
Italy has more UNESCO
World Heritage Sites
than any other country
in the world, and has
rich collections of art,
culture and literature
from many different

Italy has a very broad and

diverse architectural
style, which cannot be
simply classified by
period, but also by region,
because of Italy's division
into several regional
states until 1861. This has
created a highly diverse
range in architectural
Italy has a large catalog of
characters which made a
difference in the
dissemination of art, some
of them were:
Donato di Niccol di Betto
Bardi- Donatello
Rafael Sanzio
Leonado Da Vinci
Michelangelo Buonarroti
italy has had a great
evolution in music,
going through classical
music, to be widely
known to be the
birthplace of the opera.
and today is involved in
the creation of modern
music with great
exponents worldwide
Italy is known for having
a wide variety of typical
foods and recognized
worldwide, such as
pizza, pasta, lasagna,
wine and many others
in italy the most
practiced and loved
sport is football, but
also cycling and car
racing are part of the
Italian culture, even for
each region there is a
characteristic activity or

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