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Jennifer Zimmerman
Assistant Director




¦  I find it easy to eliminate or reschedule low priority items _____
¦ I try to do things in a way that cuts down on duplicated effort _____
¦ I find that doing everything myself is very inefficient _____
¦ I try to shift priorities as soon as they change _____
¦ I find it easy to identify sources of time problems _____
¦ I find it easy to eliminate or reshuffle unnecessary paperwork _____
¦ My meetings and activities are well organized and efficient _____
20 I know what I'm capable of and try not to overextend myself _____
2¦ I find it easy to keep up with changes that affect my schedule or workload _____
22 I try to schedule the most difficult work during my most productive times _____
2  I know what my responsibilities and duties are at all times _____
2 I try to get only the pertinent information before making a final decision _____
2 I finish one job or task before going on to the next _____

 !" = Excellent time manager
!#  = Good time manager
$ #""= Poor time manager

http://wwwhealthnewsnetcom/timehtml courtesy of %&'('( 

one of the greatest factors contributing to stress is our inability to manage time Conversely, good time management skills allow
us to organize our lives and be more productive, both at work and at home The following quiz will help identify trouble spots and
guide us toward the goal of becoming successful time managers A scoring key at the end will indicate how far you need to go

# (Ë  · Ë ½ ·   Ë ! · '

¦ I find that I have enough time for myself · to do the things I enjoy doing _____
2 I'm aware of deadline and schedule my work to meet them in time _____
 I write down specific objectives in order to work toward goals _____
 I use a calendar to write down appointments, deadlines, and things to do _____
 I feel in control of time while at work and at home _____
 I plan and schedule my time on a weekly and/or monthly basis _____
 I make a daily to·do list and refer to it several times per day _____
 I set priorities in order of importance and then schedule time around them _____
 I'm able to find time when I need it in case something important comes up _____
¦0 I'm able to say no when I'm pressed for time _____
¦¦ I try to delegate responsibility to others in order to make more time for myself _____
¦2 I organize my desk and work area to prevent clutter and confusion _____

http://wwwhealthnewsnetcom/timehtml courtesy of %&'('( 

Ë Prioritize tasks
Ë Develop daily, weekly, or monthly schedules
Ë Delegate responsibility
Ë Say no
Ë Write down objectives in order to meet deadlines
Ë Use a calendar or notebook to organize
Ë Shift priorities to make room for more urgent
matters or tasks
Ë Reduce clutter and/or unnecessary paperwork
Ë Give up total control
Ë Avoid procrastination
http://wwwhealthnewsnetcom/timehtml courtesy of %&'('( 
|  Make it large, ambitious, and
specific    then write it down

Seek practical    then draw yourself

advice, make a  a detailed roadmap

Use your confidence,

self·discipline, and a
sense of urgency to
put your plan into  ) Pauk, p ¦
ü *+ | 

,-, &
ü ü.
¦ ist all your goals /&0"1"
2 Rate each goal ¦ ist all  activities in
order of importance
 ± High Value
2 Accomplish top 2 of ¦0
B ± Medium Value
Result ± 0% Success Rate!
C ± ow Value
 Plan  activities ocusing on top 20% of your
designed to accomplish ³to do´ list will get you 0%
 goals of the way to your goal
Pauk, p 
% (+ +   ' (

â Record every change in activity
â Include all activities: sleeping, eating, working,
socializing, studying, etc
â Jot down how you feel and highlight times when you
study most efficiently
â Accurately record your activities for a 2·week period
â Calculate how much time you spend in class and
studying, and calculate how much uncommitted time
you have each week
ü    ü  2. 3 . 

m Internal  
m External mRepetition
mMultiple earning Modalities

 % &5 &
m An effective long term strategy for improved retention and recall
m The defining edge of what it means to be a master student
m An often overlooked goal that you can address explicitly in your


m Set aside 2 hours study time for every hour in class, or

m Treat your college career like a 0·hour·a·week full·
time job
m Review every class at least once every 2 hours
m Schedule a weekly ³where am I´ review for every
m imit yourself to 0·0 minutes continuous studying on
a single topic
+ &
' ()

ù By Semester Experiment with different
scheduling tools and find
ù Monthly
one that works for you
ù Weekly m Simple
ù Daily m Reliable
ù Task·based m lexible
+ &
6 7 ü3

mPunch holes in big tasks
mUtilize time that otherwise is lost
mThink ahead so you have tools and
resources making it possible to enjoy your
³Swiss Cheese Moments´

+ &
6 7 ü33

& 8.  ü
onday ± ake it Meaningful
uesday ± ake it Apart
6ednesday ± 6rite an Intention Statement
hursday ± ell Everyone
9riday ± 9ind a Reward
aturday ± ettle it Now
unday ± ay No!
Ellis, p 
+ &
6 7 ü333


Ë Take advantage of good moods

º Give yourself a pep talk

Ë Make a promise to someone else

l Build in rewards

Stress the benefits

ù Mnow your values
ù Do less ± make a list of what NoT to do
ù Slow down ± don¶t operate on ³launch´ all day
ù Remember people
ù ocus on outcomes
ù Handle it now
ù Buy less
ù Take time out to forget about time
ù Experiment
Ellis, p ·
Ellis, Dave, Becoming a Master Student th ed
Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, ¦
Nist, Sherrie  and Jodi Patrick Holschuh, Active
earning: Strategies for College Success Needham
Heights: Allyn & Bacon, 2000
Pauk, Walter, How to Study in College th ed Boston:
Houghton Mifflin Company, 200¦

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