Storage Location Assignment Problem

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Storage Location Assignment

Problem: Practical Case Proposal in

a Tool Warehouse.

Karen Montao

Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP) is a problem of assigning

products to storage locations that aim to satisfy one or more objectives, i.e
space utilization, total transfer time, and total travel/transportation

According to Jinxiang Gu, Marc Goetschalckx, and Leon F McGinnis (2014)1,

the "Storage Location Assignment Problem (SLAP)" associates both storage and
collection activities. SLAP is to determine the optimal storage strategy that
minimizes costs and the total distances of product collection. This thesis will
adress the use of SLAP over a class bassed model to find the optimal storage
for each group/class of product in the tool warehouse.

The constraints of the models try to satisfy the needs:

- Find A class-based products.

- Each product should be assigned exactly one location.
- Each location should be assigned exactly one item.
- Each product has to be located with the same class of item.

Throughout this project we will use a SLAP model of resolution

using genetic of Jing X., Yi M., Andreas E., Xiaodong L., Andy S.
(2014), which will be translated to linear programming for a
simple resolution .

ABC Class-Based Storage

Linear Programming Optimization
Comparison and Prioritization Storage

The SLAP method considers a series of products that have their own
order frequencies, which must be assigned to a location in the

The warehouse has a rectangular shape, we will take the area "A" as a
reference point, it also has an I / O delivery point. The area A consists
of 17 shelves that in total give 390 locations.

We have 14 types of products (class)

We have 390 products.

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