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(Chapter 1)

The natural setting
and its people
Origin of the Philippines
1. Story of creation (Book of Genesis)
God created the heavens and the
earth God created man in his own
image and likeness He called the
man - Adam and woman - Eve..
2. In Filipino Mythology, creation stories
were popularized by various tribal
For the Tagalogs, 3 beings existed: Bathala (god of the
sky), Amay Sinaya (goddess of the Sea) and Amihan
(Northeast wind)
Bathala and Sinaya were great rivals. In one of their fights, the
Philippines was accidentally created..Amihan tried to stop
them and both agreed to end their fight as a peace
offering, Bathala planted a seed and grew into a bamboo..
After hearing some voice inside it, Amihan, transformed into
a bird pecked unto it and out came the first man and
woman named Malakas and Maganda
Soon they had children... Because their children disobeyed
them, they taught them a lesson they gave blows to them
using a wooden spoon soon they fled to different
places..Their children later on transformed into the
different classes of Filipinos some became slaves, other
became nobles, others transformed to aetas, others
became fisherman while some were hunters.
Malakas and Maganda
For the Visayans, there was also a mythical bird
named ManaulThis bird tried to find a place to
rest but could not find one so the bird asked
helped from Kaptan ( god of sea) and Magauayan
( god of air)..
The gods had shown off their mighty powers and this
took years, Manaul tired of waiting collected the
rocks from a mountain and dropped it into the sea
thus forming the Philippines.
Same with how malakas and maganda emerged, out
came , Si Kalac and Si Kavay They soon had
children their son was Sibo and and their
daughter was Samar
3. Scientific theories

a. The Philippines is a remnant of a prehistoric continent

called Mu or Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean. Due to
volcanic eruptions, this vast continent sank beneath the
b. Pacific or Magmatic Theory the eruptions of the sea
volcanoes caused the gradual emergence of the islands
above the ocean.
c. Asiatic Theory or Land Bridges theory The Philippines
was part of the Sunda shelf ( connecting Malay
peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Borneo and Palawan) also
known as the continental shelf of Asia. The other one
was the Sahul shelf (connecting Australia, New Guinea
and the Aru islands of indonesia) About 25,000 years
ago, the ice age ended the ice melted and the sea
level arose the land bridges connecting the Philippines
from mainland Asia disappeared
The Archipelagos name
1. Ma-i/ Ma-yi a name given by the Chinese trade official named Chau
Ju-kua in 1225.
The term means Land of Gold
2. Maniolas a name given by the greek mapmaker Claudius Ptolemy in
his ancient map
3. Islas de San Lazaro name given by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521
4. Filipinas name given by Ruy Lopez de Villalobos in 1543 in honor of
Prince Philip who later became king.. Felipina was a name given to
Leyte and Samar soon it was adopted as a name for the whole
archipelago.. Also used by an Italian geographer Giovanni Ramusio
in his map in 1554
5. Pearl of the Orient Seas name given by Fr. Juan Delgado, a Jesuit
historian in 1751, and was again used by Rizal in 1896
6. Philippine Islands during the American era
7. Republic of the Philippines after the recognition of its independence
in 1946.
8. Other proposed names:
a. Rizaline Republic ( by Artemio Ricarte a Katipunan general)
b. Maharlika ( by former President Marcos)

Geography and Resources
Found in the Western Pacific Ocean, southeastern portion
of Asia
Taiwan on the north, South China Sea and Vietnam on the
west, Pacific ocean on the east and Celebes sea and
Indonesia on the south
Dubbed as the Crossroads of the Pacific because of its
central location
7,107 islands and islets
300,000 square kilometers is its total land area
Manila is the capital and the largest city
Luzon (141,395 km2) is the biggest island followed by
Mindanao (101,999 km2) and then Visayas (56,606 km2)
Y Ami isle northernmost island, 78 miles from Taiwan
Saluag isle- southernmost island, 34 miles east of Borneo
We are in the middle of two opposing tectonic
plates making it prone to earthquakes. Between
these plates is a fault. The Philippine Fault
stretches from Luzon to Mindanao. The Marikina
Valley Fault System which is located 5 kilometers
east of Metro Manila branched from the Philippine
longest irregular coastline in the world(36,290 km )
61 natural harbors and 20 landlocked straits
Finest natural harbor is the Manila Bay
Palawan forms the western boundary of the has 1,768 islands and islets, ithas
marvelous subterranean caves, unexplored dive
sites, unpolluted beaches and dense tropical
jungles, it is also a sanctuary to a variety of fauna
and flora
17 regions
Ilocos Region (Region I)
Cagayan Valley (Region II)
Central Luzon (Region III)
Bicol Region (Region V)
Western Visayas (Region VI)
Central Visayas (Region VII)
Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)
Zamboanga Peninsula (Region IX)
Northern Mindanao (Region X)
Davao Region (Region XI)
Caraga (Region XIII)
Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM)
Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)
National Capital Region (NCR) (Metro Manila)

* In 2015, there are 81 provinces, 145 cities, 1489 municipalities and 42,036
The Philippines is represented by a variety of ecosystems:
forests, ponds grasslands, valleys, plains rivers and seas.
La Mesa Nature Reserve Eco Trail the only forest
reserve in Manila.. launched in June 2, 2005 by the ABS
CBN Bantay kalikasan Foundation
Forests on mountain slopes provide materials for food,
medicine, building shelter and habitats for wildlife.
Some mountains have been regarded as sites for spiritual
regeneration. Examples are Mt. Makiling and Banahaw.
* mountain ranges in Northern Luzon:
1. Sierra Madre ( largest and longest, starts from Aparri to
2. Cordillera (from Ilocos to La Union, where Mt. Pulag is
located the 2nd highest peak, sites gold and copper
mining, where the famous Banaue Rice terraces and
Baguio City are located)
4. Zambales (from Pangasinan to Bataan)
Sierra Madre

Mt. Taal
* Mindanao Mountain Ranges:
1.Diwata (Agusan)
2.Tago-Apo ( Camiguin and Davao, site of Mt. Apo the highest peak,
2,954m high)
3.Kalatungan-kitanlad ( Lanao )
4.Daguma (Saranggani where Mt Blik and Mt Parker is located)
50 volcanoes, 22 are active
1. Mt Iraya, Batanes
2. Mt Taal, Batangas (a volcano within a volcano, volcano island in the
lake, made 33 eruptions some were destructive)
3. Mt. Pinatubo, Zambales ( dormant for 611 years, most destructive
eruption was in une of 1991, punched a hole in our ozone layer)
4. Mt Banahaw, Quezon
5. Mt Mayon, Albay (famous for its near perfect conical shape, 1st
eruption 1616, 47 eruptions, landmark is the Cagsawa Church ruins)
6. Mt. Bulusan, Sorsogon (known for its hot springs same with Mt
7. Mt Kanlaon, Negros (erupted 3x in 1986 and 6x in 1989)
8. Mt. Hibok2x, Camiguin
9. Mt Makaturing, Lanao
10. Mt. Apo, Davao
Sand Dunes- Ilocos

Montalban Caves - Rizal

Large rivers traverse the principal islands of the country.
Cagayan River is the longest river (513 km)
Other important rivers are:
San Jaunico Strait is the narrowest strait in the world
Laguna de Bay is the largest freshwater lake
Lake Calibato is the deepest lake (176 m deep)
Lake Lanao supplies electricity for of the power requirements of
Tubbataha reef is known for its beautiful sand bar and reef also
known for its rich and beautiful dive sites and marine resources where
seabirds, turtles and giant clams have been settling.. Located in
Boracay is a perfect island getaway, known for its warm blue waters,
powder fine white sand and palm fringe beaches.. Located in Aklan
Famous Tourist destinations in the Country:
Chocolate Hills in Bohol
Taal Volcano in Batangas
Montalban Caves in Rizal
Sand Dunes in Ilocos Norte
Hundred Islands in Pangasinan

Tubbataha Reef

San Juanico Strait

Central Plain is the largest plain, known as the
rice granary of the country
10,000 species of flowering plants (sampaguita,
gardenia, dama de noche, water lily)
1,000 varieties of orchids (Waling2x queen of
Phil. Orchids)
Narra national tree
Mangroves the forests of the sea shelter,
wood and charcoal for cooking, source of income
tuba, vinegar, roofing and ground for
aquaculture, prevents soil erosion
16 species of sea grass, food for sea cows or
201 species of mammals
Most important mammal is the Philippine carabao
Unique animals include:
1. Tamaraw (Mindoros dwarf carabao)
2. Tarsier (smallest monkey found in Bohol)
3. Calamian Deer or the pilandok ( found in Palawan)
25,000 species of insects
Largest insect is the giant moth, wingspan of 1 foot
Largest bat is the golden-crowned flying fox, weighs 1.5kg
found in Olongapo
Smallest bat is lesser flat headed bats or the bamboo bats
weighs around 2 g
Worlds second largest eagle is the Philippine eagle,
measures 51/2 ft in height, wingspan is 7 ft , national bird ,
previously called monkey eating eagle
Other interesting
1. Kalaw
Spaniards called it
as the clock of
the mountains
2. Katala or the Phil.
3. tiny Phil. Falconet
(6 1/2 cm long)
worlds rarest shell is
the Glory of the sea
worlds largest shell is
the Tridacna gigas (1
m in length and weighs
600 lbs)
worlds smallest shell
is the pisidium (less
than 1 mm in length)
2,140 species of
philippine fishes
Tawilis or freshwater sardines are
found in Lake Taal in Batangas
Sinarapan, the smallest commercial
fish is found in Lake Buhi and Lake
Bato in Camarines Sur measures
between 1 -1.4 cm.
Dwarf pygmy goby or tabios is the
worlds smallest vertebrate measures
7.5-11 mm and can be found in
Navotas and Malabon Rivers
Worlds largest fish is the whale
shark or the pating bulik. 50 ft or
more in length it was first sighted in
off the coast of Mariveles in 1816
Mineral Resources
Gold mining is an ancient industry. Before the coming of
the Spaniards, Filipinos were already mining gold in
Paracale in Camarines Norte, the Mt. Province and other
Mount Diwalwal in Compostela Valley province has been
the site of gold rush since 1983
Copper mining has been done by the Igorots Mankayan
is the oldest and largest copper mine in the country and it
still exist today
Greatest iron bearing area is Surigao.Iron deposits
are also found in Camarines Norte, Bulacan, Marinduque
and Samar
Worlds largest deposit of nickel is found in the Nonoc isle
Marble deposits are found in Mindoro and Romblon
Deposits of coal are found in Cebu and Sorsogon.
Potential oil and natural gas are found in the Spratly
Deep sea oil deposits are found in the Malampaya field
Countrys climate:
Tropical climate
Annual mean temperature of 27 degrees
Two seasons: dry (December to April) and
wet (rainy season May to November)
Signal number 2 means, classes are
The Filipino People
In 2013, the recorded population is 97 million
We have different ethnic groups but we live harmoniously
Our blood is a mixture of Malay, Chinese, Negrito, Indian,
European, and American
Since 19th century, Filipinos have been referred to as the
Christianized Malays
The greatest number belongs to the Visayans ( largest
groups are Cebuanos, Ilonggos and the Waray2x) ,the
Tagalogs and the Ilocanos
Other major groups include the Pangasinenses,
Pampangueno, Zambals, Ibanags and the Bicolanos
Some non-Malay group includes the Chinese and the
Indigenous Groups:
Isnegs of Apayao they tattoo their bodies as a sign of symbol
Kalingas- they tattoo their bodies a s a sign of braveryprestige can
be obtained through oratorical ability
Ifugaos- have high regard for familys honor and dignityforbidden to
induce hostility, cause bloodshed or practice adultery, owning a hagabi
or a sculptured chair indicates the high position of the owner in the
community rice culture
Igorots lived on root crops and wild pigs, deer and fowl.. In the past
they engage in headhunting to avenge the death of a fellow tribesman
Ibalois and the Kankanays - most sophisticated because they are the
most exposed to lowlland life
Bontoks of Benguet and the Mt. Province do hunting and agriculture
for living they perform ancient rituals such as the bagbato (to ensure
bountiful harvest) and the ulog ( a place where unmarried woman stays
and receive visitors)
Gadangs of Isabela
Negritos or Aetas of Zambales
Mangyans of Mindoro good natured, conflicts are resolved by an
elder in the community
Tagbanuas, Batak, Taot Bato, Molbogs and the Jama
mapuns of Palawan
Mamanwa of Surigao del Norte
Kalibugans, Subanuns and the samals of Zamboanga del
Manobos, Tirurays, Iranuns and Tbolis of Maguindanao,
Cotabato and Sultan Kudarat
Mandayas of Davao Oriental
Bagobos and Blaans of Davao del Sur
Yakans of Basilan wore colorful handwoven clothes
Tausugs and Badjaos of Sulu
Maguindanaon (largest Muslim group) and Maranao
(people of the lake) of Mindanao- in the past, houses are
on poles above the water, they use vintas
There is high literacy rate in the Phil education is viewed as a key to
progressmedium of instruction is English and Filipino.
Most Filipinos love theater and arts
Filipino is the National language.. The English language is used for
governmental, commercial and instructional purposes.
Some Filipinos are trilingual.. Aside from English and Filipino, the third
is an indigenous languagewe have 80 local dialects
In everyday communication, Taglish is common
Age is highly valued using po, opo and ho or using ale and mama is
sign as a respect
Siblings in the family use ate or kuya, diko or ditse, sangko or sanse
Filipinos have close family ties, we adopted new kins by the kumpadre
system or simply respect for ones neighbors.
We extend help to others by the bayanihan system
We are known for our hospitality, utang na loob
On formal occasions, males wear Barong Tagalog while women wore
the Filipiniana attire
The Filipina have more rights than other asian womenin property,
inheritance, politics, business and other fieldsat home, women
manage the family household and primary caretaker of the children
Theories on the Origin of the Filipinos
Migration Theory of H. Otley Beyer states that the ancestors of the Filipinos
came in waves of migration
1. caveman or the dawn man- who was similar to the java man or the homo
sapiens of 250,000 years ago
2. Aboriginal Pgymy group or the Negritos reached the island through the land
bridges from Malay Peninsula, Borneo and Australia they came between
25,000 to 30,000 years ago they have black skin, dark kinky hair, round
black eyes and a height of 5 ft
3. Seafaring and tool using Indonesians- reached the Philippines between 5,000-
6,000 years agoThey came in two waves Type A arrived between 3,000-
4,000 years ago.. They were tall, slender, with a light complexion, and thin
lips type B arrived between 1,500-500 years ago they were shorter, with
bulky body, dark complexion and thick lips
4. Seafaring Malays- introduced the iron agriculture they arrived in the
Philippines from 300 BC to 14th-15th centuries

Core Population Theory states that the inhabitants of the Philippines consist of
a core group to which came people who moved in from the region. The
movements of people were erratic or irregular this core group shared
common cultural traits or base culture they used similarly fashioned tools,
pottery and ornaments and upheld common beliefs and rituals.. Differences
is on their adaptation to the environment. When they came there was no
fixed time or a fixed destination.

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