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By : Echa Kaniasari
1A / D-III Teknik Kimia
Born 4 January 1643, New Style

Died 20 March 1727 (aged 84)

Resting place Westminster Abbey

Residence England

Nationality English

Fields Physics
Natural philosophy
His father, whose name was also Isaac
Newton, was a farmer who died before Isaac
Junior was born. Although comfortable
financially, his father could not read or

His mother, Hannah Ayscough,

married churchman when Newton was three
years old.
Beginning at age 12,
Newton attended
The Kings School, Grantham,
where he was taught
the classics, but no science
or mathematics.
When he was 17,
his mother stopped
his schooling so that
he could become a farmer.
In June 1661, aged 18, Newton began studying
for a law degree at Cambridge Universitys
Trinity College, earning money working as a
personal servant to wealthier students.
His natural philosophy lecturers based their
courses on Aristotles incorrect ideas from Ancient

Newton began to disregard the material taught at

his college, preferring to study the recent (and
more scientifically correct) works of Galileo,
Boyle, Descartes, and Kepler. He wrote:

Plato is my friend, Aristotle is my friend, but my

greatest friend is truth.
After three years at Cambridge he won a four-
year scholarship, allowing him to devote his time
fully to academic studies.
A Mind on Fire
In 1665, at the age of 22, a year after
beginning his four-year scholarship, he made his
first major discovery: this was in mathematics,
where he discovered the generalized binomial
theorem. In 1665 he was also awarded his B.A.
At the age of 24, in 1667, he returned to
Cambridge, where events moved quickly.
First he was elected as a fellow of Trinity College.
A year later, in 1668, he was awarded an M.A.
A year after that, the Lucasian Professor of
Mathematics at Trinity College, Isaac Barrow,
resigned and Newton was appointed as his
replacement; he was just 26 years old. Barrow,
who had recommended that Newton should
succeed him, said of Newtons skills in
Mr Newton, a fellow of our
College, and very young,
being but the second year
master of arts; but of an
extraordinary genius
and proficiency.
Some Details about Newtons
Greatest Discoveries

Newton was the first person to fully develop calculus.
Calculus is the mathematics of change. Modern physics
and physical chemistry would be impossible without it.
Other academic disciplines such as biology and
economics also rely heavily on calculus for analysis.
Universal Gravitation and the Apple
Newtons Laws of Motion
First law: Objects remain stationary or move
at a constant velocity unless acted upon by
an external force.

Second law: F = ma.

Third law: When one object exerts a force on

a second object, the second object exerts a
force equal in size and opposite in direction
on the first object.
Optics and Light

He built the worlds first

reflecting telescope
Isaac Newton, who was largely self-taught in mathematics and

generalized the binomial theore.

showed that sunlight is made up of all of the colors of the
built the worlds first working reflecting telescope.
discovered/invented calculus,
wrote the Principia,
discovered the law of universal gravitation
formulated his three laws of motion Newtons Laws
showed that Keplers laws of planetary motion are special
cases of Newtons universal gravitation.
proved that all objects moving through space under the
influence of gravity must follow a path shaped in the form of
one of the conic sections, such as a circle, an ellipse, or a
parabola, hence explaining the paths all planets and comets
showed that the tides are caused by gravitational
interactions between the earth, the moon and the sun.
predicted, correctly, that the earth is not perfectly
spherical but is squashed into an oblate spheroid, larger
around the equator than around the poles.
Used mathematics to model the movement of fluids
from which the concept of a Newtonian fluid comes.
devised Newtons Method for finding the roots of
mathematical functions.
The End

Isaac Newton died on March 31,

1727, aged 84. He had never married
and had no children.
He was buried in Westminster
Abbey, London.

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