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Group 6th

Hayeta Dorea Sinurat

Mega Ananda Putri Harahap
Miranda Girsang
Definition of Geopolitics

Geopolitics is not interpreting as a policy system or

rules in policy form and nation strategy that can be pushed
by the aspiration of national geographic (the importance
that emphasis on geographical judgment, territorial in wide
term) of a country that when being carried out and succed
it will directly or no to the policy system of a country.

The archipelago insight contain the conception of

Indonesia geopolitics, which is the element of space, that
now its not only amend in physical geographic, but also in
the entire of the definitions
Geopolitical Issues

Geopolitical issues concerning the unity of the state with its

territory as well as its relationship with the territory of other
1. First, there is the problem of weapons of mass destruction
2. Secondly, there is a problem with the border line.
3. Third, there is petroleum problem.
4. Fourth, we have the problem of arms trade. According to
sources, America is one of the arms suppliers to the Middle
5. Fifth, there are migration and displacement issues.
Insight of Archipelago

Wawasan Nusantara comes from the word Insight and

Archipelago. The insight comes from the word wawas
(Javanese) which means view, sight or sensory vision. Next
comes the word mawas which means looking, reviewing or
seeing. Insight means view, purpose, vision, sensory
perception. Insight means also a way of looking, how to see.
Conceptually, the insight of the archipelago (Wasantara) is the
national insight of the Indonesian nation.
Factors That Influence Indonesian Archipelago

Political Views And Geostrategy
1. Geographic
1. Archipelago state
The word archipelago and archipelagic came from italia
They are 4 word erchipelagous. The root of the word is archi which means
concepts important, main, and pelagos which means ocean or the seas.

2. Indonesia island
Later since Indonesia Republic freedom proclamation on
August 17 1945, Indonesia became the official name for the
country and the nation of Indonesia until now.

3. Indonesia island Conception of Ocean Jurisdition

Including: Res Nullius, Res Cimmunis, Mere Liberum,
Mere Clautsum, Arcipelagic State Principles.
Exclusive Economy Zone, and Continent base are:

Island country is a country that all of it consist of one

another or more island and can reach another island
Territorial Ocean is one ocean jurisdiction which its
breath not more than 12 mile and measure from the line
base however the line base is line lowest water ebb a long
Waterworks depth is jurisdiction inner side of the land or
inner side of the line base
Exclusive Economy Zone, cant more than 200 mile seas
from the line base
200 mile distance from the line base or it can more than
that but not more than 350 mile, it not more than 100 mile
from the line of the bottom seas with 2500 m in depth
4. Characteristic of indonesia archipelago jurisdition
Archipelagi state
Consist of 17.508 big or small island, the number of island
already has a name are 6044. Indonesia island located in
astronomy border:north : 608 LU, south : 1115 LS, west :
9445 BB, east : 14105 BT
The distance from north to south are 1.888 km, and from west to
east are 5.110 km.
The breath of all indonesian jurisdition are 5.193.250 km2 that
consist of land breath with 2.027. 087 km2 and water 3.166.163
Location between two continents and two oceans
Tropical climate with two seasons
Lies on the equator
Rich in natural resources of flora and fauna
Diverse cultures
Political Views And Geostrategy

a. The Geopolitical Theory of Frederich Ratzel (1844-1904),

argues that the country is like a living organism.
b. The Geopolitical Theory of Rudolf Kjellen (1864-1922), the
State is a comprehensive unit and political system covering the
fields of geopolitics, political economy, social political demos and
political krato.
c. Karl Haushofer's Geopolitical Theory (1896-1946), the number
of people and the size of the country must be balanced.
d. The Geopolitical Theory of Halford Mackinder (1861-1947),
Whoever controls the "heartland" (Eastern Europe and Russia) then
he will rule the world islands (Europe, Asia, and Africa) which will
eventually rule the world.
e. Geopolitical theory Alfred Tayer Mahan (1840-1914), Based on this,
the concept of Wawasa Bahari or the concept of force in the sea.
Whoever controls the oceans will control the wealth of the world.
f. Guilio Douhet's Geopolitical Theory (1869-1930), William Mitche
(1878-1939), Saversky and JFC Fuller, built the fleet or air force more
favorably because the air force allowed it to operate on its own without
being helped by other forces. In addition, the air force can destroy the
enemy in the cage itself.
g. Geopolitical Theory Nicholas J.Spijkman (1879-1936), famous for
the theory of the Boundary Region. the necessity of the combined
forces of the Armed Forces to be able to control the territories in

Basic Thought for Geopolitics Indonesia

geopolitical goals :
to realize the man with its territory into a
single solid state
capable meet and sustain his life
Basic Thought for Geopolitics
Geopolitics of Indonesia is archipelago
Where, in the form of the archipelago Insights
prerequisite realization national aspirations by
utilizing the space in the form of unity and
Basic Thought for Geopolitics

Geopolitics Indonesian nation is based on

the values of the sublime divinity and
humanity clearly and unequivocally
stated in the preamble of the 1945
Juanda Declaration As part of the
the provisions of the ordinance:
"En Zee territoriale Maritieme Kringen

With The ordinance provisions

Indonesian region republic rests on a
land area of mutual islands separated by
According to Ir. Djuanda suggests the Declaration
of year 1957 at juanda which was later codified
as perpu No. 4/1960. the geographical unity of
being part of a political Union which in Principle
called Djuanda declare the archipelago.
The principle of the archipelago that is born
of a sense of safety and security needs of
the nation and the State, replaced as
Ordinance 1939 year aiming for;

1. Manifest form of the region So that intact

2. Determination of the boundaries of the
country indonesia
3. The peace cruise Traffic Arrangements
which guarantee the safety and security of
the country
The Declaration affirmed the juanda with law No. 4/prp/1960 1960
February 18, profit for indonesia, namely:

The occurrence of changes in the

national territory of separate islands
into one unified whole and round
The whole of the waters and the sea
between the islands of indonesia
became Indonesian territorial sea
The total area of the Indonesian
According Kaelan & Zubaidi (2007; 135) there are some basic
principles contained in the Declaration on the continental
shelf, among others:

All resources of the continental shelf

contained daam Indonesia is owned
exclusive state of RI
Indonesian government is willing to solve
problems continental shelf boundary with
neighboring countries through negotiations
If there are no boundaries, then the
continental shelf is a line drawn in the middle
between the outer islands of Indonesia to the
outermost regions in neighboring countries
The claim does not affect the nature and
status of the waters above the continental
Exclusive Economic Zone
The exclusive economic zone or ZEE is an area
within 200 miles of Indonesia's outer islands.
The exclusive economic zone was announced
by the Indonesian government on 21 March
The reason that prompted the government to
announce zee is
An increasingly limited supply of fish
The need for national development of Indonesia
The need for national development of Indonesia

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