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Conflict and Change


In any organization, conflicts and changes are bound

to occur.
 Whether these are constructive or destructive forces depends
significantly on the supervisor’s skills in managing conflict and
 Conflict is a positive force when it leads to necessary changes by
signaling that a problem exists.

 When conflict involves anger at management or the organization,

it may lead to destructive behavior.
Styles of managing conflict

When people withdraw, they physically and
psychologically remove themselves from the
Mary: I want to do an MBA, Please allow me to
Physical withdrawing: Father leaves the place.
Psychologically withdrawing: Father continues
reading the newspaper without responding.

Considered from an individual view:

withdrawal creates lose-lose situation.
(low concern for self and others)

Considered from an relational view:

It has a negative consequence. It leads to
relationship decline.
It can be effective if both the parties have the time to

In certain circumstances it can be effective when you

have a conflict with someone who is not important
for you.
It is giving in the other’s needs while ignoring
your own.

Jane would like to spend his vacation alone with
Mary but when she says, I think it would be fun
to have Sarah and Paul come with us, don't you?”
Jane replies, “ok, whatever you want”

Considered from an individual view:

It is a win-lose situation (low concerns for self,
high concerns for others)

Considered from an relational view:

It has two problems:
1. It leads to poor decision making.
2. Habitual accommodation results in the
accommodator's consistently receiving less.

It is demanding through physical threats, verbal

attacks or manipulation that your needs be
satisfied or your ideas be accepted.

Mary: Please go and complete your work.
Jane: okay Sir.
Considered from an individual view:
It has win-lose situation (high concern for self,
low concern for others)

Considered from an relational view:

It rarely improves and usually hurts a
It can be appropriate if issues are important.

It occurs when both people make sacrifices to

find common ground, attempting to resolve the
conflict by providing at least some satisfaction
for both parties.

Married couples sometimes compromise
because of children.

Considered from an individual view:

It creates a lose- lose situation b/c both parties
in one sense “lose” even as they “win” (moderate
concern for self and others)

Considered from an relational view:

Its important if relationships matter more.
It does not damage long-tem relationships b/c
both parties gain some satisfaction.
It is a problem solving by addressing the needs
and issues of each party to arrive at a solution
that is mutually satisfying.

Mary wants to do fashion designing

Her father wants her to an MBA so that she
would join his business in future.
In the end they resolve the conflict through
collaboration, that Mary will do the course and if
she does not do well in an year then she has to
switch to another discipline.
Considered from an individual view:
It’s a win- win situation (high concern for self and

Considered from an relational view:

Its positive b/c both sides feel that they have been heard.

 It includes 5 parts

1. Defining the problem

2. Analyzing the problem
3. Developing mutually acceptable criteria for
judging solutions
4. Suggesting possible solutions
5. Selecting the best solution.

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