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Shear Reinforcement Design

of Beam Column Joints

Prof. Ir. Widodo, MSCE, PhD

Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning
Earthquake Engineering Management Master Program
10.1 Introduction
It has been discussed several times that the design of earthquake resistant
building structure by Capacity Design Method (CDM) has been adopted by
several countries including in Indonesia. In the CDM, the columns are de-
signed relatively stronger than beams in such way the Beam Sway Mecha-
nism (BSM) will occur. Since the beams are intended as a weak link in the
system, therefore, under moderate/severe earthquake the formations of
the plastic hinges at the ends of beams are surely will occur.

Under an earthquake attack, the ends of the beam will respectively undergo
in cyclic of positive and negative moment. Thus, the plastic hinges will occur
according to these negative and positive moments cyclic response. A ducti-
le behavior in the beams plastic hinge region is required to maintain the
process of energy dissipation and stability of the stability of the structure.
The formation of the beams plastic hinges means that the beams have alre-
ady undergone maximum flexural capacity including the effect of strain har-
dening (the flexural over-strength). The beams flexural over-strength is ge-
nerated by the tensile over-strength of steel reinforcement in coupling with
the ultimate compression of concrete. Accordingly, the upper part of beam
column joint is subjected to compression force generated by compression
concrete at right beam and tension force generated by tensile over-strength
at left beam.
Meanwhile, the opposite forces are acting at the lower part of the beams
column joint in coupling with the previously forces. Accordingly, very high
horizontal shear force will occur at the beam column joint. The similar shear
forces i.e the vertical shears are generated by the opposite flexural moments
which are acting at the ends of the columns.
Paulay and Priestley (1992) stated that the shear force which is acting in
the beam column joint my be several times than the shear at the adjacent
beams and columns. The bond stress are accordingly will be very high and
the potential bar slip cant be avoided.
It is necessary to remember that in the structural analysis the beam column
joints are permitted to displace horizontally, the framing system in the joint
can rotate integrally but the member is not allowed to rotate freely respect
to the joint. It means that the failure of beam column joint is not allowed or
the joint should be in the elastic range. Paulay and Priestley (1992) stated
that several principles should be accommodated relate to the beam column
joint such as follows :

1. The strength of the joint should not less that the maximum demand cor-
responding to the development of the structural plastic hinge mechanism
for the frame,
2. The beam column joint should be consider as a part of the column and
accordingly, the strength degradation of the joint is not allowed (joint
should remains elastic),
3. The joint reinforcement necessary to ensure the performance but should
not cause difficulty in the construction
Frame Actions Under Earthquakes

The joint is not

Left to right EQ Joint displacement Deflected shape allowed to res-
ponse in-elastica-
lly. Between the
members are still
in perpendicular
or joint should be
still in elastic res-

Fig. 1 Frame
Right to left EQ Joint displacement deflected shape
Deflected shape
10.2 Joint Functions
There are several function of beam column joint :
1. Connecting beams and columns to be a frame
2. Prevent beams and columns under free rotation (restraint function)
even though the joint may rotate,
3. In general to keep stability of the structure Plastic hinge

In elastic
joint Joint : part of
column & elastic

hk rotation Element

1. Joint : part of column, remains

2. Elements remain perpendicular
10.3 Problems in the Beam Column Joint
As described before, the beam column joint plays important role in the
stability of the structure. Paulay and Priestley (1992) stated that the main
problem in the bean column joint will be :
1. Horizontal and vertical shear forces that it may several times greater
than the shear force at adjacent beams and columns,
2. The bond stress problem due to the combination of compression and
tension in a reinforcement line.
dp Problem in the construction will be :
1. Installation of the shear reinforcement, due to
limitation of the space,
2. Controlling the quality of the concrete pouring,
due to reinforcements are very closed
10.4 Equilibrium of Forces
Geometrically, beam column joint is part of the structure which connecting
the elements (beams and columns) to be a rigid frame. It is important to
review the external forces acting on the structural beam column joint sub
assemblage such as shown in the figure. By assuming inflection point
occur in the mid elements, then the corresponding external forces as

M+ M- Vcol


V- Inflection point

V+ Nu
Taking the static moment with respect to the center of the beam column
joint, the equilibrium of force will be,

2.Ts .z Vb .hc Vcol .H c

Vcol 10.1)

Eq. 10.1) can be expressed in the

2.Ts .z Vb .hc
Hc Cci z
Cca Tsi Vcol 10.2)
Tsa + Cci - Vcol
Analogically, Eq. 10.2) can also be
interpreted as,
Vcol Vcol M M kap,a Vb .hc
kap ,i

By ignoring the effect of the shear forces acting at the end of the beams,
then cccording to SK SNI, 1991, Eq.10.3 then to be simplified becomes

Lb ,i Lb,a
0,7. M cap,i M cap,a
L'b,i L' b , a 10.4)

The factor of 0,70 in Eq. 10.4) is a factor used to transfer from the
nominal to the ultimate stage or in general can be expressed,
S u . S n 10.5)

10.5 Shear Force and Shear Stress

Before a further discussion of the beam column joint, it is necessary to
explore the shear force and also shear stress that it may occur in the
beam column joint. These items can be identified through the following

crack Vcol Vjh

Tsi Csa
z Vjv Vb
Vb Tsa

Vjh = Ts+Cc-Vcol
According to figure above the horizontal joint shear force Vjh can be
computed by
V jh Ts C c Vcol 10.6)

Meanwhile the vertical joint shear force Vjv can be found by considering the
joint geometry or,
ht ,b
V jv V jh 10.7)
ht ,c
Where ht,b and ht,c respectively are the total depth of the beam and total
depth of the column
M cap,i
T s 0,7. 10.8)
M cap.a
C c 0,7. 10.9)
It is necessary to control the shear stress in the beam column joint. According
to SK SNI, 1991, the shear stress in the beam column joint should not greater
V jh 10.10)
1,5. f c
bb .hc

Where bb and hc respectively are the width of the beam and the depth of the
It should be noted that if the requirement according to Eq cant be fulfilled,
the enlargement of the beam column joint is required.

10.6 Horizontal Joint Shear Reinforcement

The horizontal shear force Vjh is acting in the beam column joint and which
causes crack diagonally. The horizontal shear reinforcement is required to
prevent the beam column joint diagonal crack.
It has been stated clearly that the beam
column joint is a part of column and should
remains elastic during earthquake excita-
tion. Accordingly, the concrete is still able
to generate shear force capability Vc in line
with shear force capability generated by
shear reinforcement Vsh. According to SK
SNI, 1991
N u ,k
Vch 0 if 0,1 10.11)
f c . Ag

When Nuk/(fc.Ag) > 0, 10 then,

2 N u ,k
Vch 0,1. f c bb .hc 10.12)
3 Ag
The horizontal joint shear force that should be resisted by horizontal shear
reinforcement Vsh will be,

Vsh V jh Vch

If the yield strength of the horizontal joint shear reinforcement is fyh, the
required area of horizontal shear reinforcement will be,

s f yh 10.14)

The number of shear reinforcements sections

can be adjusted such that the distance of the
joint shear reinforcements s, is still appropriate.
10.7 Vertical Joint Shear Reinforcement

The join shear force is acting not only

in the horizontal direction but in the
vertical as well. Accordingly, the shear
reinforcements are required both in
the horizontal and the vertical directi-

In other side, the beam flexural rein-

forcements passing through into the
joint from two different axis (y and x-
axes). At the same time the column
flexural reinforcements are also
presence. Accordingly, there are full
of steel reinforcement exist in the joint
such as shown in the figure.
The vertical shear force generated by concrete for the column plastic hinge
(at the bottom end of the ground floor) can be computed by,

Vcv 0

A' sk
N uk
Vcv V jh . 0,6 10.16)
Ag . f c

In which Ask and Ask respectively are the compression and tension column
steel reinforcements
The shear force that should be resisted by steel shear reinforcement is,

Vsv V jv Vcv 10.17)

If the yield strength of the vertical joint shear reinforcement is fyv, the
required area of vertical shear reinforcement will be,

Asv 10.18)
f yv

Numerical Example : a) Horizontal Shear Reinforcement

It will be designed the shear reinforcement

at joint B as shown bellow.
Nuk = 326,23 t

M-kap= 131,54 tm M+kap = 28,23 tm
hc = 53,75 cm, B
hc = 66,25 cm,
a = 16,6 cm a = 7,1 cm
Recalled the results of Designing the Beam
No. Storey Left Bay
Required Strength Design Provided Strength (tfm) Remark
Mu- Mu+ b/ht R1 D25 Reinf Mn- Mn+ Mt- Mt+ Mkap- Mkap+
1 8 35/70 3/2 34,50 24,50 27,60 19,57 47,71 33,66
2 6&7 42,50 21,34 35/70 0,20 5/3 56,32 35,87 45,04 28,69 77,84 49,12
3 5 57,30 29,40 35/70 0,30 7/4 77,87 46,93 62,30 37,54 106,27 64,55
4 2&3 80,20 46,50 40/75 0,30 9/5 108,67 63,36 86,93 50,68 147,50 87,37
5 1&4 69,13 36,19 40/75 0,30 8/4 96,77 51,32 77,42 41,05 131,54 70,57

No. Storey Middle bay

Required Strength Design Provided Strength (tfm) Remark
Mu- Mu+ b/ht R1 D25 Reinf Mn- Mn+ Mt- Mt+ Mkap-
1 8 30/60 3/2 28,27 20,40 22,62 16,32 38,85 27,68
2 6&7 21,0 10,67 30/60 0,10 3/2 28,27 20,40 22,62 16,32 38,85 27,68
3 5 28,30 14,60 30,60 0,20 4/2 37,11 20,41 29,69 16,33 50,65 27,68
4 2&3 33,60 19,60 40/60 0,20 5/3 46,60 30,25 37,28 24,20 64,36 41,14
5 1&4 31,00 16,85 40/60 0,25 5/2 46,46 21,40 37,17 16,91 63,53 28,23

No. Storey Right Bay

Required Strength Design Provided Strength (tfm) Remark
Mu- Mu+ b/ht R1 D25 Reinf Mn- Mn+ Mt- Mt+ Mkap- Mkap+
1 8 35/70 3/2 34,50 24,50 27,60 19,57 47,71 33,66
2 6&7 44,50 22,40 35/70 0,3 63 66,98 35,87 53,59 28,70 91,53 49,14
3 5 60,00 33,40 35/70 0,30 7/4 77,87 46,92 62,30 37,54 106,27 64,55
4 2&3 81,20 54,95 40/75 0,25 9/6 109,05 75,98 87,24 60,3 147,52 104,09
5 1&4 69,20 44,60 40/75 0,25 8/5 97,14 63,36 77,71 50,69 133,39 87,36
According to Eq . , the Vcol can be computed by,

9.25 6.3
0.7. .131,54 28,23
Vcol 8.5 5,5 30,709 t

Meanwhile, the horizontal force in the joint Tsi and Cca can be computed
according to Eq.

Tsi 158,89 ton
(0,6625 0.5.(0,166) )
C ca 39,36 ton
(0,5375 0,5(0,071) )

Therefore, the horizontal shear force in the joint Vjh will be,
V jh 158,89 39,36 30,709 167,54 ton

Control for the possible excessive shear stress in the joint,

167,54.10 3
jh 47,03 kg / cm 2
jh,max 1,5. 25 7,5 MPa 76,5 kg / cm 2

The joint shear stress is still under control. The column axial load acting on
the joint B is 362,23 ton, then

N uk 362,23.10 3
95,79 kg / cm 2 0,1. f c 25,5kg / cm 2
Ag 55.(68,75)

Accordingly, Eq. is govern, then

2 3549854
Vch 0,1.(25) . 550.(687,5) 661528,63 N
3 550.(685,4)
67,475 ton

According to Eq. , then

Vsh 167,54 67,475 100,065 ton

By assuming that the yield stress of the stirrups fyh = 400 MPa or 4080
kg/cm2 then the required area of horizontal shear reinforcement will be,
100,065.10 3
Ash 24,525 cm 2

It is common to muse the stirrup of 10 mm diameter, then the area of 1-

cross section will be Ad = 0,785 cm2.
It was found that the horizontal shear in the beam column joint Vjh is
relatively high. Accordingly, a double stirrups system is used and total area
of stirrup will be As = 4.(0.785) = 3,14 cm2. Therefore, number of stirrups
will be,

24,525 cm 2
n 2
7,81 8 stirrups
3,14 cm

12,5 cm
s = 53/7=7,5cm
55 cm

7,5 cm
b) Vertical Joint Shear Reinforcement
The vertical joint shear force Vjv according to Eq. 10.7) will be,

V jv 167,54 167,54 ton

Since the column reinforcements are symmetrical , then Ask = Ask. With
Nuk = 362,23 ton, the shear force generated by concrete Vcv can be
computed according to Eq.10.16) or,

A' sk 362,23.10 3
Vcv 167,54.0,6 163,46 ton
Ask 55.68,75.(255)

The vertical joint shear force that supported by steel reinforcement

according to Eq.10.17) is,
Vsv 167,54 163,46 4,08 ton

The required area of vertical joint shear reinforcement will be,

4,08.10 3 kg
Asv 1,0 cm 2

4080 kg / cm 2

There are 4-intermediate bars in vertical

direction with As = 4.(4,906)
s ate bars =19,624cm2 that much greater that Asv =
1,0 cm2.

Accordingly, is not necessary to provide

additional vertical stirrups in the joint. The
vertical shear force Vjv is fully supported by
the intermediate bars.
Beam Column Joint Shear Reinforcement According to SNI 2002
Code 2002 stated that :
At the beam column joint in which the
beam are joining in 4-faces, and depth of
the beam at least of the columns depth
then shear reinforcement can be installed
bb bb
at least of the shear reinforcement at
the end of the column.

bk bk
s ate bars
Foundation is part of the structure who transmits the structural gravity and
temporary load to the supported soil. There are two important requirements
of the foundation i.e the strength of the structural foundation and geometry of
the foundation such that it able to transmit the load tom the supporting soil
safely. The strength of the foundation is merely structural aspect where a
routine design process has been clearly provided./discussed. On the other
hand, the geometry of the foundation is affected by the strength and proper-
ties of the soil at the foundation level (for shallow foundation) or the soil
supporting system (for the deep foundation). The former is more emphasized
in the structural engineering problem while the latter is more discussed in the
geotechnical engineering problem.
With respect to the above fact, it is essential between structural and geo-
technical engineers to work in a team in solving the problems. This joint
cooperation is more required especially in the deep and complex foundation

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