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Advanced Microsoft Excel

Mastering the First Year Role

Punongbayan & Araullo. All rights reserved.

Course objectives:

- Refresher on basic MS Excel features and functions

- Use MS Excel functions for those procedures in which

use of IDEA is not practicable

- Use MS Excel functions to promote the use of IDEA

- Use MS Excel to efficiently & effectively produce

reports/working papers

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Course outline:

- Basic excel screen elements

- Data organizing tools & techniques

- Editing & formatting tools & techniques

- Often used advanced MS Excel formula functions

- Working with Pivot Table

- Using data analysis functions

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Basic MS Excel Screen

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MS Excel 2010/2007 Basic Screen Elements

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Formula Bar
- Use the formula bar in validating and understanding the
formula you are working with

Explanation of formula and

the formula fields
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Shortcut Keys
CTRL combination shortcut keys

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Shortcut Keys
CTRL combination shortcut keys

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Shortcut Keys
Function keys

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Shortcut Keys
Function keys

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Data Organizing Tools and

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Data organizing tools and techniques

- Performing calculations on filtered data

- Validating data

- Summarizing and grouping multiple sets of data

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Performing calculations on filtered data

- COUNTIF function

- AND function

- SUMIF function

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Performing calculations on filtered data
COUNTIF function

- Count things when a certain condition is met

COUNTIF (range, criteria)

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Performing calculations on filtered data
COUNTIF function

- Exercise 1: Use countif function to see how many

students were above the score of 70 in each subject

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Performing calculations on filtered data
AND function

- Checks whether all arguments are true

AND (Logical 1, Logical 2,..)

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Performing calculations on filtered data
AND function

- Exercise 2: Using the data in Exercise 1, determine the

number of cash bonuses if the government has decided
to give cash bonus (on a per subject basis) to the school
if 4 or more students get a score of 70 on a per subject

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Performing calculations on filtered data
SUMIF function

- Adds up things when a certain condition is met

SUMIF (range, criteria, sum_range)

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Performing calculations on filtered data
SUMIF function

- Exercise 3: Using the data in Exercise 1, determine the

total amount of cash bonus to be received by the school

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Data Validation

- Useful when dealing with same set of data which needs

to be inputted into a spreadsheet. This can be done by
creating drop-down lists.

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Data Validation

Exercise 4: Create Drop-down lists to populate the below


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Naming Cells

- Descriptions to represent cells, ranges of cells,

formulas, or constant values

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Naming Cells

To name cells in our previous example:

1. Highlight cells F2 to F9

2. In the name box type Student

3. Press "Enter"

4. Repeat steps for columns G and H (name column G as

Subject and column H as Grade)

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Naming Cells

Assigned name of highlighted

data in column F

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

1. Highlight the whole column A

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

2. Click on Data from the Ribbon bar

3. From Data Tools tab, click Data Validation

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

4. Make sure the Settings tab strip is selected

5. Click the black down arrow just to the right of Allow:

Any Value

6. A drop down list appears

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

7. Choose List

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

8. From the Source box, click the icon with a red arrow

9. Press F3 and choose Student, click ok, then click the

icon with a red arrow

10. Click ok

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:

11. Column A will have drop down list

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Data Validation

Exercise 4:The resulting summary should look like this

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

The following rules enable the consolidation of Lists

using the Consolidate command:

1. Structure of the Lists must be identical

2. Headings of all rows and the leftmost columns in the

Lists must contain the same topic

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

The following rules enable the consolidation of Lists

using the Consolidate command:

3. Number of columns and the number of rows do not

have to be identical; nor does the internal order of the

4. Lists must have a single row for labels, and a single

column for labels

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

The following rules enable the consolidation of Lists

using the Consolidate command:

5. Cells in the Lists data range must contain only numeric


6. Excel consolidates data by identifying corresponding

text crossed between the header row and the leftmost

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

Exercise 5:Consolidate the following data

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

Exercise 5:

1. Select a cell within List - press Ctrl+A to select the List, and
then press Ctrl+F3 to define a Name to List1

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

Exercise 5:

2. Repeat step 1 and define a Name for Lists 2 and 3

3. Select cell A1 in a different sheet of the workbook, and

select Data -> Consolidate (in Data Tools Group)

4. In the Reference box, press F3

5. In the Paste Name dialog box, select List1, click Ok, and
then click Add to add List1 to All references box

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

Exercise 5:

6. Repeat steps 4 and 5, and add Lists 2 and 3 to "All

references" box

7. In Use Labels in, select the Top row and Left column
checkboxes, and the click Ok

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Summarizing and Grouping Multiples Sets of Data

Exercise 5: You should see this result

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Editing and Formatting Tools
and Techniques

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Editing and formatting tools and techniques

- Substitute function

- Text to Column

- Mid, Right, Left Functions

- Find Function

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Substitute Replaces existing text with new text on the

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Exercise 6:Capitalize the letter "a of the word arthur" in

the name Macarthur

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Text to Column Function Used to parse data,
especially for those with consistent delimiters

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Text to Column Function

Exercise 7:Create separate columns for "Item" based on

the details after each hyphen

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Text to Column Function

Exercise 7:Create separate columns for "Item" based

on the details after each hyphen

1. Copy the item number to column F.

2. Select the entire range of data in column F. Place the

cell pointer in F2. Hit the End key. While holding down
the Shift key, hit the Down Arrow key to select the entire

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Text to Column Function

Exercise 7:Create separate columns for "Item" based

on the details after each hyphen

3. From the menu, select Data Text to Columns. The

Wizard will work on either data that is delimited or on
data that has a fixed width to each segment. Our data is
delimited by a dash. As shown in Step 1, leave the radio
button on the Delimited setting. Click Next.

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Text to Column Function

Exercise 7:Create separate columns for "Item" based

on the details after each hyphen

4. Uncheck the Tab checkbox. Check the Other

checkbox. In the Other textbox, enter a dash. Click Next.

5. In Step 3, you can optionally specify the data type of

the columns. Unless you have, the General type is OK.
Click Finish

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Text to Column Function

Exercise 7:The resulting data should be like this

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Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

Exercise 8:Use the Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

to get the results as in Exercise 7

Find(Find_text, Within_Text, Start_num)

Mid(Text, Start_num, Num_chars)

Left(Text, Num_chars)

Right(Text, Num_chars)

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Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

Exercise 8:Use the Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

to get the results as in Exercise 7

1. Use =FIND(-,A2) in cell I2 to locate the first dash.

2. Enter =FIND(-,A2,I2+1) in cell J2. The I2+1

parameter tells Excel that you want to find a dash
starting in the fourth character position of cell A2.

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Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

Exercise 8:Use the Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

to get the results as in Exercise 7

3. Use =LEFT(A2,I21) in K2. The formula in K2 locates

the first segment of the part number.

4. Use =MID(A2,I2+1,J2I2-1) in L2. The formula in L2

locates the middle segment of the part number.

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Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

Exercise 8:Use the Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

to get the results as in Exercise 7

5. Use the formula, =RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)J2) to get the

last segment of the part number

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Find, Mid, Left and Right Functions

Exercise 8:The resulting data should be like this

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Often Used Advanced MS Excel
Formula Functions

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions

IF Function Can be used for various purposes

generally to achieve results which have conditions

=IF (logical_test, value_if_true, value_if_false)

logical_test - a value or expression that is tested to see if it is true

or false.

value_if_true - the value that is displayed if logical_test is true.

value_if_false - the value that is displayed if logical_test is false.

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions
IF Function

Exercise 9: Give grade as follows:

A If the student scores 85 or above
B If the student scores 70 to 84
C If the student scores 55 to 69
D If the student scores 40 to 54
FAIL If the student scores below 40

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions
IF Function

Exercise 9: Use the following data

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions
IF Function

Exercise 9: The result should be as follows:

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions

VLOOKUP Function searches for value in the left-

most column of the table_array and returns the value in
the same row based on the index_number.

=VLOOKUP(value, table_array, index_number,


* Enter FALSE to not_exact_match field to find an exact match

while enter TRUE to find an approximate match

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions
IF Function

Exercise 10: Based on the data in Table 1, determine the

total amount of the items in Table 2 using the VLOOKUP

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Often used advanced MS Excel Functions
IF Function

Exercise 10:The result should look like this

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Working With Pivot Tables

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Pivot Table

A Pivot Table (under the Insert tab of the Ribbon Bar) is a

way to present information in a report format. The idea is
that you can click drop down lists and change the data
that is being displayed.

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Pivot Table

Exercise 11: Using the Data in Table 2 in Exercise 10,

Find the total sales of each product using the Pivot Table

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Pivot Table

1. Go to Insert tab and Choose Pivot Table tool. A dialog

box will appear.

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Pivot Table

3. Select the icon with a red arrow then highlight the cells
to be included in the report (Cell E3 to J18).

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Pivot Table

4. Below the dialog box, choose where you want you

save the Pivot Table report (either new worksheet or
existing worksheet). Click OK.

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Pivot Table

5. In the field list. Drag the "Item" field

button to the Row Labels Field and the
"Total Amount" field button to the Values

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Pivot Table

Exercise 11: The report should look like this

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